After Returning, My Abilities are Infinite

Chapter 92

This was how the Association could grow so rapidly. This merit-based system was one of Kim Min-jae’s commendable policies.

“Jeong Si-woo’s record is impeccable. Comparable to other 1st class Hunters. Actually, his record is as good as the people sitting here right now.”

“But his hunter career is barely 2 years old now. This concerns me. Also, he has succeeded in everything and has never experienced failure. If he continues to hunt, he will fail one day. And since he has always succeeded, I’m afraid he might not be able to handle failure and collapse.”

“I agree. The operations he will be in charge of as a 1st degree Hunter are drastically different from those he undertook as a 2nd degree Hunter. The most important aspect of sitting in a high position is dealing with failure. It’s better not to make one mistake than to succeed greatly ten times. “

“Hmm… Well, what does everyone else think?”

The judges evaluated me, voicing different opinions. A typed document about a man named Jeong Si-woo was handed over.

Becoming a 1st class Hunter was not easy. Every time a 1st class Hunter makes a mistake, hundreds of people die. It was natural for them to deliberate since they were deciding whether or not to put me in a position that was central to protecting humanity.

“I don’t think that’s an issue we need to worry about.”

One of the judges raised his hand.

He was sitting on the judging panel as the representative of 1st class Hunters and 1st generation Heroes. It was Kim Young-hwan, the head of the Four Guardian Gods guild. His face had become more wrinkled than before, but he still gave off the energy of a beast. He spoke with a gentle face.

“Hm… hmm, why do you think so?”

The somewhat tense atmosphere subsided. Kim Young-hwan’s presence was that big. He looked around the now-silent hall and spoke calmly.

“Jeong Si-woo is not a person who has never failed. On the other hand, he has failed as much as the people sitting here. Despite failing, he persisted and improved.”


“It’s not in his post-Hunter documents, but you can tell from his Academy records. No talent, his only specialty was analytical skills that were very advanced for a cadet. He was too weak to keep up with the training curriculum as a freshman, and his record was so poor that professors advised him to transfer to Analytics.”

The other judges thumbed through the additional documents. The sound of paper turning filled the hall. This was never really known to the press. To the world, Jeong Si-woo was an elite hunter who knew nothing about failure.

“He didn’t give up; he tried, and he succeeded after providentially going through a Second Awakening. So it was his effort that created the Hunter named Jeong Si-woo that we know of today. He is not someone to despair after failing. Even if he encounters any hardships as a 1st class Hunter, he will overcome them and become stronger.”


“A strong disposition and outstanding ability is proven by his record. Just looking at these two facts, I can’t see any Hunter other than Jeong Si-woo being promoted to 1st class this year. Anyways, that’s my opinion.”

Kim Young-hwan said, nodding his chin slightly. The majority of the judges were old people who once had successful careers as Hunters. A few of them were still active in the field, but they could not overcome Kim Young-hwan’s charisma.

After all, he was one of the most respected Heroes and one of the ten most powerful Hunters. No one in the hall was bold enough to refute his strong opinion.

As you become older, you have more to protect. And rather than acting impulsively, people tend to stay in their current position and follow the trend.

“Hmmm… So everyone agrees that Hunter Jeong Si-woo is qualified enough to be a 1st class Hunter?”

One of the judges spoke, examining the general atmosphere. No one openly agreed, but no one openly disagreed either. That meant that everyone was in favor of the statement.

“Congratulations, candidate Jeong Si-woo.”

Kim Young-hwan spoke, smiling faintly.

“No, it’s 1st class Hunter Jeong Si-woo now. You will be seeing a lot of me from now on.”

Clap clap clap.

He started to clap slowly. And starting with his clap, the sound of applause filled the hall.

I bowed instead of expressing my gratitude with clichéd words of gratitude. A pen moved on top of the document. With a single signature, I climbed up a step further.

“Well, well.”

The judges gathered the documents they laid out on the table and prepared to get up. I gathered my things as well and was about to leave, but someone grabbed me by the shoulder.

“Mr. Jeong Si-woo.”

It was Kim Young-hwan.

“Can I see you for a moment?”

* * *

“Thank you for what you said during the evaluation. I didn’t expect you to know my Academy days so well.”

“Of course I knew. I’ve been trying to recruit you since your Academy days. Hahaha.”

Kim Young-hwan laughed as he took a sip of his coffee.

“That’s why I’m asking you one more time… You still don’t want to join our guild, do you?”

“Yes, I’m thinking of applying to create a guild. I’ve always wanted to be in charge instead of receiving jobs.”

“Haha… I expected as much. You’re still as impenetrable as an iron wall.”

Joining the Four Guardian Gods guild wasn’t such a bad idea. They weren’t corrupt and had a well-established system of listening to new Hunters.

But it’s not enough for me. In order to cope with the following disasters, I needed an organization that would swiftly act the way I wanted.

“Then let me ask you one more question: Do you happen to have a partner guild?”


