The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 125 - Day Of The Parade

It\'s the parade day to celebrate the king\'s first son. He also has a daughter but not many knows about it.

The past few days, we have finished reading all the books about history or fairy tales in the Library Tower. And just like we suspected, the name of the first king of Tatrama kingdom is Rama, although in the history, he was called Rupert Tatrama from his father\'s name, Rupert.

But that\'s all we could find in the basement. Other than that fact, we only see documents of the kingdom\'s secret moves from the past. Like sending a spy to another country, brainwashing powerful mage, and many other evil plan that should never be known to the world.

As for the documents that were written since Albert\'s rule, there were only few of them. And none of them are as bad as the previous kings\' era. Or maybe not yet.

We told Albert about our findings and he only said that he will help search for more clues. Does he no longer surprised to hear that the first king of this kingdom is an Aura user? Maybe it was because we have told him about where his ability come from.

I also told him to look for ancient magic tools or weapons or anything that might be used to kill this Evil God.

He agreed and only said to let go of everything for the next few days and enjoy the parade and Ruby\'s wedding.

That\'s why today we just enjoy ourselves as the parade goes on.

Albert, Marie, and Alan rode in an open carriage to show the people his newborn son. Everyone is cheering for the future king. Mustache is behind them as their bodyguard along with several other royal mages.

I think I saw some of them before. They should be the audition winners who got promoted into royal mage.

How did they got promoted only after a few days of the audition? It was because of the arrest of Berthold.

The arrest happened just yesterday morning with Albert himself as the lead. He brought only the people who won the audition with him.

Albert come to arrest Berthold for the crime of slave trading, which is banned in this kingdom. Berthold pretend to not know about it. Albert said that even though Berthold is a scaredy-cat, his acting is really good. Maybe it was because his son\'s life is on the line.

Although Berthold married his wife because of some political marriage arrangement, he cares deeply toward his son. So he doesn\'t care of what happen to his wife.

During the arrest, several people refused to come along, of whom Albert presumed to be from the cult. And as they were told to be taken and interrogated, Berthold\'s wife stupidly decided to blow her own head. Which makes Albert\'s army wary of these people they are going to arrest.

She could have just tagged along for the interrogation, but she choose to kill herself. Probably because of fear that we will find out about the cult. Albert told me that the other people who were the guests of Berthold\'s wife, angry at her decision. Since they could have just be prisoned and that\'s all, but because of the explosion, the cult\'s member had no other choice but to kill themselves as well when they were going to be caught.

All of the member of the cult burst their own head, including the two bodyguards Berthold brought to the audition. Seeing them killing themselves, the knights who doesn\'t know about the cult surrender themselves. Afraid that the explosion is because Albert\'s army\'s power. Those who surrendered were imprisoned and will be auditioned by Albert himself. Of course those who are innocent will be released in a few days.

As for Berthold\'s son, it was Ian who saved him. Ian sneaked into the room where he is locked, and kill the captors guarding him.

Berthold\'s son is just ten years old. He and Berthold were secretly escorted to stay in Tim\'s secret room in the palace and will be safely guarded.

The two of them will be released and given new identities. Berthold will no longer be a noble. As for how he will end up, it\'s up to Albert. But I guess Berthold will be our allies against the cult.

The news create chaos among the people for a while, but people no longer care because they only think of the parade and celebration. The civilians doesn\'t think much of what\'s happening with nobles. They only care more about themselves.

As for nobles, they were scared to do anything. Whether they are part of the cult or not, all of them choose to stay quiet.

Albert told me all of this this morning just before the parade. And now, we\'re all watching his carriage moving from the side of the street. I\'m carrying Lana and stand in the front so Marie can see us.

"Look. That\'s your father, mother, and your brother."

I said to Lana in whisper as Marie noticed us and waving Alan\'s arm toward us.

"Look at you being so close to Lana. I thought you don\'t want to take part in taking care of her." Angela teased me.

"What?! Who said that?"

"You! Just a few days ago!"

"Really? I don\'t remember anything that long ago."

"…that remind me of how forgetful you are. If you can remember a lot more, we can take care of the… that thing better." Angela said in low volume so no one can hear us.

Angela spoke the truth. If I have a good memory, I can remember more of the cult\'s plan and tell Albert about it instead of having him look for it. Sorry, but I\'m just an average person. The only thing that makes me different from other people is Aura. And some memories of the future. Most of them are about me though.

"Ah! So cute! What\'s the name?"

Someone next to us saw me and asked for a name.


"Not you, you idiot! She\'s talking about Lana! And did you really think you\'re cute?!"

Good thing that I\'m carrying Lana. If not, I\'m sure Angela would hit me as usual.

"Ask blind people if I\'m cute and they will say the same answer."

"That you\'re cute?"

"No. They\'ll say \'I\'m blind you stupid idiot!\' right to my face. But they can\'t see my face so they might actually said it to someone else\'s face."

"That\'s obvious, you stupid idiot!"

"Now it\'s you who called me stupid idiot."

"I\'m representing all the blind people who don\'t know toward whom those words should be spoken!"

While we\'re continued arguing, Kayla interrupt us.

"Your skit makes that lady leave. You two should be careful when and where you two are playing around."

"No. I made that lady leave on purpose. Victoria, follow her and if you find her hiding spot together with other people, contact Albert via Sonia. Don\'t engage them."

Then while everyone\'s eyes are locked at Albert, Victoria leave her usual spot in my body, my arm.

"Okay. Does she have it in her mouth?" Victoria asked which I nodded and she left to stalk that lady.

Seems like they are really targeting the prince. Good thing that we choose to keep Lana\'s existence a secret. Guarding two babies is harder than one after all.

We continued watching Albert until his carriage left the street. And then everyone leave and return to their daily lives. Although some of them are following the carriages. Most of them are kids though.

We returned to the inn and rest for a while.

"Master. Here\'s your suit. I picked one that suited you most."

"Thanks, Lina. The size?"

"I already know your size."


"I\'m a maid."

I never have anyone measure my size and never told anyone. But how can Lina know about my size? Is this how a maid should be? Scary…

"We don\'t need to measure you. We just asked Victoria since you often use her as your clothes." Sophie explained.

Oh, right. If it\'s Victoria, then she could just transform herself into me or the clothes I wear and have Lina measure her.

And then Victoria returned. She entered the inn with her human form.

"How is it?"

"I told Albert their hiding spot. Then I waited until Miguel busted them. That lady and her friends choose to kill themselves."

So they thought that they had no choice but to suicide. How stupid. I guess they were taught that way.

"But Miguel managed to grab one man and pluck the explosive device along with some of his teeth before he activate it. That guy will be put in prison."

"I see. I guess Albert will be the one to interrogate him. I should also check if there are people he caught yesterday that has explosive devices as well before Albert get close to them. I\'ll be back soon."

After hearing from Victoria that they managed to capture one person, I left to see the prison where that guy and everyone who were caught from Berthold\'s estate imprisoned.

I hope I won\'t see anything that Victoria saw in Mellian\'s prison.

…yup. No one has explosive anymore. I should return to the inn and dressed up for Ruby\'s wedding tonight. And I didn\'t see anything in the corner of that prison. Nothing at all…

Is there any potion that can make me forget a certain memory?

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