Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 235 - 235. Fallen Balls

"Ah... Roger?" Nelson exclaimed.

Roger smiled and nodded, "Yes, in flesh. How\'s the jail\'s food, Nelson?" ​​

Nelson left out laughter, "Haha, I\'m good. When did you return? You went to work in the States after college. You didn\'t even give me your number."

This was a simple memory they had given Nelson. That Roger was his good friend back in his college days.

"I became a director in a company here. When I found out about you, I decided to pull some strings and meet you." He said and took out a few tasty sandwiches from his bag.

Nelson asked, "Pull some string? It seems you are a very influential man now."

"Of course, I am the Director of MEDA. The best private spy agency in the world. I have a lot of power in my hand. Here, I have some sandwiches. I bet they don\'t give you anything good here." Roger offered him.

He was purposefully not bringing up the matter of helping him and bringing down the government. Because he wanted Nelson to ask it himself, this way he would have the leverage of being the helper. The other party will acknowledge that without him this mission wouldn\'t be successful.

Nelson looked at the sandwich. Soft and stuffy. He took a bite and the taste overwhelmed him. It was the taste of... Freedom.

"Roger, if you\'re such a big man, can you help me?" Nelson asked.

~Here it comes.~ Roger thought, "Yes, just tell me."

"Can you help my people? Those in the prison. Their condition is very bad, they\'re shivering since the past two days and are unable to leave their beds. Whatever they eat they vomit." Nelson asked.

He was taken aback. He expected Nelson would ask to be freed and help bring down the government. Roger didn\'t waste a minute, "Sure... I will be back in a moment."

Roger went out of the room and found the warden. The warden was already under an imperious charm, and as he was a muggle, the effect was very good. Roger ordered him to send medical help to the friends of Nelson.

He returned to talk, "Done, the Warden is sending a doctor to them."

Nelson was taken aback. This level of efficiency was new for him. So he asked him exactly what he does.

"What... what exactly do you do? How are you able to do all this? I remember you were just a simple student back in college." Nelson asked.

Roger answered without boasting too much, but made sure Nelson would get an idea to ask him for help. "Well, life experiences change people. My employer is one of the most influential and strongest people in the world. He ordered me to come here and help this nation go on the right path."

"And what path is that?" Nelson inquired with narrow eyes.

"Co-existence. That no race is superior or inferior. All are born the same and deserve the same right. The Apartheid system needs to go and the constitution needs some changes." Roger solemnly replied.

This was something Nelson advocated too. Actually, any sane common man in the world would advocate this. It\'s just that people in power in South Africa are so drunk in power that they don\'t want to give up. It\'s like when in the 1800s many European empires and kingdoms started to collapse due to revolutions, people demanded to end serfdoms. The royals tried to hold on to their powers, but they either failed or were killed in revolutions.

In South Africa, the role of royalty was changed by the current government. And as people demanded revolution, Magnus was just ensuring it did not become a French-style revolution.

"W-Who is your employer? Why does he want to help us?" Nelson asked.

"I can not tell you his name, because it will create too many problems for him. After all, even he can not go against the countries that are supporting this government. But, as an individual, he holds a lot of power, enough to do something with this place. He\'s simple and plain against the Apartheid, that\'s all the reason he needed to act. Maybe, if we are successful, you can meet him. I also have the support of the British Government and the royal family. They want to right the wrong. The colonisation era is long gone and they acknowledge it, so they want to rid any kind of colonial extremist governments around the world." Roger explained in detail.

Nelson fell silent. He never expected the British would come and help, after all, and this government was their gift to begin with. But it was true that the existence of Apartheid was harmful to Britain\'s own image. As long as the protests in South Africa continue, their names will be dragged with it.

"Will you... help me bring down this government?" Nelson finally asked, albeit hesitantly.

Roger smiled, "OF COURSE! But first, let\'s get you out of this jail. We shall bring this government down, then form a new one, having people from all communities. You will become the president and I will become the Vice-president. But I will retire after one term, as I believe that will be enough for me to create a strong enough foundation to last decades. But Nelson, I hope you can unite the coloured community to come together as one. I don\'t want any riots between Africans, Indians or other Asians. Once we get rid of Apartheid, I want people to stand together."

His plan was very enticing. Leave Nelson, any other member of ANC would jump to it and join Roger. It didn\'t matter if he was white or something else, people were hungry for change.

"Hmm, how will you do it? How will you get me out? The government will never agree to it." Nelson dejectedly asked.

Roger laughed and put a paper on the table. "Haha, read this."

Nelson picked it up and focused on it. "PARDON?! HOW?"

"As I told you, my employer is very powerful. Scaring a few corrupt politicians is not very hard. Let\'s go now."

This way, Roger introduced himself in the political scenario of the country. After Nelson was released, they went to meet the members of ANC. Roger had already made his impression on these people so no one tried to protest against him. Also, they needed someone strong with influence.

From there, Roger started peaceful protests. Of course, controlling a crowd of people who had nothing to lose was hard. So he used Ragnar\'s calming bombs to control the agitated crowds. Soon, their protests gained a lot of public support for being too peaceful.

The government tried every way to discredit them. But, Magnus had well fed the news houses across the country, along with Magnus\' new Warner Brothers studio, he pushed some American channels to show news in support of the protests too.

The thing was, everyone in the era was against racism, but they just didn\'t know what was going on in South Africa. Now when people found out about Apartheid, with some small sparks, protests started in the United States. The anti-war protestors now had another reason to protest, asking the government to do something.

But, they didn\'t need to do anything. Slowly, Roger forced many members of the government and ministers to resign. The trend continued until at one point the government didn\'t have enough people left to continue. New elections were needed.

With a few speeches and inspiring words from Roger and Nelson, the people were pumped.

Roger gave them the new slogan, "UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL"

Nelson\'s words inspired the masses. These words were the same he spoke during the first day of his trial years ago. They were even broadcasted on the radio, "During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."

Again, Roger made a lot of people deny standing in elections. In white neighbourhoods, Roger made his own people stand for election, as they would not vote for any coloured person and in the end, a radical would end up getting elected. These people were not from ANC at the moment.

But, soon the elections were held and ANC won with a big majority, while those people Roger had made to stand election joined ANC after winning. The people in the minority could only protest for now.

It was pretty simple in words but a very tedious and hard process. Many in ANC were ambitious and wanted to become the president. Roger forced them to shut up. It was decided from the start, so Nelson became the President and Roger became the Vice-President.

Now, all that was left was to form the new constitution. An equal and just constitution.



"Mag, take Chad to the vet, he goes out too much these days and gets dirty. I think he\'s having some problems." Grace asked him.

Magnus looked at Chad, "Hmm, is he horny? CHAD! LET\'S GO AND CUT YOUR BALLS!"

"MEOW?!" Chad\'s ears stood up in shock and fear emerging from the deepest parts of his kitty heart.

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You can read 20(Currently 14) advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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