The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 517

Before the four mohawks attacked me, I made an obvious body gesture of taking a deep breathe to make them think that I’m going to scream again. And this time, their reaction is to use offensive magic instead of protecting themselves. They knew that if I’m going to scream, the only thing they can do is to cover their ears. They want to kill me first before I could scream. Though their attack couldn’t reach me.

And I didn’t scream again. I just aimed my two Blobbygun on each hand, toward the earth mage and lightning mage. Now that there are no wind mages, the bullet won’t change direction midair.

The reason I targeted these two first was because the earth mage is the only one who have defensive magic strong enough to stop me. And the lightning mage was targeted because he has the strongest magic. And since they are trying to attack me now, they don’t have enough time to dodge or block my shot.

And I also filled the Blobbyguns with special bullets made by Sara. They look just like a normal iron bullets. And Sara made them since she now can control metal albeit just a little. But her control is good enough to create something as small as a bullet.

But what makes the bullet she created special, is the fact that she also used air magic.

The bullet she created, has a hollow area in it. And Sara used her air magic to create sleeping gas inside the bullets.


Why didn’t I thought of it? Most likely because I can only do what I can do. And I can’t make a bullet. The only thing I can do is to find good stones, and shaped them into bullets. I can’t make something hollow inside the stones. And I never imagine to use that idea on Blobbies.

Anyway, I used such bullets toward the earth mage and the lightning mage. I got my shot hit the earth mage right at his rib, and I hit the lightning mage at his right thigh bone. Both bullets got dented because of the impact with the bones, and stuck inside their bodies after fracturing their bone. But that’s what I want.

Because of the impact to their bones and the dent, the gas inside the bullets will be spread in their bodies. And I can see that for mages at their level, gases made by someone in advanced level air mage, can affect their bodies greater than letting them inhale the gases. Also, as a doctor, I know how dangerous it is to have air inside the body.

Such a crazy invention by an air and earth elements mage. If I can use poisonous gases instead, it will be much more deadly.

The earth mage and the lightning mage are down. They are sleeping peacefully. Except that it’s doubtful that they will still be alive or not. Though the chance is high that they will never wake up again. They will die in their sleep. What a dangerous creation. And I love it! And if they don’t die, I can take care of them later.

Of course right after shooting my guns, I didn’t forget to dodge the enemies’ attack. I got my left hand slightly burnt, but overall, I did very well fighting so many artificial master level mages. Though I need to kill the last two since there are several mohawks coming this way while ignoring their opponents.

I aimed my Blobbyguns toward the two fire mages, but instead of attacking me, they keep running to make it harder for me to take aim. And by this time, they already forgotten that I had taken a deep breath.

This will be my second scream. And I of course used air magic to get my scream directed toward the two.


The two fire mages stopped on their tracks. Not just them, but also those who heard my scream. Even though I concentrated the air to make my scream louder for these two, it’s not like the others wont be able to hear it.

Now that the two fire mages are busy covering their ears with their hands, I rushed toward them and kill them with Reizpear. I don’t want to waste Sara’s bullets after all.

They died instantly with the blade of the spear pierced their hearts.

And now, I need to take care of the next group of mohawks.

About thirteen of them have escaped from their pursuers, and chasing me. Just fighting ten artificial master level mages and I got hurt although they were just minor injuries. And thirteen of them just too much.

And so, I run.

I escaped from there and run toward an open area where there are no trees. I need to bait the enemies to follow me.

They probably think that I have no means of fighting with this many people at once. And they are right. Thats why this time, I’m just the bait.

If I am just a bait, who will fight them? Obviously, it’s the strongest monster among our allies. Our lovely serpent who shares a similar name with many dogs. His name is Spot.

Where is he? He’s far high in the sky. Floating there where no artificial master level mages can detect. And he float there in one spot without even moving, with his mouth aiming toward where I stand.

Once I gave him the signal, he will shoot his breath magic to attack this place. That’s why I need to get as many of the mohawks to this place before I send the signal.

So far, only eleven of them are here. The other two who are chasing me are still far behind. I need to survive here for a few seconds until all thirteen of them are here. After that, I need to survive again until Spot’s breath attack get close enough that no one can dodge it before I move elsewhere.

Good! All thirteen of them are within the range. I covered my mouth with my hand, and opened a very small portal toward Spot’s ear.

“Spot, attack now!”

I said in a voice that no one else can hear. And now, I need to wait until they can’t dodge Spot’s strongest attack.

The wounds on my body increased. Even though I have no magic to protect myself, my Aura covering my whole body helped me survive enemies’ attack.

Finally, with my Divine Vision, I can see Spot’s attack is getting closer. With that speed, no one here can escape. Except for me.

During this harsh fight, I opened a portal on the ground and let my body fall there. The other side of the portal is connected to Spot’s head, so I managed to escape in time while the enemies are confused. And I closed the portal quicly after I entered it.

Just like that, all thirteen artificial master level mages died and turned into ashes. No one survives Spot’s strongest breath attack.

I need a long time to defeat ten mohawks, while Spot only need one attack to kill thirteen. As expected of the strongest monster here.

“Sigh... that was tiresome. There are too many enemies, but even now, their main force hasn’t arrived yet,” I said.

“Well, such is war. Now that my job here is done, I will fight with the rest. And now, I can’t use my breath attack anymore unless I want to killnour own allies. What about you?” Spot asked.

“I am too tired now. I’ll take a few minutes of rest before I return to the battle. By the way, if you see any angels, tell them to heal me. I got injuries all over my body,” I said.

“Are you dying?” Spot asked.


“Then you don’t need healing, right?”

“I’m on priority list. To make the battle progress to our advantage, I’m someone who is not allowed to get hurt too much. That’s why even if I’m not dying, I need to get healed quick,” I said.

“What priority list? Though you’re right. As the key player in this war, you have to be in top shape at all time. I’ll find one angel as fast as possible and drop you from my head,” Spot said as he fly toward one battle to help the fight.

The two of us have killed twenty-three mohawks. And I think Graham, Shelia, and Arin must have killed some as well. That mean we have reduced the number of mohawks by around half.

This is good. Once I got healed, I can continue killing more mohawks. And I also need to kill those who are trying to retreat.

So far, Sunny and Elsie worked so well in killing those who are retreating. I guess with this, we can delay the Evil God to know that I’m an Aura user.

Though I don’t believe that we can keep the secret for too long. But the later they know, the longer we have our advantage. Because once they know that I’m an Aura user, they will use every mean to kill me first. Probably even sending a real master level mages. That’s why I need to be in top shape at all time.

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