The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 372 - Cutting Fire

After defeating the lava monster, I reunited with Shelia and fought weaker monsters. I let her hunt as much monsters as she wants, while I, with Victosword in my hand, is facing a fire-spewing rabbit.

The rabbit is fast, but not as fast as I am. And it spit fire from its mouth. My target is to see if I can cut that fire.

It won\'t instantly attack me with fire as it is a timid monster. It will try to escape. But I keep chasing it to provoke it until it attacks me.

Once I cornered it, it started to get angry and faced me.

"Alright, rabbit! Come at me!" I shouted.

"I wonder how a fire monster can\'t get burn by its own fire, but after it died, it can be cooked with normal fire. How about you try eating it raw?" Victoria asked.

"No way! Unless it\'s sushi or sashimi."

The rabbit then starts spitting fire at me from its mouth, and with my Victosword, I slashed the fire with a vertical slash. But the fire still continues, so I dodged it.

"Oh, that was a fail. How did you cut the fire in two again?" Victoria asked.

"I was naked," I said.

"Then, how about you get naked again?"

"…I\'m sorry. I was just joking. Maybe it\'s the combination of skill, mindset, and timing. I think I got the skill right with my Aura, but my mindset is different now. As for timing, I need to adjust it a little," I explained.

Although I can use many kinds of weapon, I think I can say that I\'m pretty skilled in all of them. that\'s why I\'m confident with my skill. As for timing, my Divine Vision is very helpful with that.

But mindset is… let\'s remember what happened during the fight against the lava monster.

I was surrounded by lava, and the head started attacking me with fire and I slashed it

No, that was what happened, not what I was thinking.

What I thought was the same. For survival. I have to live. And I rejected the idea of running away from the fire. It\'s also because I can\'t escape other than using portal, which I restrained myself to use.

And… I didn\'t think much when I slashed it. Maybe I thought of something, but does emptying my mind work?

If I empty my mind and it fails, I would get my face burnt by a rabbit. That\'s not funny. And I don\'t think emptying my mind is the right answer. After all, I\'m the kind of guy who think too much. An overthinker.

And what I thought was… slashing. To keep slashing and slash everything. Maybe that\'s the answer.

Monster, slash! Lava, slash! Fire, slash! Air, slash! Human, slash! Anything, slash!

Slash everything, and survive! I think that\'s the answer.

Well, I can only know if I tried. Let\'s provoke the fire rabbit again.

This time, the rabbit spit fire at me again. And I slashed it while thinking of slashing everything.

The fire got split! I did it! Though at the end, the fire rejoined again and continue flying toward me. I ducked down to dodge it.

"Huff… I think I got the right mindset and skill. Rather than mindset, it was more like a will. My will. Lastly, it\'s about timing."

The only thing I can do with it so to keep training. I will look closely at the fire, and slash it so I won\'t make the same mistake as before.

"Alright, come on, rabbit!"

This time, I swung too late. Only the end of the fire got split.

"Again, rabbit!"

This time, the fire didn\'t split at all. Did I not put enough will in my swing? Let\'s try again.

And finally, the fire split into two and flew beside me with my head in between. I did it!

Well, with the lava monster, it was just luck mostly. But now, I managed to time it right. but that\'s only with a sword and not other weapon. My Reizpear is still hasn\'t been used yet.

"That\'s good. let\'s find other fire monster and provoke them.

I keep looking for fire type monsters and provoke them to attack me with fire. So far, my rate of success is about forty percent. That\'s pretty low.

I need to get used to it so I can use it with a hundred percent chance of success just like the two new gases that I learned with the ostriches.

I keep mastering it only with my Victosword, and when I can do it perfectly, I tried using other weapons including Reizpear. It took me three days to perfected slashing fire.

"With this, I should be able to handle fire. I need to train it with fire mage later if I can use it in real fight or not. I\'ll ask Candy or Angela once I returned.

For now, let\'s try slashing other things. Wind… I don\'t know about it. And lightning is difficult to find. I\'ll ask the other after I returned to attack me with magic. I guess the easiest one to find would be water.

So, my choice is between a huge lake or sea. But at the sea, the water keeps moving waves after waves, so it might be harder than a still lake, so I guess I\'ll go to the lake.

"Shelia, our training in the volcano is done. Next, we\'ll go to the lake. Let\'s leave," I said.

"Finally. It\'s so hot here. If we stay here for another day, I might leave you behind," Shelia said.

Since both of us don\'t want to stay in the heat anymore, we quickly leave through the sky. We rode on Spot\'s back to find a lake.

"Where can we find a lake?" I started wondering if there are any lake nearby.

"I have been staying near fire for a while, so let\'s find a huge lake where I can fit in even with my giant form," Spot said.

I agree with him. And since we don\'t know where to go, I let Spot decide which direction to go.

I thought that while riding on Spot\'s back, we don\'t have to worry about monsters. But seems like I was wrong.

There are some kind of bird monsters that can fly even faster than Spot. They can\'t hurt Spot, but for us on his back, it will be dangerous if they hit us with that speed while we are speeding as well. So, I asked Spot to stop.

"Shelia, you\'ll take care of the left side, and I\'m going for the right side."

Maybe because they don\'t think they can hurt Spot, they don\'t dare to face him from the front. That\'s why the monsters are only on the right and the left side.

Maybe this is good for training my long-range attack. I don\'t have any kind of powerful long-range attack. Even using Victorifle can still be blocked by magic.

Let\'s see if I can do it like Shelia and use Victosword to slash an enemy from distance.

I need to use the power of my will again probably. The will to defeat the enemies from distance.

I have practiced it before, and the weapon more suited in slashing is what Victoria call as Katana. I transformed Victoria as a Katana, hold it with both my hands while resting the dull part of the blade on my right shoulder, then I swung it diagonally with my Aura and will inserted.

It hit! But it\'s too weak. Maybe because of the distance. If they were closer, I should be able to cut them.

Let\'s put more strength and will to make the distance further, and my slash wider.

Oh? I hit one and this time, it died. So, I guess the range is just five meters. At least I know I can attack from distance.

But now, knowing that I can attack them, they no longer hover in midair and use its fast speed to move around, and attack me.

Damn, they are too fast!

But well, since they are coming, I don\'t need to attack them from distance.

I transformed Victokatana into Victohammer and made the head of the hammer so large that I can hit even two bird with one swing. It\'s not two birds with one stone, but two birds with one hammer.

I\'m done on my side, and when I looked at Shelia, she\'s almost done as well. She can react fast enough to keep up with the speed of the birds. Maybe that\'s her monster\'s instinct. That\'s something that I as a human won\'t be able to comprehend. And only monsters who loves fighting like Werewolves can have it.

Now I wonder if defeating Grandpa Werewolf is totally a fluke.

"Spot, I found a lake! It\'s that way!" I pointed at a wide lake under a waterfall.

"I can\'t see where you\'re pointing at! You\'re on my back!" Spot shouted.


This time, I properly directed Spot toward the lake. The location is beautiful, and I don\'t see any monsters. It\'s a wide grassy area next to the lake, so we can rest easy.

Though there are still monsters under the lake. But I don\'t think we need to care about them at the moment.

"Let\'s rest for a bit. We\'ll continue training after lunch."

Can I cut water? I\'ll find out soon.

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