Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 39 - Make It Viral

20 December 2019. 10 days left till Doomsday.

General Rico got a message from Alex. Today, he makes the time to meet him in Surabaya.

Something about returning the favor, the general hated owing favors, so he took a day off and came to see him. The meeting will be taking place in one of the office buildings in the center of the city. The Randall Enterprise.

Since his miraculous escape from the terrorist base, General Rico has managed to uproot 3 more terrorist cells in Indonesia. The President just gave him another medal yesterday. He\'s probably the most famous general in Indonesia right now.

The general feels indebted to Alex for saving him from the terrorist base.. He found him very mysterious. The stone Alex gave to him is still on the General\'s mind. Ever since he consumed it, the general\'s physical strength has returned to his younger self, even better.

The Randall Enterprise, world fortune 500 company. The general arrived not wearing any uniform nor brought any of his officers. This Alex guy told him to come to this building. The general wondered about what was the relation Alex had to this billionaire. A beautiful receptionist leads him to the waiting lounge.


The general\'s mobile phone vibrated multiple times, this normally meant something urgent came up and he got the news from multiple sources. But the general is on-off duty today and there is a beautiful girl in front of him. He will take care of it later... the general enjoys his daily flirting.


"Halo general, are you in front of the TV right now? Please check it out."

The general walked to the living room next to the lounge and saw some people staring at the news being shown on TV. In the TV, there is a man in his 60s talking in front of a group of reporters in a press conference setting. There are also international news channels such as CNN, BBC news, etc.

The man is apparently a well-known professor from Harvard University.

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"Haloo. I am here to tell you a piece of very important information. You might think that it\'s crazy, nevertheless, I hope you are still listening to it until the very end."

"From my 40 years of research and studies of hundreds of relics. I found a very disturbing discovery. The world, as we know it, will soon be facing the biggest catastrophe ever. By the end of this year, the 31st, there will be a global electromagnetic pulse disaster which will affect the whole world. All electrical equipment will be fried. There will be no way to communicate and there will be chaos."

"And this is only the first disaster. The second one will be a global pandemic disease that will affect all living beings in this world. There will be no cure and no hope for those who will be infected by the disease. The disease will cause mutations to the animals making it stronger and aggressive and any human beings who will die from the disease will be brought back to life but they will turn into a living monster."

"On the 31st December, I suggest to just stay at home. Do not go on any vehicles especially airplanes. When your relatives or people around you caught the disease, be with them and say your final farewell. Cry for them, but, remember this is very important, do not bury them, burn them."

"Be prepared, have a stockpile of food, weapons, and reinforce your shelter. And lastly, help each other. The relics wrote something about a massive structure that will drop from the sky a few months after the plague. Take your refuge there, do not wait around, the monsters will only get stronger. The strong monsters will drop a crystal that will help humans get stronger. Let me show what does it do."

The video then shows a thin and sickly person being given a white crystal and suddenly become as healthy and strong as an Olympic athlete.

"Please share this news, for those wants more answers. We will be gathering in Singapore on the 23rd of December at noon. If on the 31st the first sign shows up, do not forget my message. May God save us all."

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General Rico takes this message seriously. First, the message was played on all channels. It meant that it was highly funded. If it wasn\'t, then it would take a lot of very skilled hackers and a lot of resources to hack the world media channels.

Second, Rico is a cop he can read a person, he can tell the professor telling the truth or at least he believes it to be the truth. And it\'s quite easy to just google and check that this person is a real Harvard University professor.

Third, the general recognizes that white stone. That was the same stone Alex gave to him. This might be related to Alex. At the very least, he should find and ask this professor.

"There you are... You are late general."

Alex walks up to the general along with three other people; a guy with a wooden stick on his hand, an old man and a woman.

"I see that you saw the message on the video, this is going to be easier then. Let me introduce you, this is Mr. James Randall, I believe as a police officer you already know him. Next is the professor from Harvard, as you can see from the video. And this is Aria, she is from the army."


"Everyone, this is general Rico, the one that I talked about before."

Alex thanks James Randall for preparing the production team and team of hackers. This is the third favor he asked of The Randalls. The fourth one will be the preparation of the gathering in Singapore on the 23rd. Alex gave him the two stones he promised. James already has a total of six stones. This should be enough for him to become high stage Human Realm, this way he will not need a walking stick anymore.

Next, Alex tells his reason for asking the general to come here. It\'s to entrust the professor under the protection of the general. Due to him helping Alex, the professor\'s face was already widely known, he could be in danger. Alex asks the general to put the professor into the protective custody program and deliver him to Singapore in 3 days.

Alex is truly grateful that the professor was willing to read the script Alex wrote. Ever since the professor launched his book, his reputation was already ruined anyway. The professor hoped that in his last days, he would give a meaningful impact on the world.

The general asks, "Despite it being true or fully fictional, do you think that the viewers are going believe you that easily?"

Alex responds, "Even if I managed to only convince one person in every 100, I would already be satisfied. I have done my duty to the world. But then again, I am sure that when the first sign has started to occur, the people who had viewed this video will be inclined to believe me and will start to prepare for the next disaster."

All over the world that day, more than 500 million people had watched this video. The hackers didn\'t just play it on the TV but they also uploaded it in Youtube. The video became viral and a lot of people were commenting."

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" Another moron created a crazy weird video."

" It will be pretty cool if it really happens though."

" I believe him, I am going to start preparing."

"Go get a girlfriend man, get a life."

" I have a girlfriend."

"I bet next that you will say that she\'s really pretty."


" I have seen the video it\'s cool."

" I bet it\'s a trailer for the next Avengers movie."

"It\'s more likely to be the next season of Game of Throne."


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