The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 90 - Ridiculously Easy Rescue

It has been a two days since I left the capital. The king should be busy right now looking for the criminal who killed his secret guardian.

Well, the king should be fine. It was the guards and other people who should be busy looking for \'Ninja\'. The king will make it as if Tim died because of personal vendetta.

Even so, the guards and the court will still be busy after knowing that there\'s someone who can trespass the palace easily. And if my guess is right, Albert should be finding people he can trust and eliminating traitors. He used this chance while the palace is busy to eliminate the traitors at the same time.

As for Marie, she should be resting. I also gave her a note about healthy nutritious food she can eat and good for both babies. Shirley should be helping her. Taking care of her needs. At least until they found someone they can trust.

The king trust me so easily just because I never lied. Then just because of that, both his sister and his wife trust me as well. How can anyone be so trusting just like that?

Oh wait! I also trust Kayla and Angela after talking and hunting together for a few times. But I don\'t have any lie detecting skill, which means I\'m stupider than the king who trust me because he can detect lies.

Let\'s see everyone whom I have told about the future.

First it was Victoria. She\'s my partner so I think she\'s fine.

Then Angela and Kayla. Angela used to be extremely hostile to the cult. But that was after a stampede in Melk. At the moment, she\'s just a magic nerd teenage girl. As for Kayla, She should be dead if I never met her. Other than me, she hates all men.

After them, it was Sophie. I told her after she said she wants to join our party. Sometime I forgot that she was a prostitute. That means she had a lot of connection with various people who were her clients. Who knows if she has met anyone from the cult? I was so stupid to tell them my secret even though it hasn\'t been long since we met.

No matter how close I thought we were, I don\'t think we\'re close enough to actually tell them something so important.

But who cares if I ended up having a harem?

Harem with girls who actually doesn\'t know their own feelings… yet.

I\'ll take my time getting closer to them.

Next is Lina. I don\'t know if Sam realize that I\'m from the future, but Lina knows. But she\'s a weird one. She\'s a maid with daddy issue who loves to be praised by me. As for Sam, as long as I gave her more profit, I don\'t think she will care if I am from the future or even from the moon.

After them, it was the king. Then the queen and king\'s sister.

It\'s too late to regret telling them about my secret. Maybe in the future I will continue to tell someone else about my secret. Then it might spread to the cult one day and get me killed.

Whatever the case, I\'ll take care of it one by one in the future. If I can\'t then I just need to run away.

Now I can see Cassau. I can finally go home.

That\'s what I thought at first. I tried to use Divine Vision on the city to check on them but I can\'t find them! Other than Sam who\'s still in the city, no one else was there!

Then I remembered about the party that got caved in. Maybe they\'re over there at the dungeon.

Since I was hurried to go home, it was still afternoon when we reached the dungeon.

I no longer needed Divine Vision to see them because they are clearly over here, trying to clear up the rubbles.

Maybe they thought since no one\'s willing to help Ellen\'s party, they will do it themselves. And they tried to clear the rubbles hoping that they can reach the party.

"Dig more! Kayla, dig more! This can also be used as a practice for earth element magic!"

"We\'re trying to rescue people, Angela. We\'re not practicing. We\'re rescuing people!"

"But we can do both at the same time!"

I can see that Angela and Kayla both are digging little by little using their earth magic. They should have just dug for about 10 meters deep. But the fact that they haven\'t found Ellen\'s party meant that her party is much deeper.

I looked below the ground and see that Ellen\'s party is right under the area where Angela and Kayla dug up. But they need to dig 20 more meters before they can rescue Ellen\'s party.

I can see Lina is here as well. She doesn\'t do much, but her summon, Sunny, used her vine tentacles to carry the rubbles and help digging. Sophie is next to Lina watching because she\'s not much of help with her magic.

I can also see that several area nearby have been dug by other people. They are most likely digging for treasures.

Ever since the dungeon was destroyed, many monsters are died. And since the dungeon is collapsed, it was impossible for new monsters to spawn. And so, the dungeon\'s life is over just a few days after being found. How stupid.

