Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 322 - 322. Family Stays Together

Undisclosed Location,

"It seems we are soon going to need a new member in our group." A masked woman spoke.

"But he\'s a wizard. We can\'t have him among us." A fat man replied.

"Yes, but he is also going to be the King of Britain later. he has the blood of Pendragon and Merlin. If anything, his existence will boost our ranks and influence. We will be able to repeat countless Great Depressions with his help." The first woman said.

An old man then spoke, "But we must be careful. We do not know where his allegiance lies. Is he someone like us, or someone with an inflated sense of justice? Perhaps... we can test it. I heard his mother just gave birth to triplets. Now, if any of these children or his mother were to die inside Buckingham Palace, we could pin the blame on the royal family. If he kills the royal family, we can make him join. If he lets the police handle it, we can prepare to get rid of him and his wealth."


All 10 people sitting around the round table slapped the tabletop with a triangle and eye logo in response. The secret organisation had some of the world\'s wealthiest and most powerful people. These people never appear in any magazine or news, nobody knows about them, but they decide which country rises and which country falls, which country gets invaded by which power or when an economic recession should come.

This was the group whose ultimate goal was to make wealth as much as possible at the expense of the world. The secret society was initially aimed to promote the education of reason and philanthropy and oppose superstition and religious influence in society, but it was now ruled by the scummiest humans alive.

And now they had their eyes set on Magnus. But it was to be known if their eyes will be gouged out or their bodies get eaten by a cute Dragon named Duck.



"How are you, my cute little sisters and brother? Aww..." Magnus entered his house and saw three babies dressed in cute clothes crawling towards him. He quickly ran up to them and made them fly into his arms.

"Ah... this is heaven." He muttered as he pecked on their heads. Ragnar soon came running and did the same. Both of them fawned over their siblings. They\'d die for them and make others die too if it came to it.

"How are my little... Ah... you two grew again, already reaching my height. I wonder how much taller you will grow later." Grace appeared and hugged the two.

"I can\'t wait for my voice to become deeper," Magnus said.

"Yup, and I can\'t wait to grow a nice long beard. My name is based on the Viking King, might as well look like him now." Ragnar added.

Grace chuckled and ruffled their hair, "My sugar cubes, don\'t grow so fast, let your mother make many happy memories first."

"Who said we\'ll be leaving you when we grow older. We\'re together for life." Magnus hugged her tighter.

Adam was still at his office. The ritual of them coming to the station to pick them up had ended already since Magnus would just apparate home now. Things were changing for sure, and it was going to be a long holiday for Magnus, as there was just too much to do.

He asked Ted to come and tell him about the many developments. His assistant Venessa was useless in his secret matters and she was only responsible for muggle affairs.

Ted quickly put a lot of files in front of him, each with a label. He picked the first one with the label Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe was perhaps his most important goal and the work had been going on since he was in 2nd year.

"How is our work in Zimbabwe?" He inquired while reading.

Ted briefed, "The election was a success, our backed United Reformist Party has won by a landslide, you can say the opposition has been eradicated, with us winning 99.3% seats. With this, we are in full control over the government and all its aspects. By December, a referendum will be held, which will 99% be a success.

"The people are in love with Britain as we have shown such a tremendous amount of development to them in just a few years. There are currently around a million Zimbabweans living in the United Kingdom, remind you, their total population is 6 million. So, 1/6th of them are already here and loving it. They are telling the same to their friends and families."

Magnus, meanwhile, read about all the developmental projects going on. The biggest ones were hydroelectric dams, roads and train lines. There were already 5 international airports in the country. On top of that, the country had become a big area for investors and general people to find employment. There were jobs for doctors, engineers, teachers and sports coaches.

Magnus then picked the next file, tagged Emrys Construction. Ted explained about it, "They have completed and moved out of Saudi Arabia already, handing over the projects to the Saudi Government. They have returned to the United Kingdom and have started to push for the completion of the Channel Tunnel in a year. The project is supposed to generate about 2 billion pounds, the British and the French Government have funded it."

Magnus nodded, but then his eyes fell on a few lines in the documents. "Why is our company not able to penetrate the American Market?"

