Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 125 - 125. Granny Liz


"MOM, DAD..." Magnus returned home. ​​

But, then he facepalmed himself, "Ah, they must be at their offices."

"Abe and George, go to them secretly and catch them." He ordered.

"Yes, boss." The two saluted and teleported away.

Just 2 seconds later, Adam and Grace were back at home, both were in shock, Adam had a glass of water in his hand while Grace was reading a file.

The two looked around themselves confusedly and in shock realised that they were back at home.

"Mum, Dad, the queen wants to meet you." He informed them.

"Yes... wait.. what? Why are we here?" Grace muttered and came to the realisation of what had happened.

"I went to meet the queen, she agreed to everything, and she wants to meet you two. So, let\'s go." he nudged them to be quick.

"To where? Buckingham Palace?" Adam asked.

"No, she\'s spending her summer in Scotland. Abe and George will take us there. Do you have important work today?" Magnus inquired, not wanting to hold them forcefully.

Grace shrugged, she had no surgery today, Adam also didn\'t have too much important work today.

"Let\'s go then." Magnus held their hands and Abe teleported them all together.


While Magnus had gone to take his parents, Martha and Ragnar were making small talk with the queen and prince.

"So, you are the muggle queen. You look so weak. How are you the queen? Don\'t you have to fight?" Ragnar asked.

But Martha corrected him, "Dear, since when did kings and queens go to the battlefield? They send their army."

Queen spoke seeing that the cute talking cat was wrong, "Actually, I am the Supreme Commander of the armed forces, but I do not have the power to command them. You see, we are just ceremonial royals now. With no power of our own to run the country."

"WHAT? How do you make money then?" Ragnar asked.

"From rents and resources from various properties we own and tax from people." She revealed.

But Ragnar scowled, "Eh... So you do nothing and still take people\'s money? What\'s even the point of having a king or queen then? Sigh... Mag will have a lot of work to do. Can you tell me exactly why the monarchy even exists?"

"We are for the moral support of the people." Prince Charles defended.

"Really? Tell that to a man dying of hunger and see how much he appreciates your moral support." Ragnar talked back.

The discussion had turned awkward now. Martha saw this and started talking about something else, "How did your family come to becoming the royal family?"

"Well, there is no designated royal family bloodline. Let\'s say if my entire family ceases to exist, then our closest relative will take the throne and that relative does not have to be a previous royal. He could even be a small noble." The queen explained.

"So you do not choose your successor? That must be why the monarchy is declining." Martha commented. She knew about all kinds of kings and queens as she was also very old. Also, she had heard about various other monarchs from her ancestors.


"I\'m back." Magnus arrived. Grace and Adam were still in their uniforms and when they saw the queen they were about to salute.

"No need for that. We\'ll be a family soon, not blood related but still." Magnus told them.

They all took seats. Adam started talking to the queen as he was going to be her \'son\' from now on.

"What will you need to change and fabricate your family tree?" Magnus asked.

The queen thought for a while, "It will be a big task. Charles already knows everything, my other three kids can also be convinced that Adam really is my son. The main problem will be the close relatives and the church. Because, no matter what we say about Adam\'s birth, they should always have known about it because it\'s their duty, so they will protest if my new son appears out of nowhere. The other documented records can be easily edited."

"Hmm... I will deal with all these people. Just give me a list of all those who need to be dealt with. I can assure you that by the time dad gets recognised as the prince, all of them will be coming to congratulate and not question." Magnus assured her. He had already come up with a plan to simply tell his men at MEDA to find all these people and implant some memories in their heads. Only the best obliviators will do the job.

"What about Grace? Her family is supposed to be a noble family." Adam asked.

"I will do the same for that. Granny Liz will change some records and allot some land to mum\'s family. They will on documents be a noble family for the past hundreds of years but they never tried to come forward in the public eye." He suggested.

But Queen Elizabeth suddenly had a funny feeling in her stomach. She didn\'t have any grandkids, and Magnus called her Granny Liz, this was a first for her.

~Perhaps, having such an active grandson isn\'t that bad. All nobles are blood relatives in Britain, no matter how thin the blood is. And he\'s a proud Pendragon. I should be proud.~ She thought.

Ever since the incident with her husband, she had continued to think about Magnus and the future of the crown. She would constantly talk to herself in her office, trying to find a solution. But, in the end, she realised there was no solution, all she could do was accept and move on.

Now, she had the option to be called the grandmother of the king, and from what she knew, he might just be the greatest king in history, just like King Arthur.

Not long ago, even she used to think that King Arthur was a legend. But, the current crisis made her aware that he was real and he was a great man.

So, she asked Magnus the last question, that would decide her fate, "After you become the king, what will happen to me and my family?"

Magnus had already decided everything. But he was not going to let people\'s tax money be wasted, "Hmm... you will get a castle as your permanent residence and monthly grant for expenses, you will hold the title of Old Queen. Your children will still be called Princes or princesses but with no land rights, no money grants either. They will have to earn their living like any other person. They can join the army, they can study and become businessmen.

"I will support them in their endeavours but there will be no free money. The same goes for all the nobles in the country. Nobody will get a penny from the taxes. Taxes will only be used to maintain crown properties like old castles and run the crown administration. I myself will not take millions of pounds from them and instead get a small salary. I will not fill my pockets with tax money and all of this will be publicised later.

"But, do not worry, before I grow old, I will start some businesses under the name of the crown so that no matter which king or queen comes after me, they will never have a lack of funds.

"But, you can still stay in the Buckingham Palace though, that is if you want to. But, you will have no powers."

The queen took a sigh of relief. At least she would not be thrown aside. She also liked the prospect of living in Buckingham palace as then she will be able to see what changes Magnus brings. After all, a wizard was going to sit on the throne for the first time.

Magnus continued next, "Now, to what we will do this whole year. My mum will be announcing her new life-saving invention this year and my dad is working on a new car engine and battery, he will also announce it later. Once their names are in every newspaper, you will also drop the bomb. People will start admiring Dad and Mum for their smart brains and instantly the crown will bring in a lot more supporters, making a new statement that not all royals are useless."


"Yes, not all royals are useless." Queen Elizabeth repeated while glancing at her son, Charles.

"May I know, what is it that you are creating?" The queen asked her new daughter-in-law. She had to agree, Grace was a beauty like no other.

Grace decided to tell her, as she had already filed for patents and the queen had no reason to do anything against her now.

"It\'s a balloon-expandable stent, that is also Drug-eluting. It will greatly increase the recovery in patients and the main advantage of balloon-expandable stents are the higher radial stiffness and the more accurate placement... Ah... I\'m talking too much aren\'t I... well, in short, it will save many lives with fewer risk." She explained awkwardly.


Magnus only got the gist of it and started clapping, Ragnar followed suit. Adam did the same.

"Mummy is the best," Magnus said, embarrassing Grace as her face turned red.

The queen, although didn\'t understand anything, understood the meaning of \'Save many lives\'. From this, she knew that this new daughter-in-law of hers was a lot more than just a pretty face.


~Why couldn\'t my family have such talents?~ She muttered to herself while looking at Charles.

[A/N: Julio Palmaz, an interventional vascular radiologist, is known for inventing the balloon-expandable stent, for which he received a patent filed in 1985. This patent has been included on the list of the 10 most important inventions of all times.]

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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