All the treasures were still there so many people tries their luck by digging up from right above the dungeon. And I think some of them succeeded since I can see several opened chests. But there are still a lot more underground.

The funniest part was that the first party to enter the unexplored area after us can\'t enjoy any of the treasures. In fact, it was their fault that the dungeon is destroyed.

They refused to practice magic control and tried to monopolize the dungeon. But they got caved in instead. Now they have no choice but to rely on the people they rejected before. And no one else is willing to help them. Except for that loud girl I suppose. Since she hasn\'t manifested her magic, bringing her here would only be a burden.

I approached Lina and Sophie who were watching on Kayla and Angela working.

"Hey, yo! Been a while, huh?"

"Hmm? Roy! You\'ve returned!"

"Master! Welcome home!"

"This is not our home though… whatever. I\'m home."

I asked the situation to the two. And their answer is as I expected. No one is helping Ellen\'s party other than us. And Angela and Kayla both trying to dig until they reached Ellen\'s party.

"I guess I should help. But how?"

"What do you mean how?! We thought to delay their death because we trust you to be able to rescue them! Don\'t tell me you don\'t have a plan?!"

Victoria suddenly spoke. She hasn\'t been appearing all day today, and she wanted to help rescuing Ellen\'s party. Maybe she wanted the reward offered by Ellen.

"By the way, where\'s the hole you entered through before?"

"It was… around that part. Don\'t you have any plan to help them?"

Victoria pointed to a hole I can see a bit away from where Angela and Kayla are digging.

"I have a plan but… it involve me digging barehanded. What should I do if my nails broke?!"

"That\'s the least of your problem!"

Victoria shouted so loud that Kayla and Angela noticed us here. They stopped digging as soon as they saw us.

"Ah! Roy is here!" It was Kayla who noticed us first.

"Roy! Come get them out of here!"

"Master said he can\'t have his nails broken. Please wait until Master found another plan to get them out of here."

It was Lina who replied Angela. She already know that I\'m thinking of another plan? What an amazing maid!

"Forget about your nails! You almost got your arm cut and you perform a surgery on your own so you can reattach it, but you\'re worried about your nails?!"

"It was a dead or alive situation back then. Don\'t you think if you asked anyone who has dug the nearby area to help you can rescue them faster?"

"…seems like Ellen\'s party is quite hated."

"…Victoria. Enter the hole and cover the people under here with your body. Make it into a ball just big enough for them to enter."

"What are you trying to do?"

Victoria asked me but I didn\'t answer her.

"Angela, Kayla. Both of you were holding back your magic because you\'re afraid in case they got buried, right? If Victoria covered them all, you won\'t have to worry about that. Now, go all out!"

They went all out now knowing that Ellen\'s party will be safe.

Before, they were only digging up little by little. Now they\'re digging up to more than one meters hole in one go. Their mastery of magic control are superb.

The ground was unstable for a while because the area where Ellen\'s party was is hollow and more rubles falling down. But Angela and Kayla able to balance themselves after a while.

I see-through inside of Victoball (Victoria Ball) and see that Ellen\'s party is fighting among themselves. Somehow, they are targeting Ellen. There\'s one old lady there trying to stop their fighting to no avail. Is she the S-ranked hunter?

"It\'s funny how none of you thought about this. If only you did this on the first day, I can stay at the capital longer you know?"

"What happened at the capital?" Sophie asked.

"I\'ll tell you later. Hmm? They have dug enough and can see Victoria. I\'ll pull them out."

The Victoball suddenly has a handle on the side that appear after being dug. I pulled it out with all my strength and the ball was thrown into the air.

The ground now sinking because of it so I grabbed Kayla and Angela who are still nearby and jumped out of the hole.

"This is the most ridiculous rescue mission in the world…"

I said to myself.

Kayla should be smart enough to think of this, but she didn\'t. In fact, she choose to rely on me too much so she only think of letting them survive until I returned.

I thought I already taught her almost everything, but I forgot to teach her how to be independence, huh?

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