The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 483

“Celestine, you can bring everyone to sightseeing the capital. I’ll go meet Thomas and see if I can join back to the circus,” I said to Celestine. She was born here, and is the sister of the Empress. She knows this place more than the others.

This time, I’m really alone. Other than some Blobbies hidden under my clothes. Because Victoria is busy in Varadis trying to create something to undo the brainwashing.

She’s not an inventor or researcher, but her knowledge from her world has helped Marie creates many amazing inventions. That’s why I hope their teamwork can create something great again.

Though the time limit is too short. I hope they can at least do something in this short time.

Well, let’s forget about those things. They are not my problems at the moment. I also let the girls and the children go on their way to enjoy the capital of another country.

After they heard about how the cult is using children for experiment, and they succeeded in creating more artificial master level mage with them, the girls are depressed. That’s why they need to relax more for the next few days. And I will entertain them with my clown performance.


Though for them, they have treated me like a clown for a long time.

I have scheduled a meeting with the owner of the circus troupe, Thomas, later in the afternoon. So, I will take a walk around this city first. And clean up some trouble along the way.

Because of the tournament, people started coming to the capital of Consenza from all over the continent. The place where the tournament will be held is in the huge arena outside the city. It was newly built with the help of Celestine and some carpenters. Just using earth mage alone is not enough to build an amazing building. Though it helps getting it built faster.

For now, let’s check on the Arena. There’s no one there other than some people who maintains the place. They are people that Lynn trusted.

They have been informed of my arrival and will help me in any way. Though I don’t know if I need their help or not.

The Arena only have the roof above the spectators’ seat. Not above the stage. If it’s raining during the match, won’t it be difficult for the audience to see the battle? What if one of the fighters is a water mage? They will be at advantage when it’s raining.

I entered the arena from the sky, and as I landed on the stage, a man greeted me. He’s the one in charge of showing me around. Though I am already looking around.

“Are you Mr. Roy?” the man asked.

“Just call me Roy. I won’t stay here for long, so you can do your job,” I said.

“I need to see the evidence that you are the person our Empress talking about,” the man said.

Well, I guess that’s to be expected. Since the cult should have been on the way, or even already been here, they need to see that I’m the real Roy. I show him my Hunter Card which has my ID to the man.

“Here’s my Hunter Card. Is this enough?” I asked.

“It is, but Her majesty the Empress said that you can show me something else. She said that without magic, you can smash a stone with just your barehand. Can you show it to me?” the man asked.

“...Is it really just to proof my identity, or is t because you want to see me break a stone barehanded?”

“Because I want to. May I see it? You can destroy that rock off the stage over there,” the man pointed at a rock the size of a human head at the side of the stage.

“Why is there a rock in this place anyway?” I asked.

“I put it there after I was charged with the task to guide you around the arena,” the man replied.

Hmm... for now, I’ll put a hole in the rock with my finger. That should be enough.

It was done quickly that the man didn’t even notice that I already made a hole in the stone.

“Done. Now, I want you to come with me,” I said.

The man walked closer and see a hole I created with my finger. And when he’s focused on the hole, I covered his eyes with my hand, opened a portal to where Lynn is, and bring him over.

“What are you doing!? Wait, where is this? Your majesty!? How did I end up here!?” the man looked around in confusion.

I transported us both to the office where Lynn and Claudia are working. The two were not as surprised as the man seeing me enter without permission. But they are confused as I’m bringing someone else with me.

“Oh, Roy! You already go to the arena?” Lynn asked as she realizes who the man I brought with me is.

“What else did you tell him other than breaking a stone barehanded? And how many other people have you told?” I asked Lynn casually without any honorific. The man looked angry, but Claudia said something first.

“Her majesty, we need to keep Roy’s identity as secret other than to those who knows him already. Once his identity got leaked, we don’t know what the cult would do,” Claudia reminded Lynn.

“...Ah! That’s right! I forgot! Hey, you! You didn’t tell anyone else about him, right!?” Lynn shouted at the man I brought.

“No, your majesty!” The man has a scared expression on his face. I’m not Albert who can detect lies with his ability, but I can see someone’s heartbeat.

“Really? I remember that what I told you for the mission is a secret, right?” Lynn asked.

“Yes, your majesty! I kept it as secret!”

Still lying it seems. Let’s break his arm before asking him more question.

While the man is still kneeling down, I kicked his arm and broke it.


“Seems like you’re lying. Tell me the truth. Who else did you tell?” Lynn asked him again.

“...My wife, your majesty.”

Sigh... I guess I need to go and get his wife then.

I asked the man where his wife is and he was crying and beg me to not harm her.

“Just tell me where your wife is. If she’s with the cult, I will kill her though,” I said threateningly.

“Please, don’t! I beg you!”

“Roy, I found his address. He lives in that house. it’s visible from the window,” Claudia opened the window and pointed at a house in the city.

She knows that I have Divine Vision, so I can see where it is her finger is pointed at.

I jumped out of the window, find the house, grab the woman inside, and return back to the palace without anyone seeing me. I didn’t use portal this time.

“Is it her?” I asked the man.

“Please don’t kill her!”

“Even though she’s a member of the cult?” I asked.

At this time, the woman finally recovers after I suddenly grabbed her and bring her here. She looks around, and see that she’s in front of the Empress.

“Honey? Why am I here? Why is your arm broken!?”

I let go of the woman, and she quickly run over toward her husband. Though what I’m looking at is the explosive device in her mouth.

Sigh... it’s just the first day, and an incident already occur. What a pain.

I grabbed the woman again, opened her mouth, and plucked out the explosive device in her mouth.

“See this? This is the proof that she belongs to the cult. Now, tell me who else have you told about his mission?” I asked the woman.

“W-what are you talking about!? What is this cult you’re talking!?”

I guess I’ll ask Albert even though he’s busy.

“Oh, right. Lynn, when did you tell him about the mission?” I asked Lynn.

“Just this morning. I think that you might be arriving soon, so I told him to guide you around the arena. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m truly sorry about how things went this way,” Lynn bowed her head to me.

And seeing that, the man and his wife become more afraid of me. They finally know now that I am higher than the Empress of their country.

Well, I guess I will delay my meeting with Thomas today. I need to bring these two to Tatrama so Albert can ask them.

“Well, I will return soon. The others are enjoying the city with Celestine. For some of them, it’s their first time going to Consenza after all. After I return, I will look for more members of the cult. If you heard of someone killing people around the capital, that might be me. After all, there are many other people with explosive device in their mouth. See you later,” I said to Lynn and Claudia as I used to cover the head of the two people with Blobbies, and put Magic Restricting Collar on them as I opened a portal to where Albert is.

Just the first day at Consenza and there’s already trouble. What would happen during the tournament?

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