I’ll Quit as The Empress

Chapter 12: Holy Festival

“That’s my daughter.”

“Yes, she’s really beautiful.”

“Yes, she looks like me.”

“Her side that resembles me is bigger.”

Somehow, Arthur and Miriam became childish since Adrian was born. However, Evelyn’s appearance now seemed to be beyond praise. After a long time, she was wearing a colorful dress, and she unleashed her bright blonde hair that sparkled like a jewel.

“Ammama? Boo!”

Adrian made a strange voice when he saw Evelyn, who was dressed up differently than usual. And Miriam wrapped Adrian in white cloth and put him in the baby basket for baptism.

“I guess Adrian feels awkward when he saw me.”

“We’ll keep him well, so don’t worry. All you have to do now is to stand out at today’s event and being the star of the banquet.”

Evelyn’s fighting spirit seemed to have been transferred to Miriam.

“Today’s star is Adrian.”

“Hey, don’t mind. Adrian will always be the star!”

Arthur spat out a sour sound and put his face into the baby basket. Evelyn heard Adrian’s laugh in the basket every time her father was busy playing with him.

“Yes, that’s right. A brilliant boy. You already have five teeth, you’re so energetic because you resemble me.”

Miriam and Evelyn shared an embarrassing smile as they faced each other for a moment over such a king.

“Today he will be baptized, and when his teeth are done, I will hold another festival.”

Evelyn thought to herself that she should stop him.

“Your Majesty, let’s go now.”

“Yes. Adrian, stay calm. The royal family must have dignity.”


Finally, the day of the great festival had begun.

The kingdom had gathered thr honored guests together. Adrian was wearing a white suit, and he enjoyed his noble appearance with a silver toy.

The King and The Queen also showed their dignity and wealth at a glance. However, the main character of the day was definitely Evelyn.

“…… She is the finest beauty of the kingdom.”

“Was the rumor that she was getting divorced because of her weakness a lie?”

“No way, she’s so beautiful. It can’t be.”

“The Emperor will be sorry.”

The nobles were busy chatting with the hand-fan, forgetting to cover their faces as they watched the parade of Felice’s royal family. Adrian’s basket was carried by King Arthur himself because Evelyn walked confidently, focusing on herself, not on her child for today.

“We will hold a holy ceremony to celebrate the blessed Festival of the Felice Kingdom.”

Liam, who took the heavy responsibility of the day, shouted out his voice. Then, the trumpet sounded, and pollen continued to scatter from the sky.

“May God bless the royal family of Felice, and especially the Holy Father’s Spirit has made this place brighter. May all of us pray for thanksgiving for today ‘s blessing.”

When the pipe organ was playing the sacred song, people closed their eyes and pretended to pray. But most of the crowd was more busy peeping Evelyn’s beauty with her eyes closed.

Rebecca smiled proudly at her job as she looked at Evelyn from the very back seat of the royal family. She wasn’t drooping in her splendor and beauty, as the crowd was chatting about her.

“Then I would ask the Holy Father for his holy words.”

With the help of the young priests, the Holy Father pulled up the white castle and climbed to the podium.

The nobles rose in unison, but the members of the royal family sat down calmly, emphasizing the dignity of their status. Adrian’s basket was on the side too.

“God bless the faithful who are gathering here.”

The old priest looked around the crowd with deep eyes.

“It’s holy that the faith still shines today on the occasion of the celebration of this great nation. The Kingdom of Felice is a land that has received abundant blessings from the Holy-See for their great faith from generation to generation.”

The Vatican priest’s devotion certainly shone with gold offered by the royal family. At the same time, the nobles stuck their tongues to the royal family, who even brought the Holy Father to bless his illegitimate child. And it was obvious that he was Felice’s most precious child, so his origin must be valuable.

“It is very pleasant and grateful that God has protected the kingdom of Felice and a successor was born.”

Like the Holy Father’s declaration, It was precisely what King Arthur wanted, that Adrian was regarded as a legitimate heir of Felice Kingdom, so no one could say that Adrian was an illegitimate child.

“The name of the blessed successor is Adrian Felice, whom we have seen here today baptized in the name of the Holy Father, and may there be only glory in his life.”

Liam received the basket of Adrian from the King, and it was also the most notable role of the day.

When Liam bent his knee and lifted the basket in front of the Holy Father, the father polished his prayers, sprinkling holy water on Adrian ‘s forehead.

