Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 77 - Fierce Battle

The battle in front of the monkey forest was reaching its climax. It had only been thirty minutes passed since the group had run out of the monkey forest but the streets, the battlezone, looked like it had gone through war. 

The ground was littered with different bullet casting, at least tens of thousands of them. Hundreds of grey fur bodies of the monkeys also filled most of the street and even massive craters that had been created by explosions.

Three out of ten APVs had been destroyed. These APVs were Alex\'s treasures. Half a dozen of these APVs had made Alex\'s army of special forces defend the airport for hours all the while eliminating ten of thousands of zombies. Hence, looking at these wreckages made him upset but even more so at the thought of his special forces people being dead. 

Out of the hundred special soldiers that Alex had brought, two were confirmed killed and about fourteen special soldiers inside the APVs that had been thrashed by the mother python. Alex hoped that most of them were still alive.

Suddenly, from the crashed APV, a figure just crawled out of the back..

"Thank God, there are still survivors," Alex muttered.

These groups of special soldiers had reached the high stage mortal realm. Most of these people should\'ve survived the crash, he thought. And luck would have it, two more figures struggled out of the APV.

But then… When the first soldier stood, the pair of big yellow eyes took notice and stared at him from a few meters away. The soldier didn\'t even have the chance to pick up his weapon—


With its tongue flickering, the monstrous beast swiftly pounced and gobbled the poor soldier like a snack. The soldier next to him froze in shock. After devouring its prey, the mother python\'s yellow eyes stared at its next victim.

Without orders from Alex, one of the APVs pushed the break and all the soldiers came out of the vehicles and rained bullets at the beast with their AK-47 assault rifles 7.62 bullets, AWP snipers .308 bullets and even the large-caliber APV heavy machine gun bullets that could even tear through an armored vehicle bombarded the body of the monstrous python, making sparks fly off as the shots were repelled. The bullets had no way of even leaving a mark on this green scaled beast.

"Damn! None of those bullets are working," cursed Alex, staring at how tough the snake\'s scales were.

The snake had an extremely abnormal defense and Alex thought that only his twin gun autocannon 20mm cartridges would be able to hurt it.

The rain of bullets didn\'t hurt the beast at all; the snake wasn\'t even bothered by it. After it finished swallowing the first soldier, it took the time and slowly moved to the second unfortunate soldier.


Sssssssss… gulped… 

Underneath the crashed APV, there were still a few moving soldiers who were struggling to get out, but the snake no longer mind them as it decided to slither toward the fourteen fresh targets that were firing at her.

Alex couldn\'t let that happen, so he took out the grenade launcher and fired it at the huge python.

SSHHHH!!! Kabooommm!!!

The smoke cleared, and just what he had thought, it didn\'t even leave a mark, but at least he managed to get her attention. Alex shouted, "OIII!!! YOU BIG FAT UGLY LAD LOOK AT THIS! Everyone watch out!!!"

Alex shot his last couple of grenades from the grenade launcher at the two smaller mutated snakes.


The grenade launcher\'s bullets flew slowly. Normally, any type of stage two beasts would\'ve been able to dodge it but the previous snake that Alex killed had been taken by surprise. So, the first snake was able to deflect the grenade, however, the second snake was blind. Because of that, it took a direct hit from the grenade and then dropped dead on the ground.

The mother python let out furious hiss and crawled as fast as it could after Alex, ignoring the fourteen soldiers. 

This was a high-level stage two beast, Alex knew he wouldn\'t stand a chance against the monster in a direct battle and even more so with just himself. So, he ordered the golem telepathically to come with him and run into a nearby forest while trusting his men to handle the last mutated snake and dozens of monkeys by themselves. 

The snakes moved faster than him; Alex used the breathing and movement techniques to run as fast as he could. The mother python\'s large body was slightly slowed down by the forest trees, but Alex used that to his advantage and hopped from one tree to another. Alex kept his focus up and checked his surroundings, worried that the other three snakes would ambush him.

Seeing Alex run inside the forest chased by the big snake, Aria became worried even though she understood Alex had done that for the safety of everyone. She wanted to run after him but she knew that the best way to help Alex was to finish this last mutated python and the rest of the monkeys first.

As a sniper, she had a better understanding of the situation; she took command of the team and ordered the rest of the soldiers in the APVs to kill the remaining monkeys nearest to them before assisting the others. Theo and Cindy, being not much of a great combat experts, helped the soldiers against the monkeys.

The rest of Alex\'s personal group fought against the last snake. However, the battle with the stage two beast was much more difficult without the golem\'s help. 

Jerry was in charge of distracting it by his high speed, and he was the only person who could do it because of his speed. His knives, however, weren\'t useful in this situation.

Rama and his four spear masters jumped in together charging at the beast, but even the full steel spears with their full power behind the spears were unable to pierce its body. A simple sway from its huge tail and two spearmen got hit, they had managed to block it with their spears but were still thrown away a dozen meters before turning unconscious, if they hadn\'t their injuries would\'ve become more fatal. 

Another swing of the snake\'s tail, Darius, who was holding another saber, managed to evade it and jump on top of the snake\'s head. He put all his strength to stab its skull but then… CLANK! The sword broke! He became upset for that was his third sword today. And because of the momentary distraction, the snake managed to shake Darius away from its head, throwing him dozens of meters. 

It was now the twins\' turn. They fired an AK-47 and hit the snake\'s head, which seemed to hurt it albeit slightly. However, its pain became fury as it suddenly pounced at them, twisted its body and turned around, swinging its huge tail that seemed to warp the air in such a strong blow. Oscar was its target and everyone could tell if he got a direct hit, he would be instantly killed...

"Noooo! Oscar!" Oliver shouted.

Oscar watched the tail closing in on him, his face paled, he really believed this was the end of the line for him until Sergei appeared, pushed him away and took the hit!


It wasn\'t a simple smack, everyone heard the dozens of Sergie\'s bones cracking! Sergei had the strongest body; muscles and bones, but even he became critically injured with one hit. 

Oscar jumped up to Sergei and carried his body away. The tail continued to swing and was about to reach Oliver, but before it managed to hit him, Rama had found this to be an opening and threw his steel spear in his full strength, using his special move. The spiraling steel spear thrusted into one of the snake\'s yellow eyes.


The tail swept up, missing Oliver, as it thrashed in pain. It kept rampaging, which managed to hit Rama, who had been holding another spear and blocked it. The full metal spear broke as he got blown back. But after its tail attack, the snake followed up with a bite. 

A mutated python had poisonous fang bites. It punctured deep into Rama\'s shoulder, making him scream as if the four fangs were huge sabers stabbing into his body at the same time. Two of Rama\'s spear masters quickly did multiple thrusts at the snake\'s head, making it let go of Rama.

Another powerful expert had been heavily injured. Rama might not survive the day. The mutated python, although it had multiple scars and wounds, was still slithering energetically. It turned its head again to Oliver who seemed to see that the big yellow eyes were the stuff of nightmares. He froze in fear.

But as he got stuck in place, another figure flashed in the corner of his eyes and managed to stand on top of the snake\'s head. 

Aria had rushed from the direction of the snake\'s newly blind eye, and stabbed her AWP sniper rifle inside beside Rama\'s spear. This was the sniper rifle that was already upgraded with the big .50 cal bullets...


All six bullets poured into the snake\'s brain from its eye. The high caliber bullets managed to blow its brain. The snake dropped flat to the ground, dead.

Aria was standing still on top of the dead snakehead. This created a deep impression on the twins and everyone else. The situation here was finally under control. She looked at the direction where Alex had gone too, anxiously. 

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