Sovereign of the Karmic System

Chapter 663 The Trial Of Karma (Part 4)

As the two locked eyes, while their bodies did not move, their powers darted ahead. Sparks of golden light and milky white flames that wrestled for control over the empty area between the two tables, mixing and clashing and burning and cutting one another in an unprecedented conflict. A very common occurrence between hostile aspects of existence, too much so for others to consider the beginning of hostilities.

Among the aspects of existence, this clash of powers served the same purpose as a simpler clash of ideas, which were fought with blades of sounds and shields of emotions. A clash of intent, the aspects of existence called it. A way of communication unique to the members of the pantheon, as useful as spoken words, hand gestures, and a person\'s demeanor.

Seeing the two busy clashing ideas, the gentlemanly cultivator that sat by Order\'s right decided to answer in his stead. He stood up from his chair in a dignified manner, allowing for his long arms to finally unfurl. As he did, the brush he carried in between them took off into the air, reaching for the orbs of blue power on its own. Upon contact, the bristles dove into the power of sentience, smearing it in the air like dollops of blue paint over a nonexistent canvas. "That of the primordial aspects of existence." He said.

"Ha! Yeah right.." Instinct muttered, but only after letting out a loud scoff which erased any semblance of formality Sentience had painstakingly built with his dignified demeanor, and confident tone.

Both Order and Sentience turned to look at him, angered by his unnecessary intervention, only to find him slouching onto his chair. His legs were carelessly pressed against the edge of the table, while his cat-like eyes intent on finding the smallest bits of dirt present underneath his long and sharp nails. 

"That is interesting," Daniel said, resuming his staring contest with warrior in the platinum armor, "Especially considering that I was in the presence of one of them just a few hours ago, and she did not appear to have any knowledge of this trial." His words were able to turn a few heads, each portraying a confusion that was instantly shut down by Order\'s threatening gaze. "And I somehow doubt that Chaos would agree to such formalities. Not to mention Conflict, who would most probably prefer that we debated with swords, rather than words." 

His tone was sarcastic, and derisory to an extent, but still able to catch the observing aspects by surprise. After all, he had lived for their equivalent of a few minutes, and yet, he could already understand the nature of their primordial kindred. Dynamics that even within the pantheon existence belonged to a world of their own, for there were no connections and overlapping between their powers, and each was equally as powerful as the other. Their interest always lay in themselves, and anything that could threaten their power directly.

Or so it was in the beginning of time.

After the birth of the other aspects of existence, these nigh-omnipotent creatures had eventually found a need for a supervisor. A guardian who could keep the little ones in check, freeing them from the burden of guiding a horde of infinitely powerful children into a semblance of civility. A job that was then given to three entities. The low-tier aspect of Law, the mid-tier aspect of Equilibrium, and the high tier aspect of Order.

Under the promise of additional interaction with the peak aspects of existence, the three had eagerly accepted the grievous task, only to find out, not long after, how little their employees cared for the matters of the lower tier of the pantheon. They were glorified nannies, entrusted with hundreds of kids whose parents would occasionally ask to give special attention to.

Naturally, Daniel was unaware of the role Order and the others had to play within the pantheon. His assumptions were based solely on his understanding of the nature of the aspects of existence, and the simplicity of their minds. After all, in their near omnipotence, they struggled to comprehend the concept of hiding one\'s thoughts, making their intention painfully clear, and easy to guess. "I can\'t quite tell with the others, but it would seem that only Fate would have a vested interest in putting me on trial."

"High lord Fate, for you." Order growled as the white of his eyes began to glow. An outburst that did nothing but confirm Daniel\'s suspicion. 

His dust covered forearms rose as his fingers entwined, leaving only his index fingers outstretched in front of him. "Yes, the guy who wants me, Destiny and any of his champions dead, because as long as we live, his nature will stand on shaky grounds. That is who you are doing this for." 

A burst of laughter exploded across the hall, prompting each aspect of existence to turn towards the right curve of the table. There they found the aspect of Instinct, who had quietly stood up, walked behind his chair, and leaned onto its backrest with his elbows without anyone noticing. His feline eyes were aimed at Daniel, whom he looked at with amusement.

"Not a bad assumption, though I believe it is missing several more details." He said as his gaze shifted towards the low aspects of Sacrifice and Deceit, whom he observed like a hidden cat staring at the playing mice.

Daniel ignored Instinct. He had already guessed what type of creature he was. One who lacked seriousness or propensity for duty. He was there for amusement, and he knew that had he asked him to explain himself, he would have been left hanging from a cliff. Instead, he turned towards Order and said, "I do not recognize your authority, nor that of those above you."

"And yet you will abide by it, if you wish for a chance to walk out of here alive." Order responded, white flames swallowing the far and few sparks of golden light in a show of power. A response that Daniel turned away from with a roll of his eyes, in a sign of begrudging agreement. "We will go by procedure." Order commanded as his eyes brushed past the surrounding aspects. "Ask your questions, and the ones entrusted to you by the ones you represent, and then we will speak of his actions."