‘God, please protect Adrian.’

Evelyn looked at her son and prayed more earnestly than anyone else.

‘ Instead of being the most noble beings please protect him to be loved and to live a happy life. ‘

It was his mother’s heart.

‘Please give me the strength to protect Adrian.’

Evelyn was praying from the bottom of her heart. It wasn’t that long since Adrian was born, but, amazingly, she loved her more than the time she spent with him.

“I, Holy Father, bless Adrian Felice in the name of the God.”

It was an emotional moment when Adrian was safely recognized by the world. Evelyn struggled to hold back her tears.

It was tears of happiness.


The mountains had a lot of steep cliffs. The Felice Kingdom’s location, surrounded by rugged mountains, was protected by a sturdy natural fortress.

Among those mountains, there was a place called the Peak of God. It was a precious place where you could see the kingdom and the plaza in the open fields as you climbed to the top.

On the other hand, security in the area was very tight because it was connected to the forest road.


In the Black Veil forest, monsters still appeared frequently from time to time. Their appearance in this place was strange because this was the entrance to the forest guarded by fully armed royal guards.

“Stop, stop! If you get closer, I will respond by force.”

When he saw the two men riding on horseback, the captain of the guards shouted loudly.

Aside from the gateway to the forest, there was another reason why the place had tight security. This place was also the only place where you could clearly see the kingdom from above.

In particular, security had to be tightened to such a big celebration like today.

“Get off the horse right now and identify yourself. This is the last warning.”

The two men on horseback were wearing black robes, so their faces were hard to see. It seemed that the two had a conversation after they heard the guard’s warning. Then, one man stood in front of the captain with a quick gesture.

“We are the Imperial’s envoys.”

“You can’t enter the plaze right now, because there’s a festival on it.”

“The Black Veil Forest is also under the Empire’s authority.”

“It is a royal order that no one can look down from above until the festival is over.”

That man didn’t step back and took the emblem out of his hand. It was the symbol of the Black Hawk Knights, the emperor’s direct group of knights, and no one on the entire continent could refuse that emblem.

“There are no demons here. Our Guards are strictly guarding this place, so don’t worry.”

The captain of the guards turned back, expressing his willingness to refuse. There should be no people looking down over the cliffs on a great holiday when the Holy Father came to bless the Kingdom. Because of this, the guards had already been pulled out of the forest surrounding the kingdom and the plaza.

“That’s my order!” the Black Hawk man was unlikely to withdraw.

“Also, this is like an Emperor’s edict. Do you dare to disobey the Imperial order?”

“·······That’s not it. But today is a special day.”

“Stay back if you’re not a traitor. It won’t cause commotion.”

The captain of the guard took a moment to consider and then retreated back. Then the man on the horse crossed the forest with his entourage and ran towards the plaza.

“The Empire really arrogant.”

“Why did they come here all the way on a day like this?”

“It’s obvious.” said the captain, looking at the backs of the two men.

They must have come to keep an eye on the Vatican. I ‘m worried there will be some bad comments about the Imperial Family again. Now the Emperor is also in the city right next door.”

The Vatican had openly criticized the Imperial’s attitude. Even the Emperor was the most powerful man, but he was unable to control the religion. So, the Vatican’s move was a threat to the empire.

“Serus. What strategic location is this?” Fabian, who was wearing a black robe, asked lowly.

While he was trying to inspect the Black Veil Forest, he listened to Serus’ advice and ran down a distant road. But when he saw the symbol of Felice Kingdom, somehow, he looked desperate.

“This place is called as the Peak of God.”

“They had built it well on the subject of gold worship.”

Serus smiled and handed the telescope to Fabian on the horse.

“Today, Felice Kingdom is having a big festival. That’s why they stopped us for sacrilegious to see down here.”

“Sacrilegious… It’s a fresh word.”

“Yes, it’s “impolite” to your Majesty.”


Fabian lifted the corner of his lips a little, gazing at the unfloding scene below them through the telescope. In fact, this was a strategic place. This spot was like an observation deck to see the Felice Kingdom.

“The Vatican’s disgusting day is still the same.”

Fabian muttered and looked annoyed.

“The old man never dies, and how long he’s going to live on earth…” said Fabian.

Fabian was trying to mutter more. Through the telescope, he saw a familiar yet unknown woman.

She was a woman he knew, but she was also a woman he didn’t know.

It was Evelyn, who was shining with happiness.

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