The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 488

But the cult should be suspicious how there are too many expert level mages who never returned from their mission. As for the artificial master level mage who died, the Professor seems to never told about their deaths to the cult as he wanted to monopolize the Black Slime alone. Or at least that’s what Albert know after interrogating him.

Just because all fifteen of them are expert level mages, doesn’t mean I can’t defeat them. None of them realize that I was so close to them listening in.

And I have more than fifteen Magic Restraining Collars. Back then when I just moved to Cassau and some nobles caused trouble, I grabbed all the collars I see. Also, Albert and the other kings also gave them to me as much as they can. That’s why I have tons of them. Though they are all stored in different places.

Albert store them in his treasury in his palace. Lynn and old man Henry also store them in their own place. As for Harold, it was mostly Bernard who collect them and store them in his mansion.

I am someone who can easily go in and out such important place. Though I’m rich, so I don’t need to steal them.

And they said that one day, when the decisive battle against the cult will happen, they will make use of all the treasures inside. They will give their sacred treasures to important people who allied with us.


Wait, why do I keep thinking of things that’s not important at time like this? I need to defeat fifteen of them in this huge meeting room.

For now, let’s use sleeping gas on them all.

“Who the hell are... you...”

Some of them started to feel sleepy. And I used that chance to put the collars on them. As many as I can.

Oops. Just when I was about to wrap a collar on the next person, someone else casted a fireball at me. I guess six people is good enough. And two of them are those who have explosive devices in their mouth. Maybe I should have aimed at all those without the explosive device in their mouth.

“Kill him!” one of them said.

Since this room is quite big, I can use Reizpear freely. Though the blade part of the spear has been removed. So, it’s just a staff.

It’s necessary if I want to capture them. As they seem to be rather important for the cult since they have gathered here instead of other cult members at the capital, they should have quite the status. That’s why I will try to not kill them.

Now, among the nine people here, one of them who has explosive device in his mouth is sleeping. This one is not an expert level mage. But the other two with explosive devices aren’t sleepy at all. I was right that there will be some expert level mages with explosive device in their mouth.

But as long as I can get close to them, I can defeat even expert level mages in an instant. I have to keep moving.

“This collar... I can’t use magic! Take this collar off of me!”

“No. The enemy is still here. We can’t get close to you since he might-”

Before the second person finished his word, I smacked his head with the staff in my hand. And using the momentum, I swung the staff around and hit two more people. Now, there’s only five people left.

“Fire Wall!”

Someone finally made a protection by using a wall of fire. He doesn’t even care that he’s attacking his allies with his Fire Wall.

“Aah! What are you doing!”

“...There have been too many times that our members never return. And among them, there are many expert level mages. Probably, he’s the cause. I don’t know what magic he has and how he can stay so close near us while none of us could detect him, but just what he did as soon as he entered is enough to raise our suspicion that he could be the strongest one here. We should stall for time until ‘He’ arrives. Even at the cost of our lives.”

Seems like among them, someone can still have calm composure. He could even figure out that I killed many of expert level mages already.

Hearing what he said, the others here prepared to fight for their lives. Well, not all of them.

“Are you kidding me!? There’s no way I would sacrifice my life! I raised my level to an expert just so I don’t have to have that thing in my mouth ever again! I’m not going to sacrifice myself! I’m leaving!”

The one who said that is an expert level earth mage. And he used his magic to change the terrain of the meeting room which is under the ground, so he could escape. But before he can do that, the previous person who creates the Fire Wall used a Fire Spear and kill the guy.

“The cult doesn’t have the need for someone who won’t die for them. Even if you don’t have the explosive device in your mouth anymore, you have to put your everything for the True God. If you’re thinking of running away, I will kill you myself.”

This guy is dangerous. He’s smart and he can put the other members in place.

Just as I thought of that, he casted several Fire Spears and attacked everyone who has the collars on and fainted after I hit them.

“He put the collars so they won’t be able to use magic. That means he’s going to ask us for information instead of killing us. If anyone here got caught by him, kill them. Even if that person is me!”

So cruel and decisive. I never heard of someone like him from Celestine and Veronica. And even Albert who is interrogating the Professor, never said anything about this guy. Which mean although he has quite the status, he is not in a very high position. But if he keeps living, he will have the same level of influence as Celestine and Veronica back when they were at the cult, and he could have his own group. Which will be dangerous seeing how he can lead people.

The worst part is that this guy is thinking of stalling for time until someone appears. Who is this ‘He’ he’s talking about? Must be someone powerful. Shirley above us who is still practicing her magic will be in danger. I have to finish things here as soon as possible.

If I put the collar on any one of them, they will be killed. That means my only way of capturing them is to knock them out first. Let’s use the gun.

I let go of the staff, and transformed Blobbies into guns. One in each hand. And I shoot the enemies as much as possible with a dull bullet that won’t kill them. but the force should be strong enough to knock them out.

“Tch! Ice Shield!”

Someone used Ice Shield, but I targeted someone else instead. As for the Fire Wall, it has been extinguished after I used air magic to change the property of the air here to something that is not flammable. And the enemies already have difficulty breathing.

“He’s too strong!”

“And fast!”

“And handsome!”

“...who said that?”

“Can’t I just compliment myself!?”

Of course the one who said that was me. I don’t want any men to call me handsome even if they are right. The best praises always come from beautiful girls. Though I just hope they weren’t lies.

It was difficult since they don’t care about their own lives. They used powerful magic underground that would even harm them. And those I knocked unconscious; they were all killed by those who are still alive.

And now, there’s only two people left. The one who might be a good leader, and the guard of this place whose meal I stole and blame it to the rat. I guess that makes sense since he was in charge of this place.

Above us, Shirley has stopped casting magic and take a rest. She must be waiting for me to get out.

“Hey, you said that there will be someone else coming, right? Before you die, tell me about him,” I asked.

“...You’ll meet him soon. And as soon as you see him you will die. That’s how strong he is.”

After saying that, both men faced each other and try to do a double suicide. But they are so close to each other so I knock the two of them out at the same time before they kill each other.

From fifteen, there’s only two people left. Well, at least that’s better than nothing.

I put collars on their neck, and use portal to transport them to Albert’s place. He can take care of them. Or maybe someone else as he will be coming soon.

I left the place and greeted Shirley who is waiting for me under the shade of a tree.

“You done, Roy?” Shirley asked.

“Not yet. Put on a mask to cover your identity. Someone will be coming soon. Someone strong,” I said.

He’s probably a master level mage. An artificial one. That’s why those people stalled for time since they think he can defeat me.

And the artificial master level mage that should be here are... children. I know that Shirley won’t leave if I told her. That’s why I told her to cover her face.

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