My Evil System

Chapter 25 Dance, You Fools!

I looked over at the villagers who still didn\'t know I was there before I shifted my attention at the creature chained to a mighty stone the size of a hill that glowed with strange markings. Despite the restraints, the beast was strong enough to drag the massive hill stone to its destination, which was the center altar.

The darkness shrouded its gigantic form in mystery, and with every step it took, the ground quaked, and the trees swayed.

Drawing the moonlight into its massive frame, my heart pounded hard against my rib cage when the lights uncovered its body.

". . ."

And my expectation and fear all went down the drain when the monster revealed itself to be a giant ball of fat fur, a cute twirl tail, small ears, and one big snout. There was even a tiny feather wing sprouting on its back.

. . . A pig?

A giant pig.

That\'s a . . . God?

[WARNING! You have encountered the God of Euclid Forest, Little Piggy!]

". . ."

Is this a joke?

There was certainly nothing small about the size of that thing.

"Oh benevolent God of Euclid, please accept our offering and forgiveness and bring back the prosperity of our village!" a cloaked figure said, and the others bowed at his lead.

The God looked down at them with his round black eyes before he sneered and oinked. "Hmp! You dare ask me for something while you chained me here?!"

". . ." Augh . . . even its voice sounded like that of a kid with a bad case of sinus.

Was that really a God?

<Host shouldn\'t underestimate the Gods in this world just because they look and speak funny>

"Oh, mighty God! We were wrong, and we could only ask you to promise that you won\'t hurt us or destroy our village once we free you!" the villager continued.

Is a promise that powerful?

<To the inhabitants and the players like yourself, a promise is just an empty word, but to a God . . . The universe rules over them, and once they break their promise, the universe will punish them>

Hmm . . . I see . . . This world was starting to be like another dimension entirely and not just a virtual reality game.

<This isn\'t a game>

That\'s for sure.

"Promised?" The God snorted. "I already promised to destroy your village and massacre every last one of you! Get out of my sight!"

The God roared before its snout went down fast at the altar. The villagers quickly moved away and avoided the God\'s large mouth.

However, the guy that was chained to the altar was no more than a white particle dispersing in the air while the God munched half its body.

Hmm . . .

I studied the God and the chain holding him in place that glowed in strange letters.

Does that chain prevented it from using its powers and attacking the villagers?

"Who are you?"

While the God was busy feasting on his offering, a villager spotted me at the side.

It was not like I was hiding anyway.

I summoned Minion 0 to my side.

The Crimson Wolf\'s HP was still blinking low, but I didn\'t summon it to fight. I wanted to check something.

One of the villagers removed its cloak, and it was that guy at the entrance who had the teenager\'s bracelet.

"Crimson! Why are you at that man\'s side? Didn\'t I order you to bring me their bodies?"

As I thought . . .

Minion 0 crouched and bared its fangs to his previous master.

What a good boy.

"Its master is me now," I said and grinned. "So the villagers are sacrificing the ignorant players to that God? I guess that letter to enter the town is one of your ploy to get them in this cave, huh?"

The villagers all uncovered their faces, and I wasn\'t even surprised when I found the village mayor amongst them.

Or was he even a mayor to begin with?

All of their faces twisted with an evil grin. "So what of it? It\'s not like you\'re getting out from this cave alive."

[WARNING! Your relationship level with Horis fell from RUFFIAN!]

[WARNING! Your relationship level with Alfred fell from RUFFIAN!]

[WARNING! Your relationship level with Anna fell from RUFFIAN!]

Flashes of warning signs flooded my screen, and I knew that everyone would rip me apart from how they eyed me, faces thick with malice.

[The WOLRD QUEST, FRIGHT & FLIGHT have failed!]

I really didn\'t care about the notification. What I aimed for was another thing entirely.

Too bad about the World Quest rewards, but I had a much bigger plan than doing strenuous quests after quests.

I had to lose some to gain some.

GrrRRrRr . . .

Minion 0 released growls after growls when the Villagers stepped towards me with their warped grins.

Though the Crimson Wolf was standing guard and portraying a brave front, its paws were shaking.

The villagers\' ATP must be so high even for it.

Theirs might have already reached three digits. I thought.

<Host, if you die, the system will truly be disappointed~>

Shut up!

I\'m not dying!

Not now.

Not ever!

I bought the [Evil Perfume] from the Evil System Shop, and my +68000 Evil Points were reduced to +18000.

It said that whoever smelled its scent would follow my every command for 30 seconds.

That applied to the inhabitants\' right?

And even . . .

I eyed the giant pig who was still sitting on its bum as it chewed on the offered fruits and meat beside the altar. It must be the side dishes and dessert.

<Host . . . Don\'t tell me . . .>

My grin widened, and a white bottle appeared before me. Colorless and odorless with a tight intricate golden cork that sealed whatever scent inside.

The villagers looked at each other before they laughed. Their laughter boomed in the forest.

But soon . . . their merriment slowly disappeared when I released the cork, and a hazy white fog engulfed the place in a matter of seconds.

I couldn\'t smell anything but based on the eyes of the villagers that slowly turned duller as their antagonistic faces all turned docile, I\'d say it was a success.

Even the \'Little Piglet\' looked over in my direction with its opaque round eyes while saliva was hanging from its large mouth.

Its powers must have been restricted, and the perfume could affect it.

I was gambling if the perfume could really turn a God into a slave.

I guess it was possible if a mere mortal could chained it in the first place.

I nodded to myself and issued my first order.

"Raise your hands and twirl on your toes."

Everyone raised their hands and danced with only the tip of their foot on the ground.

The earth shook, and the leaves rattled when the \'little Piglet\' did the same. Despite its gigantic size, its balance was impeccable.

I laughed and laughed harder.

Having to do as I please and command others to do my every bedding was truly . . . exhilarating!

It was an addicting feeling that I could quickly get used to.

<+1000 Evil points rewarded to Host for ordering someone for the first time!>

<+1000 Evil points rewarded to Host for embracing his evilness for the first time!>

My eyes squinted upward, and my smile stretched my face.

Now that\'s out of the way . . . let\'s get down to business.

Shall we?

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