As Order reminded the rules, Daniel\'s mind was elsewhere. His foot, once planted solidly onto the ground, was now resting on his heel, as the tip tapped against Roley\'s shin. Soon after, a barrier of sound reappeared around them, and Roley asked, "What is it?" 

"How many have you made?"

The young scholar frowned. "Not a single one yet. It is not that easy when you have to keep it hidden from a handful of deities." Roley answered, slightly annoyed. "I will be done with one in a few minutes but, though I don\'t think-"

"That it will be enough to cover our escape." Daniel interrupted. "I might have a chance to keep those three occupied by myself, but that leaves to you the other six aspects of existence, four of whom are of the mid tier. A single one of your attacks will be the equivalent of throwing a glass of water at them. We will need no less than a dozen, or at least a big one."

"We are not going anywhere." Der interjected. "Not without getting what we came looking for."

"We won\'t be able to save them if we are de-" Daniel made an attempt to talk some sense into the stubborn warrior, but he was soon interrupted.

"If you wish to leave, then go. I would rather be caught and kept with the others, than lose them again." Der said.

Daniel sucked his teeth, making a tch sound. "Mortals.." he could not help but mutter with annoyance and a tinge of disdain. His arms crossed and his feet began to tap against the stone floor for the biggest part of a minute. "Fine." he then said before tuning to look back at Roley. "I will buy time, you do the best you can. If possible, I will try to negotiate the return of the hostages."

"What if you can\'t?" Roley asked both for himself and for Der.

Daniel\'s lips curved into a creepy smile. "I suppose Sacrifice will have to come with us." He said before giving the scholar a faint nod. Hinting for him to remove the blockade of sound.

The barrier was removed just in time for Order to finish giving instructions, and turn back towards Daniel, whom he found smiling jovially, unbothered by any possible danger that awaited for him. "Authority, you may commence." He then said, gaze locked onto the beads of gold that were Daniel\'s own eyes before the hall fell silent.

In hasty yet delicate motions, the woman in the flowery dress finished transcribing Order\'s words, then lifted her gaze. Her eyes were dark green, the color of pines, and portraying a feeling that mortals would often see in their mothers, fathers, and employers. "Lord Karma." She said in a polite and professional tone. "The aspect of Learning would like to ask, \'In which ways does your power differ from ours?\' Please, respond with honesty, for Lord Instinct is here to assess the truth in your words."

Daniel shrugged. On his body, holes carved by the aspects\' intrigued gazes. "In the way you already have knowledge of." he answered. "I am capable of storing the power of karma within my body, and take it with me across the trigate, and wherever I wish to."

"What would you believe is the reason for that?" Authority continued.

Daniel adjusted himself into the uncomfortable chair, then leaned forward, once again resting his arms onto the dusty table. "I have no idea. I have a few theories, most of which you would have probably thought of yourselves." 

Authority resumed her scribbling, recording every word spoken and intention shown. Her eyes, however, remained on Daniel. "We are not you, Lord Karma. Our theories tend to be limited to what we know, and we know nothing of your ascension, its price, or your vestige."

"Fair enough." Daniel nodded. "Aside from the gift of Karma, I was a mortal once. A practitioner at the godhood stage of the path of immortal cultivation."

"Do you believe those powers to be the reason for your unique ability?" she asked, her hand never stopping its left to right motion.

Daniel\'s head shook in denial. "No." He said. "My ascension destroyed my immortal body, splitting it back into its three components. Ki, mental power and spiritual essence. Immortal power and existential power cannot coexist within the body. You would have known that, had any of you bothered attempting to cultivate immortality."

"What use does one have for crawling, when one can already fly.." Sentience asked, rhetorically. Daniel ignored his dig at mortal cultivators. Not because he was not hurt by his words, but because he agreed with them. After all, the memories of his former self were memories of a weak man.

Authority dared not admonish Sentience, despite his intervention had interrupted her line of questioning. Only after he finished, did she continue. "What would you say is the theory you believe in the most, Lord Karma?"

The smile on Daniel\'s face widened, as a faint scoff escaped his throat. "Are you sure you want to know? You might not like it." He responded with words that were obviously not meant for her alone, but the other aspects of existence as well.

"Please." She answered, unperturbed.

"Mm. Very well." Daniel said. "I believe it has to do with the difference between Fate and Destiny. Anyone who has ever met a champion of the latter would tell what is at the core of their nature. The desire to create a path that breaks the shackles of fate, to create their own destiny. To do so, one would not be able to rely on the external production of power, but rely on the power he possesses instead." Daniel added, "I believe my existence, and theirs, is external to the totality of fate, and that is why I can store my power. Because it is mine to wield, while yours is simply borrowed."

By now, all the aspects of existence but Order were leaning over the table. Ears, or lack thereof, aimed at him in an attempt to make his voice clearer than it already was. A small crack formed in their hearts as they collectively came to realize a reality of their existence. A reality they hated.

"Next question?" Daniel asked.

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