Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 23 - Death Squad

500 gold bars worth at least $25 million dollars. That amount could make any person spend the rest of their life and their family in luxury. But for the Regent, that money is quite common. When he was the vice president, many politicians, and corporations were willing to pay the same kind of money to get the Regent\'s favor.

The money should be enough to get the equipment and vehicles, there is one special item on the list though that should be hard to acquire, but as the list said borrowed.. it should be fine.

What gave the surprise to the Regent was the fact Alex could bring out all these items out of nothing.. The Regent might be old and he has lived for more than 70 years, he had seen the world change. The first vehicles that came to Indonesia, the mobile phone, the internet. All of this did make him baffled, but nothing compares to this technology. The Regent is not going to believe that the current world technology is advanced enough for this, not for the next 50 years.

Alex can guess what the Regent is thinking, he did show his storage rings for this purpose.

"Mr. Regent, I assure you that humankind doesn\'t have the technology to create this. This is called a storage ring, this ring has a hidden space of 3 cubic meters to store items."

Alex then pulled out an assault rifle.

The assistant next to the Regent who had been shocked when Alex brought out the gold was suddenly startled and started calling for the guards... Suddenly 10 plus guards rush inside the lounge armed.

"Stop!" the Regent said. "This person doesn\'t mean harm, everyone out, including you too."

"Yes, Regent."

There are currently two people in the room, only Alex and the Regent.

"You are very wise Regent, there is something else I want to show you."

Alex pulls out another thing from the ring, it is the golem. Alex then starts to order the golem to move and punch a wall. Surprisingly none of the guards walks back into the room again, they were very disciplined. But Alex surprise cannot be compared to the Regent. The Regent has seen many things in his life, fighter jets, nuclear submarine, but this golem gives him a different kind of wonder.

Alex put the golem back to the storage ring and continues.

"The reason I have shown you this, Regent, is for you to believe that the world will soon change. I had a lucky encounter and found this thing in a ruin, the ruin has some message that told me about the upcoming disaster."

This is the cover story that Alex had prepared because he\'s not sure how to explain about the reincarnation, even Alex himself doesn\'t have the answer.

Alex continued and told the Regent about the expected date, the diseases, the rise of the dead and monsters that will be threatening the human race. Alex also told him about something that will arrive after 3 months in some part of the area in Sumatra. Alex did not give the Regent too much detail, he made it seem like he had read a prophecy. He only gave him bits and pieces, enough to give the Regent some leverage when the end of days come. When the disaster struck there will be no way to contact the Regent for the first few months, even probably the first few years. Therefore to actually make a difference he needs to tell the Regent, he needs to take a risk.

"It\'s probably very hard to accept, I understand, but I remember there was a saying \'it\'s better to bring an umbrella and not being used, than not having it when it rains.\' I suggest that you gather all the forces and start making some preparations, weapons, and foods. Most importantly is when the people start dying from the disease I suggest to burn the bodies right away. That is the message I can give to you Regent, I hope you will understand."

"Young man, honestly all of my logic is against it, what you said doesn\'t make any sense.





"Surprisingly, I will choose to listen to you."

The Regent doesn\'t want to admit it to Alex, but actually his whole body is currently burning with excitement, the last 15 years has been too boring for him. The reason he rejected the presidency offer was because it was not exciting for him.. he belongs to the front line.. his blood is pumping for some action.. he actually wished what Alex said to be true, then it will become a more interesting world for him, he just hope he could live long enough for it.

The Regent continues,

"Just buying some supplies. I call back all the troops to their designated bases and cancel all of their new year holiday leaves. Even if what you believe turns out to be false, it won\'t do much harm. I might not be able to instruct all of the militaries, but there are some that should still listen."

Alex bowed respectfully and said, "Thank you, Regent, you won\'t regret it"

"For the equipment and vehicles I will arrange it, about the troops, you should follow me."

Alex follows the Regent outside. A few moments later, a car arrives and Alex enters the car together with the Regent.

"Where are we going, Regent?"

The Regent smiles at Alex.

"We\'re going to the training grounds so that you can have a look at the troops for yourself."

In Alex\'s previous life, the West Regent was the leader of the strongest survivor base in the west. When the disease came, many of the surroundings survivors went to find shelter in his compound. The secret of his successful campaign against the undead and monsters should be the army near him. The military academy in Bukittinggi was actually not only the place for new trainees, but it was actually a hidden base for his Death Squad.

The car arrived at another compound not far from the academy, there Alex saw it, a large complex, the training ground for the special forces.

The Indonesian military, like all military, is separated into three, The Air force, the Navy and the Army. They all totaled more than 400,000 soldiers and there is another 400,000 soldier in reserve. 70% of them are the Army. Within them, there are 5 groups of special forces each have around 5,000 men, totaled around 25,000 commandos. Their units were spread out all around Indonesia and can be recognized by their red beret.

The Death Squad is the hidden 6th group, the special forces commandos whose training is led personally and especially by the Regent. There are 3,000 of them, most of them have no family, or have been taken from orphanage since young. These have been the Regent\'s private army and have been developed for the last 30 years. Their missions are the ones that are highly classified or the ones that are the most dangerous, like the ones in Bosnia, Cambodia, and Somalia.

This trip to see their training ground really excites Alex. In his previous life, many of the Death Squad soldiers manage to become the top fighter of the humankind, Alex knows some of them. He was hoping to meet some of them here, and really wish that he can bring home some of them...

In his previous life, the Regent was known to have half a dozen of spirit user soldiers.

Alex thought It would be ideal if he can get one or two.





Alex remembered about a certain Spirit Enhancer named, \'The Ice Queen\'.

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