Doomsday Pillars

Chapter 146 - Competition

DDay +76

Alex was sitting down at the center of the table on the terrace of a luxury hotel. There were several people sitting beside him; his wife Devita, Cahya, the former governor of Surabaya, James Randall the billionaire and Farell the ex military intelligence; while on the other side of the table were groups from the United States. Admiral Gerard, Kenny, and half of the United States army were also there. Even though Bali is a very blazing and hot island, but the cool tropical breeze made the atmosphere of the room at this time incredibly relaxed. Moreover, several women came to serve a glass of fresh orange juice and traditional Indonesian snacks for the two groups.

Admiral Gerard gave a sweet smile at one of the beautiful women who served his drink, and that smile made her blushed. Even though the Admiral was in his 50s, this white-bearded man still looked quite charming.

"Ahh Bali is really a beautiful city, I heard it\'s not only the beautiful island that made the island famous, but the locals are also very friendly ... indeed it\'s been true to its name."


At the same time, after taking a sip of his orange juice with a smile, Alex answered the admiral\'s compliment.

"Admiral, based on what you say, is this your first time coming to Bali? ... Did I hear it correctly?"

"Haha, yeah yeah, it\'s been a long time since I wanted to come for a visit, but I guess I am too serious in carrying out my duties and responsibilities in the navy. Now that the end of the world has come, I don\'t think I\'ll ever experience this beautiful island as it should. But then I am truly grateful for the hospitality that you and your wife have prepared for us."

The two parties suddenly saw some movement on the hill on the opposite side of the hotel.

"They have arrived ...."

In the distance small figures appeared from behind a hill running toward the top of the hill. The people on the terrace looked at the figure who ran at the front; it was a beautiful girl in black uniform and also followed by several men behind.

Seeing these people, Admiral Gerard was impressed. "Incredible, your team have won this round, Mr. Alex."

"Your team isn\'t far behind Admiral. Now there they are!"

A few seconds later, the second group appeared from behind and arrived at the designated area on the hill. They were only a few seconds late, and could only let a beautiful girl part from Alex team took the flag from the pole and raised it high.

The spectators from the terrace showered the people on the hill with cheers and applauded.

The day before, the aircraft carrier crew of the USS Midway of the United States finally docked and anchored in Bay City and unlike what they had in mind, they were surprisingly welcomed with great hospitality. They were served with five-star luxury hotel accommodations while waiting for Alex and his fleet to complete docking and transfer all the people and supplies from their newly arrived ships. That night the situation and condition at the port of Bay City was very crowded.

Finally at dawn, Alex and the Admiral could see each other. Unexpectedly, their discussion referred to a friendly competition between their top fighters.

At the time both teams were running a competition commonly referred to as the capture the flag competition. Both teams, Alex\'s best fighter, the special unit, fought against the United States Delta Force special unit. They had competed all morning. This competition was a group speed competition to win the flag after passing various obstacles. Maybe because Alex\'s team knew more about the battlefield so they could win this competition against one of the greatest special forces army teams in the world.

Even though his group was lost, but Admiral Gerard did not look upset or disappointed he still smiled to congratulate the winner.

"Fabulous, there is even a girl in this unit."

The Admiral suddenly realize, Devita Alex wife frowned at such a statement.

"Hahaha, please forgive me, I apologize for any misunderstanding. My comment actually was intended to praise that woman\'s excellence."

Even though this admiral looked intimidating wearing the United States Navy\'s uniform, but he did not seem arrogant, in fact his personality was very friendly.

Alex responded again.

"Thank you for the compliment Admiral, but we did lost in the first match of shooting contests. So let\'s consider the results of this competition to the draw."

American soldiers were adept at using firearms, they are also equipped with the top firearms training, and the most sophisticated equipment. In terms of weapons technology, there might be no other country that could be compared to the United States.

For the sake of competition, both teams had used the same firearms. Aria was one of the best snipers on the Alex team, maybe even in the entire Indonesia, but Aria could not win the match against the top notch sniper of Delta Force, they really deserved to be called the best special forces.

"Mr. Alex, please forgive me but I could not accept such final results. I wish there is a real winner in every competition. Can we do one more round of competition? What if they do a one-on-one close range fight ... it looks like it will be very interesting right?"

