The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 450 - ID For The Vampires

Chapter 450 – ID For The Vampires

After the two male vampires became hunters, the other vampires also become hunters as well. though none of them raised their rank to D in one day other than the two male vampires.

In the end, the girls love shopping more than taking request. They would only go on a quest when they emptied their pocket. Or in this case, their card. Since the money is saved in Hunter Card.

Though I still keep some changes in my pocket. Just in case I need it. But I can use portal, so it\'s not really necessary. It\'s because of a habit since before I died.

Anyway, with this, the vampires won\'t have any trouble getting money.

…maybe they will. After all, their spending is too much. I don\'t think they would be able to pay back my money at all. That\'s why at least if the two male vampires become B-rank hunters, they can get a lot of money from just one mission and I can get a share from them.

Though D-rank mission\'s reward is still too little. I guess I\'ll get more money after they reached B-rank first.

Anyway, now that they have become hunters, are they vampire hunters? Or hunter vampires?

The next day after registering the vampires as hunters, they take mission on their own. I didn\'t go with them. Or at least that\'s what they think.

I make sure to keep watch on them at all time to make sure that they won\'t attack humans. Other than bandits and criminals.

It was easy to persuade them to not kill humans just by telling the female vampires that humans make clothes. But I still need to watch over them in this one month. They will be our important allies against the cult.

As for Eve\'s summoner, one of Albert\'s agent, she moved to this city for a month. And she lives together with the vampires. For being the only human among vampires, she sure has some guts.

As for the male hunters, after giving part of their money to their loved ones, one to his sister and one to his crush, they go out for another quest. They do separate solo quest hoping that they can do more mission with more reward.

Seems like I won\'t have anything to do with them soon. But I need to make sure that their addiction to human blood won\'t be a threat to the people living here.

Ah! Now that I think about it, I forgot about the bandits!

It\'s been two days since they got captured and transported to an empty island. They haven\'t eaten or drink anything at all. I guess I\'ll kill them. There\'s no reason to keep them alive.

I used portal to the empty island to see that some of them have died. Well, I\'m sorry about that. But I\'m going to kill the rest of them anyway.

During this hard time when we have such an obvious enemy, they come together and planning something terrible. They want to use this chance when the country is too busy with the cult and attacked cities and villages until none left alive. I\'ve witnessed that many times in my past life.

This time, I have power. I won\'t be powerless again in front of such situations. Unless Albert decide to build a human ranch for the vampires, or have something for them to do, I will kill them.

Alright, that\'s over. Now, the island is empty again other than some prison cells. It\'s good for when we capture other enemies.

As for the corpses, I threw them into the sea so they can be used as fish foods. At least they are useful for something.

Now, back to watching the vampires.

There are thirty of them. It won\'t be good for the hunters if they keep taking quests. I guess I should give a suggestion to Albert so they can be separated. Maybe I\'ll ask Hill in Mellian or Oleg in Melk to take care of them. If I told the vampires that they are my friends, I doubt they will dare to do anything to them.

"Sure. I\'ll have Sonia inform Oleg and Hill about the vampires so they can prepare a place for them," Albert said that night after all the vampires returned from their quests. They have been resting happily and chatted a lot with the girls about their experiences.

"No need for that. They should have enough money in a few days for them to find their own places. Since I\'m an advanced level summoner, the clones that Victoria can make has increased in number. Putting one Blobby on each vampire should be easy. In case they break the rule and started attacking people, I will find them. Though I need to hear about such incident first, so it might be too late by then. But at least it\'s good enough," I said to Albert.

"I see. Well, at least keep Arin and Carrie in Cassau. As for the rest, they are free to stay or leave. I\'m thinking of creating a village just for them, but if they like living in the city more, I won\'t do it. I\'m thinking of preparing their special ID that tell the guards of the city they will be staying that they are vampires. And the vampires need to inform the one in charge that they will stay in that city even if it\'s just one day," Albert said.

"That\'s a good idea. I guess I\'ll let the vampires stay for a little longer before letting them go freely. At least until you have prepared the identification for them."

"Oh, what about you?" Albert suddenly asked me.

"What about me? What do you want to ask?"

"Aren\'t you going to spar with Angela? I\'d like to watch it. When will it happen?" Albert asked.

"…do you want to die that much? Do you think that watching us fight won\'t harm you in any way? You\'re the one who witnessed her fighting against the vampires back then. If you want, I will prepare a front row seat just for you."

I know I only heard about it, but from what they told me about Angela\'s magic, it was so powerful. I don\'t know if I can win or not.

It\'s just a spar? It won\'t risk anyone\'s life? I truly hope that\'s the case. But I don\'t know how powerful her magic is.

Angela has grown much stronger. And so am I. So, this is basically our first-time sparring using our new strength. Neither of us know how powerful we are. Though I\'m in a better situation because I fought the Vampire King and can calculate how powerful my attack is.

As for Angela, she hasn\'t found any opponents that she can go all out with. That\'s why she requested for a sparring session.

Talking about sparring, I was reminded again back then when we were just students in Introductory school. Back then, she would throw a fireball on my nether region. I hope that won\'t be the case again.

"…Please put on the camera on each of you so we can watch it. Of course if both of you agree to it," Albert said.

"I\'ll ask Angela first. Though the camera might be destroyed during the fight, so don\'t expect too much. Anyway, the fight should be in five days. We will fight in Monsters World," I said.

"Understood. I hope you two can learn something from your sparring. You two are currently our strongest combatants. And don\'t get injured too badly. I don\'t want something happened to any of you," Albert said.

After that, I returned back to Cassau. It\'s night so the vampires won\'t go out. Though some of them are patrolling with the guards they started to get along with in hope for a sip of blood from any bad guys they found.

Albert has informed the guards and the one in charge of Cassau about the vampires back after we went to the hospital. They were shocked and scared, but they have started to open up with the vampires and allowed them to go with them patrolling the city.

I heard that there were some thieves that the vampires have caught. They were unconscious when the vampires drank their blood, so it should be fine since those thieves won\'t notice it.

"How is it, Roy?" Kayla asked me as soon as I returned home.

"Albert will do something about the vampires. Like giving them some sorts of identification and they have to report to the one in charge of the city. It should be fine, right?"

"So far, they are doing good. I think they can be trusted. But let\'s watch over them for a little longer. How about your preparation for the fight?" Kayla asked.

"What preparation? We\'re just sparring. Don\'t say it as if it\'s something huge," I said.

"It is something huge. The only Aura user, against the only multielement expert mage. It will be something," Kayla said.

Multielement. That\'s what Kayla called Angela\'s element. Since all four of them have combined into one, Kayla gave it a name. And she made it easy for me to remember. Good girl, Kayla.

"You might be able to watch it from home. Let\'s get to sleep since there are more things for us to do tomorrow. Like vampires and vampires," I said.

Few days passed after that, and it\'s time for Angela and I to fight. There\'s no important event during that time. And soon, the two of us will fight.

There\'s no need for a winner in a spar, but I hope that if there\'s any, it will be me.

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