I Don’t Want This Reincarnation

Chapter 152

It was the first time in my life to see such beautiful scenery. I was reminded of how monotonous and harsh my past life was.

The third floor would be much nicer because the ceiling was all made of glass. I should take a look later when I got a chance.

When I sat for a while and looked out the window, I heard a knock on the door.

“Oh, no. I interrupted your rest.”

“It’s not.”

It was Elohim who came to the room. With his silver hair neatly tied down, he approached with neat steps.

“Isn’t it beautiful?”

He opened his mouth in a relaxed voice as if he knew what I was seeing.

“The place where you and I first met in our dream was also very impressive. Do you remember?”

“I remember.”

The open meadows and blue skies that made your heart flutter. Even the wind that gently swept the cheeks with the scent of wood.

It was so vivid that I couldn’t believe it was a dream.

“You think it’s my power to create it, but that’s not true.”


“Like I said back then, I just came to your dream. It was you, not me, who created that magnificent view.”

I frowned slightly at the unexpected words.

“But… I don’t have that kind of talent. It’s a place I’ve never been to in my life.”

“It’s quite possible. Because it’s inside a dream.”

Elohim grabbed my shoulder and bowed his upper body slightly to meet my gaze. His golden eyes, seen up close, shone brilliantly.

“Dreams come true with wishes and thoughts that you didn’t even know existed. That’s how great and dangerous it is.”

The calmness I had just felt disappeared like a lie. I looked at Elohim, feeling the chilly air on my skin, and he put something into my hand.

“What is this?”


Contrary to the dream, this candy was white and had a refreshing scent. All of a sudden, candy before going to bed.

“Do I have to eat this?”

“Of course. If possible, I would like you to eat it in front of me now.”

“…may I ask why?”


Elohim, who was worried for a moment and was touching his lips, pointed to the candy.

“The whole place is deeply covered with my power. It can have a good or a bad influence.”

“Like the butterfly that put Ha Tae-heon-ssi to sleep?”

“Right. But unlike that butterfly, it seems to have had a bad influence on you.”

I had a bit of a sense of what he was trying to say. I asked while looking down at something too white for candy.

“Can you dream if you eat this too?”

“No. It’s quite the contrary.”

Elohim firmly shook his head.

“Se-hyun-ah. You have been dreaming of various dreams. Not only the memories of that body but the memories you have.”


“So you already know. When you have an unwanted dream, it affects your reality.”

“El, it means your power makes you dream.”


After a moment’s hesitation, I put the candy in my mouth. The white candy, reminiscent of Elohim, was dizzyingly chilly and full of strong taste, unlike its appearance.

“I’ll give you one every day for the next week, so don’t forget to eat it.”

“Just for a week?”

“Unfortunately, it is. You need the dream. But take a good rest for seven days without such worries.”

The round and hard candy melted away as soon as it was put in the mouth. Noticing that I had finished eating the candy, Elohim tapped my back a couple of times with a friendly touch and turned around.

“Have a good night, kid.”

He left the room and closed the door. Left alone again, I looked out the window with a complicated mind. As before, everything was beautiful, but I couldn’t concentrate.

Dream. Did it mean Han Yi-gyeol’s past that I had dreamed of?

I looked back at the dreams I had dreamed of after entering Han Yi-gyeol’s body just in case.

The first thing that came to mind was the scene where Han Yi-gyeol cried and held Cheon Sa-yeon as he left. After that, he seemed to be enjoying tea time with Cheon Sa-yeon.

It was something that didn’t appear in Abyss, so I remembered waking up and being very embarrassed.

‘My past dreams aren’t important, right?’

Somehow I felt uncomfortable. The first candy Elohim gave me were two pieces of candy. Having eaten one of them and met Han Yi-gyeol’s memory in a dream, the rest must have had the same power.

Biting my lip, I lowered my head slowly. A dark room with only the light of a small light placed on the nightstand next to the bed. Suddenly this place felt so unfamiliar.


I felt that I was paying too much attention to what Elohim had said. I sat down on the bed and sighed.

Then, the closed-door opened again. I thought Elohim had returned, but to my surprise, it was Ha Tae-heon who entered the room.

“Ha Tae-heon-ssi?”

“…did someone visit?”

Ha Tae-heon, who narrowed his eyes and looked around the hallway and room, lowered his voice and asked.

“I heard someone walking around in the hallway.”

“Ah, the Prophet has gone.”


Ha Tae-heon reacted sensitively to the news that Elohim had stopped by. If I even tell him that he gave me candy and I ate it, it would be a mess. I hastily added a lie.

“He didn’t do anything in particular, he just said good night.”


