The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 114 - Sonia's Past

"AAAAAARGH! Boring! We haven\'t find any clues even though we have cleared the first five floor already!"

It has been dour days already since Albert gave me permission to enter all floor in the Tower Library. The librarian is kind enough to let me have the key. Well, it was Albert who told him to give me the key.

Five floor in four days? That\'s a record. Each floors at least have at least five thousand books.

Well, it\'s not like we read everything here. We just skimmed through the book and see if any one of them has anything to do with the past. But we haven\'t found any.

From history books, to fictions, we have skimmed through all of them. And now I\'m bored.

It\'s late at night and the Tower Library is closed already. But thanks to my night vision, I don\'t need light to read any books. Ever since I was given the key, I spend every night reading. I would just rest and sleep for a few hour on Blobbybed.

The others helped me in looking for any clues. But Angela got bored so easily. Sophie is helping by reading children\'s stories. Kayla is reading everything she fancies. But she would read them thoroughly. Victoria and Sonia are the ones who helped me the most. But Victoria has a time limit and Sonia is needed to contact the others. I asked her to spend more time with Daniel and the others.

Both of them are curious because it\'s related to their death and all the other Aura users in the past. But I can\'t let them look for the clues on their own. Victoria has time limit, and Sonia only connected to the dirt inside the accessories we have. If I left a necklace here, someone might have taken it, so I can\'t have her help me on her own.

That\'s why I\'m the only one who have to do the most work. If the others needed me, they can contact me through Sonia.

But damn! This is so boring!

There\'s only Sonia and me in the dark library and I\'m sitting on Blobbycouch trying to find something interesting.

"Sonia, you\'re not bored?" I asked Sonia in my boredom.

"Nope. There are a lot of books here. It\'s better than being locked in that building for years with nothing inside. Next pages, please."

Since Sonia can\'t touch anything, I\'m also helping her to flip the page of the book she\'s reading. Good thing that there are dozens of books with the same title. So I can put the books on the floor and opened all the books in different pages. I don\'t have to turn every single page for Sonia.

"Should we stop doing this? It\'s not like our assumption is right. It might just be the story just coincidentally similar to your past."

"You might be right. But as long as it hasn\'t been proven otherwise, it could also be true. Come on, we still have five more floor and a basement before we finished everything."

I shake my head hearing her dedication to the truth. She said that reading was not her hobby back when she was alive, but now it seems to be the opposite. It\'s not like a ghost can do much, so a hobby is good for her I guess.

I looked at the royal palace from time to time, and see through the King\'s Chamber and Marie\'s belly. There\'s no sign of the babies to be delivered again today. I have given Albert a necklace to call Sonia, so when the emergency time come, he will contact me through Sonia.

"Sonia, let\'s stop here and rest for a bit. While we\'re resting, you can tell me about your past." Out of boredom, I asked Sonia to tell me about her past.

"It\'s nothing interesting. I want to be loved, I made a lot of men into my lovers, and then I died." Sonia answered emotionlessly.

"But that\'s not all, isn\'t it? There\'s more to your story. Like when you have a child and became a mother."

"How did you know?!" Sonia\'s expression changed as she stopped reading the book and looking at me.

"When you heard about Daniel\'s story on your first meeting with him, you became too sentimental. You had a child before?"

"…I guess it\'s fine to tell you. Yes, I\'m a mother of two. A daughter and a son."

Sonia told me about her past after she choose to live separately from Victoria.

"It was by chance that I found a village and wanted to rest and spend the night there. But strangely, the only residents there were men. There were no women in that village. And I felt some kind of connection with that village. More precisely, the one who took over that village. A succubus. Then I killed her and gained my special ability."

Killing a succubus is not an easy feat. Succubus is among those monsters with high intellect and able to communicate with humans. They could even disguise themselves as human. Who knows if some people I have met are actually monsters pretending to be human?

"After gaining my new ability, I went back to seduce the man I had a crush with. Victoria has left who knows where at the time after I returned, and I used that chance to seduce him. I have a good time with him, but somehow, I ended up seducing a lot more men than I thought. I thought that maybe the succubus ability affected me and made me seduce all men."

Aura user\'s ability can affect the mind of the user themselves? Maybe that only affected if they defeated intellectual monsters.

"Then the 106th man is more special than all 173 of them."

"Wait, what? You seduced 173 men and you\'re doing fine?"

No sexually transmitted disease or any health issues at all? Is it because of Aura? I hope it\'s because of Aura. Please let it be because of Aura!

"Several of my lovers are healers. If I felt slightly sick or something, they will heal me. The highest level of healers among my lovers is an Expert level after all."

Viva healer! Long live healer! Kayla, I wish you the very best!

"Maybe because of this special ability of the succubus or maybe it was from me, but I never had a child before then. But after I met him, I have a daughter. Then two years later, I have a son with him again."

Sonia looked happy remembering those times.

"I tried to be a good mother to the two. Then I naively thinking that their father will be nice to them even if I undo my charm magic. I was wrong."

This time, Sonia looked sad. I guess something bad happened to her after that.

"He left me and my kids behind as he disappeared. My daughter was seven at the time and thought it will be great if she could find her father. So she took her brother to look for him. Not knowing that their father planning to kill me after alerting a nobleman in a city. They send thousands of soldiers to kill me saying I\'m a demon.

I was looking for my kids and the soldiers found them first. And that man… he said that his own children is demon\'s children. The soldiers killed my children in front of me. In anger, I used charm magic on all the men there and forced them to kill each other."

…so she has such a past. And I also can feel my Blobbycouch shaking slightly. Seems like Victoria still has some time.

"Victoria, I know you\'re there. Anything you want to say?" I looked down on the couch I\'m sitting on.

The couch transformed into a woman and I have no choice but to stand up in the progress.

"Sonia, I\'m sorry to hear that. I never thought that something that tragic happened to you. While you\'re grieving over your children, I was just having fun flying all over the place and enjoying my own life. I should have helped you."

Victoria approached Sonia. It was so close and I can see that Victoria tried to hug her. But that\'s impossible since Sonia is a ghost.

"So that\'s why you reacted that way when you heard Daniel\'s mother died."

"Yes. I just love children. I don\'t want anything bad happen to all children around the world." Sonia said with a smile that can break anyone\'s heart.

"Leave it to me. I will make our house in Cassau filled with children. But please wait a few years since I\'m still too young to be a father myself. Maybe in two or three years at least. Until then, you can play with Daniel and Hannah as much as you want." I proudly said I will make a lot of children.

"Is that how you cheered someone up? By telling her that you will have a lot of children?" Victoria fumed when she heard what I said.

We had a little argument and was stopped by Sonia\'s laughter.

"Ahaha… Thank you, both of you. Although it has been a long time since I died, it\'s nice to be able to meet Roy and reunited with you, Victoria."

We spend that night just chatted until Victoria\'s time is really over.

I\'d like to have children, but I\'m still too young. At least my physical body is.

I\'m still fifteen… or maybe I\'m already sixteen? I forgot when my birthday is.

I know that some people already have children at my age. But that doesn\'t mean I have to have children quickly. And I need to ask the girls if they want to have children as well.

Let\'s take it slow.

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