"I don\'t think that\'s necessary, Admiral."

"I insist, Mr. Alex, please."

Alex caught the meaning behind this so-called competition. This competition was not just to kill time. This was an effective way to read the strength of the opponents and clearly determine which team was more dominant. Alex was also interested in knowing what the true strength of the US special forces who had reached the highest stage of mortal realm. Alex had confidence that there also spirit enhancer among the many US elite troops.

Alex thought for a moment about it, weighing the pros and cons. In his mind, he understood the meaning behind this competition, it might be important for a man, especially an American, to stroke his ego comparing who has the bigger balls . But Alex felt something fishy, he was sure that this Admiral was not such type of person. It appeared like there was a hidden agenda, but Alex was uncertain, so he decided to accept the admiral\'s wishes.

Both sides waited for their soldiers to come down from the hill. A few moments later the group arrived at the terrace of the large hotel. Aria, was still holding the flag, walked toward Alex and handed him the winning flag.

That action surprised Alex a little, should she do this in front of the crowd ... this is not like usual? Is she trying to make an impression to this American, or is she just trying to show how great a soldier she is. It appeared that Alex still couldn\'t read this girl\'s mind well. But still, however, Aria had given him the victory, so Alex needed to praise him

"Good job, Aria!"

The eyes of this Ice Queen glittered for a moment hearing Alex\'s compliment even though in a blink second, she returned to her usual flat expression. Alex didn\'t realize it; However, his wife, Devita as a woman she could read this situation better. This kind of situation is something that women usually more sensitive to get.

Like other normal men, Alex didn\'t really understand and didn\'t give a mind at all. Aria had indeed done well on his duty so Alex will naturally praise him. Alex\'s next action made his wife more surprised. Alex did not let Aria get back to his unit, but instead he asked Aria to come closer to him, Alex whispered something to Aria and not long after that, Aria slowly left the room.

Seeing this, Admiral Gerard also commented.

"I thought she\'s one of your best fighters, why don\'t you ask her to join the next competition?"

"Don\'t worry, Admiral, there are still other fighters who can take it over."

Shortly after the rest of the troops had gathered in the room, they were told that they would fight on a one on one competition. Although close combat might sound like they only used barehand fist, the actual rules allowed the participants to use the close range weapons.

Admiral Gerard gathered his dozens of elite army members and began to choose among them, while Alex started to sought volunteers from his special forces group.

Alex at first didn\'t really much care about the result of losing or winning in this competition, but this might be a good practice for his men. When his first few volunteers stepped forward, Alex felt that the next competition seemed to be quite interesting as well. Alex briefly told them not to overexert themselves.

The next competition began.


Hello readers of Doomsday Pillars,

It\'s been three months since my last update to the novel. firstly first i would like to say sorry for being hiatus for so long. I also would like to say thank you for your patience.

Special note to chaotic mike, Mr_long_leg, Sanimah, Its RandomRemi, Daoistfmwaver. and iTitans who has been sending me so many review during my absence reminding me of my responsibility.. it\'s hard for me to read it but it also pleased me that you all really care for this novel.

The last 3 months starting from family issue, working issue and other responsibility force me to take a break from writing. last two month i have started to slowly started to translate and finally finish the indonesian version. while translating i realize other than all the top problem, i actually find it the real reason I lost the motivation is because i didn\'t have enough material for the next volume.  The descending of the pillar need to be prepared carefully. I cannot rush it. 

I am happy to announce that I have finally finished all the main plots and have thought about the sort of ending that I want. this really motivates me to continue the story.  The three months of watching movies and reading other novels really help me.

Again please be patient with me. I previously planned to immediately complete volume 3 in 5 chapters. But after a lot of consideration these 3 months, I decided to follow the flow as how to make the best of the story. the plan is still the same, I plan to write the novel with minimum of 500 chapter.

I have saved up some chapters and planned to publish 10-20 chapters before the end of the month. Also again i apologize for the next few chapters will feel like a feeler. The chapters were actually deliberately wrote to refresh the reader about the previous chapters story and characters.. 

Therefore I actually find a way to make the chapter cheaper for the readers. the next 7 chapters i will make sure all chapters to be 30% cheaper than it should. (more words less coins)

Thank you for your continuous support.


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