The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 411 - To The Peak Of The World

After cultivating for a bit in the space, I directly opened a portal to humans\' world. Of course, as Victoria told me, I choose a place away from humans\' settlements. It\'s because of the vacuum. If I opened a portal somewhere close to a city or a village, the whole village can be sucked in.

How did I enter the portal even though the power of the vacuum is quite strong? My leg is stronger than the suction force. That\'s all there is to it.

"…so, this is the aftermath of being sucked in into the space, huh? Horrifying," I commented after seeing so many trees, rocks, and monsters got sucked in into the space.

"But it\'s good as another method to fight, right? I know that you will choose to use it against the cult one day," Victoria said.

She\'s right. If it\'s like this, let\'s say that I opened a portal to space in the lab we\'re going to raid. Everything and everyone will be sucked in. Though I doubt we want that. We also need to find anything that can be used against them.

So, I guess I will be the only one raiding the lab first. And then, in case fighting is unavoidable, I would either kill everyone by opening a portal, or calling for help.

…let\'s not use the portal to space as much as possible. What Victoria told me about radiation, I don\'t know if it will affect the surrounding or not after I opened the portal. Maybe this place is already affected when I transported here. Though I still use my Aura to protect myself. And also Victoria as my spacesuit.

This place is somewhere I found before meeting the ostriches. Somewhere I doubt anyone would go to. That\'s why even if this place is filled with radiation, it should be fine since no one would come here.

Though I\'m still confused as to what radiation is. I just heard from Victoria that it\'s something extremely dangerous. Even though how she told me doesn\'t make it sound dangerous. If I have six arms, won\'t I be much stronger and able to use all kind of weapons at once?

But if she says it\'s dangerous, then I won\'t risk my life for it.

  "You\'re going to tell Albert about it?" Victoria asked.

"With our current technology, it is still impossible for anyone to fly to the sky and go to the moon. But if they have something special like air magic, powerful flying monster, or maybe some sort of ancient artifacts, it is still doable. I\'ll just inform Albert about it and let him do the thinking. But I guess it means that even if we made a safe place in Monsters World, it is not really safe," I explained.

After chatting for a bit, I opened a portal a bit away from where I was so the radiation won\'t follow. I hope I was right though.

Good thing it\'s night and we can see the moon. So, I told Albert everything about the moon while pointing at it.

"…so, the moon is actually a planet. And that planet is the Monsters World?" Albert asked for confirmation.

"That\'s right! Or at least that\'s what Victoria told me. Victoria, what about it?" I asked Victoria.

As we are talking with Albert, Marie who is interested is listening to us. seems like she wants to build a rocket that Victoria explained.

"Well, it\'s my clones, or what Roy called the Blobbies. In here, I can feel where every Blobbies are placed. But as for those in Monsters World, I can\'t sense it. But as long as I know where I placed them, Roy can open a portal to that Blobby even when it\'s difficult to sense. And when I was in Monsters World, I can\'t sense the Blobbies in this world. But when we enter the space, I can sense the Blobbies in both worlds. There are some in the planet we were before taking off, the Monsters World, and some are in the moon of that world. Which is here. So, that moon over there is Monsters World," Victoria explained.

"Well, I don\'t know if that information is important at the moment or not, so I just tell you everything and as usual, let you do the thinking while I\'m trying to get stronger," I said.

"…why do I always have the most difficult part?" Albert sighed.

"How about we swap? I\'ll do the thinking, and you will risk your life?"

"No thanks. I like being in this position," Albert replied.

"Then don\'t complain. As usual, just think of a way to destroy the cult," I said.

I have informed Albert about the moon. Now, about cultivating place. I\'ll tell Sara about it. If Spot finds a place in this world, that can reach that layer we previously entered before going to space, she can go there with Spot. Or maybe ask a wind mage to bring her there.

Let\'s meet Spot first.

I opened a portal to the Blobby that Spot carries. And he is currently flying in the sky, facing a tall mountain in front of him.

"Hey, Spot. Is that the place?" I instantly asked him after jumped on his back.

"Yes. I went there once with my Master in the past. But we are far too weak against the monsters there. Though, I don\'t know about it now. I want to test my strength first," Spot said.

"Then I\'ll stay here and watch. Anyway, where are we?"

"Far south of the continent. It\'s the ocean below us," Spot said.

If it that far, it\'s impossible to get Sara here alone. Though Spot can bring her with him if he wants to go there.

"And how did you end up there in the past with your master? I thought you were too weak back then," I asked.

"He got lost in the ocean when we were travelling by ship. Before we go higher to the peak, he was tired and rode a dolphin all the way back to the continent. I was still small and unable to carry him on my back," Spot said.

Riding a dolphin? That sounds interesting.

But for Spot to fly for quite some time, it must be really far.

"We\'re here. Let\'s go to the peak right away. I\'ll ask you for helping me breathe, Roy," Spot said.

"Leave it to me."

This place has strong monsters? I bet some of the girls would like to be here. Let\'s place a Blobby so I can come here anytime I want.

Hmm… Spot said that this place has many powerful monsters. But I guess a thousand years is more than enough for a weak serpent, to be much stronger than anything here. Though this place is still good for everyone to go and train.

There aren\'t many that can obstruct Spot\'s journey to the peak. And when there are some who are strong enough, they are beaten to death by Spot in a few minutes. I guess they are strong indeed to last for that long.

But still, this mountain area is huge. Normal people would have difficulty breathing at this height, but it\'s still not the peak yet.

"Whoa, the peak of this mountain is much taller than the highest peak in my world," Victoria said.

"And how high was that?" I asked.

"Over 8 km from sea surface," she replied.

"But we have passed that height when we were going to space," I said.

"I know. Magic is amazing."

It is. Something that her world can do after so long, with so many research, experiments, and failures, but we can finish it in one day.

And being here, makes me think that the world is much bigger than just the continent. I just hope that there\'s no cult outside the continent that will cause ruckus to my home.

That way, after destroying the cult in our continent, I won\'t have to face other problem again. Like the cult trying to come here from another continent.

But humans are humans. We are greedy.

If someone greedy from outside the continent knows about our continent, that person would most likely come and try to conquer us. If so, war will still happen whether or not the cult is destroyed.

But at least it should be fine. After all, Javier said that the cult destroyed Monsters World after destroying humans\' world. Which mean they are strong enough to stop the conqueror wannabe. If there are any.

And that means, if we could destroy the cult, there won\'t be anyone strong enough to kill us. Which means we are still safe because of our strength.

…shit, I think too much. I thought I would let Albert do the thinking, but here I am thinking. It\'s a pain, so I won\'t think much about it anymore. Let\'s just enjoy the view as blood is flying from the monsters Spot defeated and devoured.

"Hmm? Spot, we\'re here. Beyond this, is the same as we experienced in Monsters World. The day will change into night. I doubt there will be any more monsters here, but be careful," I said.

"Haha! We\'re finally here! Let\'s go to the peak and watch the scenery before going back down!" Spot said excitedly.

But it\'s a good time to rest as well. I\'ll take that offer.

We reached the peak shortly after, and rested there while watching the starry sky above, and the blue ocean below.

We watched the scenery for a while longer, and use portal to transport back to Cassau.. I\'ll tell Sara about that place so she can go with Spot whenever she wants.

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