But Kim Young-hwan’s next words were unexpected.

“Well… I heard you had a good relationship with the Tower. I was wondering whether you were thinking of forming a coalition. The Association also started out as a sort of guild and has now become a coalition of numerous guilds. Since the Association is struggling right now, I thought that another coalition might help stabilize the situation.….”


“Yes. Would you like to form a coalition with the Four Guardian Gods guild?”

Kim Young-hwan’s proposal was unprecedented. Forming a coalition with a guild that didn’t exist yet, when its structure and members were unknown! This was a proposal based solely on my existence.

This wasn’t a gamble that suited Kim Young-hwan, since he was old enough to retire any day.

His eyes sharply looked at me. Old but not swept away by the waves of time; this man stood at the forefront of the flow of time, leading the waves.

There was only one response.

“It would be an honor.”

The Tower that I controlled, knowing their weakness. The Four Guardian Gods guild was friendly towards me. Out of the three major guilds, I had formed a partnership with two.

‘Things are working out better than I thought.’

I could slowly envision my unfounded guild. It would probably become an unprecedentedly massive group as soon as it was established.

“Oh, and I have one more thing to tell you.”


“This isn’t a proposal. It’s a personal request. I’ve been raising junior Hunters for a long time, and I’ve felt frustrated many times.”

Kim’s face changed subtly.

“Would you like to inherit my martial arts?”

* * *

[So what did you say?]

The Traveler asked loudly.

“Oh, why do you ask? You weren’t here when it mattered. You’ll find out soon enough.”

[No! How can you leave me hanging? Tell me now. I don’t like having to wait.]

“Oh, don’t bother.”

The Traveler had gone somewhere and was absent for a short while. He returned after everything was over. I was feeling a little grumpy, so I didn’t tell him what happened. The Traveler beat his chest, complaining that he had missed the highlights.

[So where are you going now?]

“To create a guild, I need to recruit people. The most important thing in a Hunter organization is having talented people.”

I made small talk with the Traveler as I walked and arrived at the destination in no time.

“I’m Jeong Si-woo.”

“Yes, this way.”

Hearing my name, a staff member gave me the room number. Behind the door, a new member of the Jeong Si-woo Division was waiting.


I turned the handle and pushed the door open, revealing the figure inside.

“Oh, you’re early. How did the evaluation go? Did it end well?”

“It’s probably the most-searched keyword right now. Haven’t you seen it?”

“Wow, you really made it.”

He laughed out loud and asked for a handshake.

[Hmm? Talent? Is this guy talented? He’s one of your Academy friends.]

As the Traveler said, the person waiting inside was none other than Lee Jin-woo.

“You’ve heard what I’m about to say, haven’t you?”

“Yeah. You’re in trouble if you were kidding. I just broke all ties with my old place. I would have made team leader if I stayed another month. You’re sure about this, right?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll pay you the amount of your old yearly salary every month.”

“Wow, Hyung-nim.”

Lee Jin-woo smiled exaggeratedly. He had definitely become more mischievous than before.

“Did you bring the contract? Let’s sign first and then eat. I didn’t even have breakfast.”

“Read it carefully before signing it. What if it’s a slave contract?”

Like Jin-woo, I laughed and joked. I was grateful that he was even alive, but he had returned with an outstanding ability.

Now Lee Jin-woo was going to become a key member of the Jeong Si-woo Division and fight on the frontlines.

Frankly speaking, considering the destructive power of his characteristic, he was comparable to the Five Heroes. His power could be used in infinite ways, depending on how it was applied.

“You’re going to pay me monthly what I earned in a year, who cares if I’m a slave? Hahaha!”

Despite my warning, he signed the contract without even reading it.

I laughed at the sight.

“You don’t get to revise it later.”

I could see Lee Jin-woo regretting this decision in the near future.

* * *

“Your application for the creation of a guild has been completed.”

The headquarters of the Association, with Kim Min-jae gone, was very chaotic. I submitted my guild establishment application and left the hectic building.

[You’ve submitted your application, and it’s going to take a while for Han Yeon-soo to find the people you’ve asked for. What are you going to do in the meantime? Rest?]

“Well… yes, I should rest. I’ve been working hard without a break for a while.”

I pulled a notepad out of my jacket pocket. The cover was worn out, and the corners were frayed. I unfolded the page I had marked with a sticky note and looked at the word I had written down.

“I’m going to meet this person and then take a break.”

-The Great Sage or the Prophet-

The person who foretold the appearance of the Five Disasters before I came back in time, and who hadn’t appeared yet because I took care of all the Disasters that happened.

In the past, the Prophet was famous and heavily guarded. But this time, I was going to visit the Prophet in person.

“This is the only person I have no information on. A big shot who was never exposed to the world, despite being so influential.”

I chuckled and continued to speak.

“Since I don’t know anything, I’m going to find out. I can’t stand not knowing everything about important characters.”

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