Ha Tae-heon, who looked over the room and clicked his tongue, closed the door and strode towards me. The air was so wild that I leaned back slightly while sitting.

“Go up.”


He picked up the blanket that had been lying on it and pointed to the bed with his chin.

Ha Tae-heon came up as if it was natural as I hesitated and stepped inside the bed with chaotic eyes. Startled by his shameless appearance, I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

“Wait a minute, Ha Tae-heon-ssi.”


“Why are you coming up?”

I asked a very natural question, but Ha Tae-heon made an expression of what the problem was.

“Didn’t you tell me to come see you if I’m worried?”

“That’s right. Why are you on the bed…”

“You said you would sleep with me.”

What kind of bullshit is this?

“Didn’t I say I’m going to think about it?”

“Noisy. Just lay down.”

Ha Tae-heon pulled the pillow back into the corner and forced me to lie down. My mouth fell open in disbelief.

“With what confidence do you want to sleep alone without locking the door? There is a possibility that the Prophet or an unidentified monster will attack you while you sleep.”

“I will lock the door.”

“Do you think you can stop the attack by just locking such an ordinary door?”


I didn’t respond like that when we were talking at sea. A sense of betrayal soared.

“As I said before, I’m confident in running away. Don’t worry.”

“When you fall asleep, you sleep so deeply that you don’t know if someone would carry you, but that’s not funny. It seems more realistic to die in sleep without the knowledge of mice or birds.”


It was probably because he was the main character and his speaking skills weren’t a joke. Or was I too tired to come up with anything to object?

“I know, I got it.”

When I surrendered and put my head on the soft pillow, Ha Tae-heon also turned off the light and straightened his wrinkled forehead. As the light disappeared in the room, the crowd of stars that filled the sky through the window became clearer.

Ha Tae-heon, who was sitting next to me, blinked slowly and then closed the window. All those actions seemed familiar.

I looked at Ha Tae-heon, who was lying close enough to feel the warmth, and called out in a low voice.

“Ha Tae-heon-ssi.”

“…say it.”

“Why do you trust me?”

It was something I was curious about before I left Korea.

I didn’t really tell him anything. My identity, the reason for looking for the Prophet, and how I would act in the future.

Nevertheless, Ha Tae-heon accepted me and said that I was a friend. Of course, I thought about it for a long time. So I was more grateful and sorry.

Ha Tae-heon slowly opened his eyes. His black eyes, which I met from a close distance, were as beautiful as the night sky.

“I believe in the choices you’ve made.”

“The choices I’ve made?”

“You threw away your safety very easily and managed to protect the rest. Many times.”


“Because you were like that, I decided that no matter what you did, you wouldn’t do anything that would harm others.”

I listened blankly to the words that flowed calmly without rushing.

It was the first time. The person who evaluated me like this.

“…thank you.”

It was difficult to see Ha Tae-heon’s eyes for some reason, so I lowered my gaze. Blood rushed to my face. I hoped the darkness would cover my reddened face.

“Because I believe, from now on, I want you to take care of yourself more than others.”

“I will try my best.”

“I can’t believe it.”

“Didn’t you just say you believe me a second ago?”

“It’s different from that.”

What is he saying now. I couldn’t help laughing out of absurdity. As I giggled and laughed, Ha Tae-heon pulled up a blanket and covered my shoulders.

“Stop talking and sleep.”

“All right.”

There were no more questions to ask anyway. After seeing the beautiful face of Ha Tae-heon, who closed his eyes again, I closed my eyes as if following him.

Along with the joy of knowing even a little bit of how Ha Tae-heon felt for me, the heavy feeling of having to let him go in a few days coexisted.

‘But I can’t give up my deal with the Prophet…’

In the end, it was my desire to make the transaction successful without disappointing Ha Tae-heon. Even though I knew it wasn’t easy to catch two rabbits.

I forcefully swallowed the sigh that reached the end of my neck and opened my closed eyes again. Ha Tae-heon was lying there, motionless.

I didn’t know if he was asleep or not, but it didn’t really matter. I carefully moved my body to close the distance with him. I felt the warm body on my arm.

At that moment, my stomach, which had been churning with anxiety, was relieved a little. In addition, it seemed to be okay with the unfamiliar approach.

Was this the effect of the main character? He was very good at speaking and calmed down people’s anxiety.

I accepted the pouring sleep with a thoughtless thought inside. As I asked Ha Tae-heon, I had to stay awake to prepare for an unexpected accident, but it was very difficult to shake off the drowsiness that came like a tsunami.

‘Because Ha Tae-heon is by my side… it will be fine.’

It wasn’t anyone else, it’s Ha Tae-heon.

It would be fine.

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