Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 84 - The Cannon

<East - Pillar Gate>

Six APV cars attached with 12.7mm machine guns were pouring hot metals into the hordes.


Facing stage one beasts, these APVs were unbeatable, total killing machines. Mutated rats and cats were unable to resist the high caliber bullets. The raining bullets didn\'t just pierce their bodies but they actually tore them apart... .

Commander Karra and the 10 battalion fighters, a total of 10.000 men were charging at the mutated beasts at the east gate... As the most experienced officer within the battalion, she\'s now in command.

Karra had never been a great fighter, but she\'s a smart woman. As an experienced navy officer and navigator, she always found tactics fascinating. A ship navigator must always consider ship position, asses threats and determine the best solution.

Five battalions of men are spreading out and surrounding the beast hordes from the outside, while the other five creating an arrow formation and charging straight into the main gate. With the six APVs as the arrowheads, the beast wave was easily cut in half and opened up a path.

When the five battalions reached the east gate, they divided into three groups. One group with two APVs and two battalions heading to the south, another group also with the same number heading to the north. These two groups swiped and cleaned up all the beasts along the walls, charging fiercely next to the flaming ditches. They went directly to support the other gates.

Commander Karra with the last battalion and two APVs joined up with commander Rangga\'s three battalions to clean up all the remaining beasts in front of the east gates. The ten thousand mutated beasts were being crushed from the front and the back. Just before they finally routed the east gate\'s beast threat, other threats show up.

Hundreds of flying beast flying down from the dark sky... The sudden surprise attack created casualties within the east gate battalion. These birds diving from the shadow of the night, sharp claws and beaks that turn lethal when they hit the fighters critical areas like the neck. The 2 meter tall birds are also strong enough to carry one man to the air and throw it in the sky. The lucky victim would drop to the ground with heavy injuries, the unfortunate one was ganged up on in the skies.

The battalions depended on the APVs\' machine guns and the firearms unit for fighting threats from the sky, but the number of the firearms unit within the east gate was less than a thousand. The dark night also made it harder to aim at these flying beasts.

On top of the east gate, a man was fighting with three mutated cats. He was holding two long straight double-edged swords. This is a \'jian\' Chinese style sword, held by a peak Mortal Realm fighter. The man could utilize these swords into a dancing-like sword style.

The three mutated cats died within less than 10 moves. Seeing this, Karra impressed. A flying beast dove down and suddenly attacked this man from his back...

"Watch out commander!!"

The man quickly did a flip and parried the incoming attack. He got pushed a few steps, but instantly counterattacked... A full power swing attack with his sword managed to hack off the mutated bird\'s wing. When the bird fell to the ground, the man continued with multiple sword stabs…

Pa, Pa..!! The mutated bird died.

"Thank you for the warning, Commander Karra."

"I\'m sure you will be alright without my warnings Commander Rangga."

This man is Rangga, the previous lieutenant of the Deathsquad, one of the brightest fighters with Chinese wushu specialty. Seeing the mutated bird\'s corpse body, and hundreds more flying above the army, Rangga was slightly worried.

"Commander Karra, any idea?"

Karra thought for a while and said: "Is that thing ready?"

"Yes, but there\'s only one installed on each gate."

"Don\'t worry, wait for my signal."

A few minutes later, multiple fireworks and flares blew out in the sky, the sky near the eastern gate became brighter than the day. The fireworks also successfully shocked the birds... during all the confusion, Commander Karra gave orders to the firearm squads; multiple AK-47s with 7.72 cartridges bullets, APV machine guns 12.7mm, the sniping team with AWP .308 bullets. All together shot at the targets in the skies.


Drartatatattatatatata Dratatatatatatatata

At the same moment, on top of the gate, Karra watched as three of the soldier firearm units operating a piece of five-meter length machinery. It\'s the RH 2202 twin cannon turrets. Alex already installed all 4 turrets at the 4 different gates.

"Aimmm and Fireee!!"

Booom..!! Booom..!! Booom..!!

The 20 mm bullets not only tore the birds it hit apart, the bullet also blew on impact and created a mini explosion in the air.. each explosion created more panic within the mutated birds. The sudden barrage of bullets, the fireworks, and the mini explosion... dozens of the birds died in the air, another dozen dropped to the ground and were finished by the ground units.

A few minutes later, the rest of the mutated birds fleed off heading back to the eastern seas...

<West - River Gate>

Commander Russel\'s battalion was with the other 2 battalions currently fighting with the new threats. The mutation turned the lizards into a humanoid form who walked on two feet. They have muscular bodies and hard scaly skin. The lizard\'s strength ranged from high to peak stage one beast, about the same threat as the monkeys, while the monkeys are, more agile.. these lizards have harder bodies. Normal bullets have trouble piercing their skin. These lizards are amphibian mutated beasts, they can fight both in water and land, the fact they moved out of the water became an opportunity to make the river safer. Alex ordered the total annihilation of these lizards.

With the arrival of Commander Farell\'s battalion, there were 5.000 men ready to fight the hundreds of lizards. It became a ten versus one battle, the lizards\' slow movement gave the soldiers some confidence. The fight in the west became a good fighting practice for the troops. The firearm troops also tested the twin cannon turret on the west gate. It\'s a one shot one kill situation. After a few shots, Russel decided to just conserve the turret bullets. The five battalions slowly moved out of the gate and surrounded the lizard beasts. Farell thought they could finish all the lizards in an hour or two.

<North - Mountain Gate>

This gate found it the hardest to endure, the three battalions were spread too thin guarding the four kilometers north wall. Commander Bayu already sent half of his men into the eastern and western side of the wall. Just now, dozens of huge furied bearlike creatures charged into the north gate. Each bear was at least 4 meters tall, looking at their size, Bayu felt anxious and quickly closed the gate and called for reinforcement.

Bayu also prepared the firearm team to shot from the top of the wall, he also set up the twin canon.. when the Bears started getting closer to the gate...

"Everyone Fireee!!!"

Dratatattatatatat, Boom!! Boom!!

The bullets only hurt the mutated bears, but it didn\'t stop their advance. Bayu felt even more in trouble seeing the cannon, unable to one shot the bears... A direct hit to the big brown body made it stop for a while, blood could be seen dropping, but the bear continued moving forward...

Things turned to the worst when the bears started crashing their huge bodies into the gate...



The gate suddenly broke apart... all the newbie soldiers at front of the gate, looking at the huge monsters were terrified, for most of them, this is their first battle. They were just about to start fleeing when...

A group of men jumped in front of them and charged at the mutated bears. This was the special platoon.

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