Unexpected Encounter:They Were Meant To Be Together

Chapter 822: Godfather

"But mom you need to talk to dad, he won\'t listen to me," Linyang sighed.

Narrowing his eyes, Yutang frowned, "Woah young lady, there is no point telling your mom because I am not going to listen any—"

Cutting him off, Yixi snapped, "Yutang, why are you behaving like a wuss?"

"But honey—"

"Your daughter is big enough to take all the decisions on her own, why are you trying to interfere and boss around in her life? She is an a.d.u.l.t now and she knows what she is doing," Yixi snapped.

Inching closer, Yutang whispered, "But babe, she wants to stay with that man—"

"Boyfriend, that man is her boyfriend and also the man who has a really high chance of becoming your son-in-law in the future. And didn\'t you and I also stay together before getting married? You surely did not have any objection back then."

"There you go, you don\'t want your child to practice something that you did." Helplessly shaking her head, Linyang sighed, "Look dad, I could have lied to you and did what I like but I don\'t wanna do that. I want to be honest and clear of what I am doing and this is why I decided to tell you and mom about it." Grabbing her father\'s arm, she added, "I know that you aren\'t so sure about Andrew yet but he is really a very sweet and nice guy, you just need to talk to him properly and get to know him better. I am not gonna lie but he can be a jerk at times but everyone has flaws, even you do."

"Pfft don\'t get me started on your dad\'s flaws, the list is really very long," Yixi scoffed.

"You see that, nobody is perfect but the main thing is that he cares for me, respects me and I care for him too," Linyang explained.

Thinking for quite some time, he sighed, "Fine but first, call him over for breakfast tomorrow, I\'ll talk to him."

"I already did." Giving Yutang a hug, Linyang beamed, "You are so great dad, I love you."


Andrew\'s apartment.

"Don\'t worry about me Mic, just enjoy your date and please don\'t forget to get laid," Andrew instructed before hanging up the call. He was feeling really very happy after so many days and couldn\'t wait to move in with Linyang in his old place.

Super excited for the video call session they had planned, Andrew excitedly stepped out of the elevator only to find his men crowded outside his apartment.

When they saw Andrew, they quickly greeted him. "Good evening Boss."

Looking at the men, he frowned, "What are you people doing here?" They were the men who were supposed to stay around Pulos to make sure that he doesn\'t do anything outrageous so suddenly seeing them outside his apartment was making him suspicious.

Hesitating for a while, one of the guards answered, "W-We tried to stop him but he insisted on coming here and meeting you."

Just then another man stepped out and added, "We didn\'t want to disturb you so we let him in, he has been waiting for you since afternoon."

Scrunching his brows, Andrew instructed, "Get the plane ready, he will be leaving right now and in the future, make sure that he doesn\'t come back here." Without waiting for their reap ky, he entered the apartment.


When Andrew entered the apartment, Pulos was sitting on the couch sipping wine.

"This wine is really good, where did you get it from?" Pulos casually inquired.

"Get up," Andrew ordered.

Without saying anything, Pulos followed his order, "I was at least expecting a hello or an apology for being late.�� When Andrew did not say anything, he further inquired, "So how was the wedding? Was the island nice and did you have fun?"

"Pulos, what are you doing here?"

"Shouldn\'t I ask you the same question?" Placing the glass on the table, Pulos sighed, "What are you doing son? Why are you doing this? Are you seriously going to join hands with people who have wronged me?"

"Wronged you or wronged Lawrence?" When Pulos frowned, Andrew scoffed, "Why do you always forget that you stay in my territory? What makes you think that you can hide anything from me?"

"Lawrence is my Godfather, if someone wrongs him then they wrong me too."

Helplessly shaking his head, Andrew mockingly chuckled, "How dumb of you to think that way. I always knew that you are dumb but I never expected you to be super dumb Pulos. I mean, you claim to be all smart and knowledgeable but actually you are not. Are you seriously trying to tell me that you cannot see through your so-called Godfather\'s intentions?"

Walking towards him, he continued, "Can\'t you see that he is using you to get things done? He is staying in the dark, keeping a low profile and making you vulnerable."

"That is not true, he is not well right now so—"

Cutting him off, Andrew fumed, "Listen to me Pulos, I dont give a f.u.c.k about what you think and whatever that is going on between you and that damned Godfather of yours. But if you try to make any stupid move and harm the people around me, no one better than you knows what I am capable of."

Narrowing his eyes at Pulos, he gritted his teeth, "I will destroy you."

Grabbing his collar, Andrew hissed, "I know it was Lawrence\'s plan to harm Jennifer but too bad you did not succeed." Tightening his grip on Pulos\' collar, he snapped, "If I can tolerate your shit for years because you saved my sister, just imagine what I can do to the person who tried to harm her."


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