Ted sighed, "Gate Keeping. Lobbying is everything there. Our company faces a lot of problems in getting government and environmental clearance when making projects. Sometimes we are not even allowed to bid for projects, rejecting us while citing some vague rules and complaints. We currently have pending cases against the State of California, New York, Texas, Pennsylvania and dozens of private companies. I am personally representing the company."

Magnus sighed, "My friend, you still have not realised the biggest weapon in our hand. MONEY! It\'s the big daddy in the US. Just start funding and slowly taking over their media houses. Every single news channel should have some level of our influence. Start showing programmes about the great achievements of Emrys Construction, make the news channels talk about how our company\'s lower bid was rejected and their government paid a higher price to build something. All paid by taxpayer\'s money.

"I can guarantee that all these states and companies will get in line. Besides, I\'m going to the United States in a week, I will be meeting the president of the muggles as well as wizards there."

Ted chuckled, "I don\'t know about the muggle president, Magnus. There is talk that Nixon will resign in a month or so."

"Then I shall meet the vice-president. Anyway, what about the land deal? Did King Faisal talk?" Magnus asked while picking up the files.

"Algeria and Libya are interested, they want some economic benefits and other agreements, Niger and Chad want a lot of bribe money... and whatever Algeria and Libya get. They are being greedy. King Faisal said he can break them into submission if you want." Ted revealed.

Magnus scowled, "No, no war. This has to be peaceful. Send a member of Dragon Service. Make sure you cooperate with the BBC and other news channels. It\'s time Niger and Chad get purged of all their corrupt officials. Make as many sting operation videos as possible. Make sure the local people see them and understand that the reason why their lives suck is due to these leaches in the government."

"What about the corrupt officials here?" Ted suddenly asked.

Magnus\' face turned serious, "What do you mean? How many corrupt officials are there?"

"Hundreds of thousands," Ted answered.

Magnus stood up, annoyed by this. His home turf was full of leaches as well. They were just much better at hiding. "I will hire MEDA and Tonks & Tonks to conduct a secret audit of the whole British Government. I want to know every single scam that has been done or going on. The biggest money lovers will be put on trial for treason. Because wars kill people, and corruption kills nations, Ted."

Ted was happy to oblige. His company was good at this work, and knowing the size of the British Government, it was a big project. "I will form a team then."

"Ah, what about my hospital? How is it doing?" Magnus asked.

Ted scratched his bead, "That... well... it\'s making losses. Although a lot of crowds are coming, the British population is just not enough to make that huge of a hospital profitable."

Magnus thought about it and came up with an idea, "Hmm... I think I have a plan. Medical Tourism. We shall sign agreements with all the rich nations around the world, giving their people an option of air-ticket at cheap if they are coming to get some sort of treatment at my hospital. Our problem is money after all."

"This... might work. Or we might shoot ourselves in the foot. If the influx increased too much and it got crowded, it would be a mess." Ted warned him.

Magnus shrugged, "Just relax, if that happens, Emrys Construction will make more such hospitals across the country. They are now experienced in it after all."

He sighed and got up, "I will go and help mum pack bags. By the way, meet me in Bhutan on the 1st of August. I\'m going to influence the two nations with the most population from there. They are a huge market, but sadly poor right now. First, we need to analyse how to make the whole of Asia at least full of middle-income countries. And I heard Butan needs help with their wizarding population, it\'s easy work." Magnus revealed his grand plan.

Ted sighed and nodded, though he wondered where it was that Magnus heard such things since he was the one running Dragon Service. But knowing Magnus\' world peace plan and as a member of the Order of Merlin, the agenda was clear. The world can only be at peace when all live decent lives, mind you, Magnus has no crazy dreams of making everyone rich, he just wants everyone out of poverty, at least able to afford health, education and food.

After that, Ted left, and Magnus picked Chad. "Come on, boy. We need to pack your bag as well. You\'re coming with us on the trip."


"Haha, yes, really. Now close your mouth and be happy." Magnus patted the kitty.

Chad, seemingly too happy, hugged Magnus\' neck with his soft paws. He had thought he was going to be sent to Camelot like last time.

*Pat Pat*

"Heh, you\'re family, Chad. And family stays together." Magnus patted his back.

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You can read 20 advance chapters, my Naruto fic, and more fanfics at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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