The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 519

What about master level mages’s blood? Maybe they will taste better than my blood.

Anyway, we managed to not let anyone escape. That means the leader of the cult, the Evil God, still won’t know the fact that I’m an Aura user yet. But I don’t think we can keep the secret for a long time.

Luckily, we managed to capture two expert level mages who tried to escape. And now that the battle is over and we have some time to rest, I’d like to ask one of them why they were trying to retreat when the others didn’t even though they shouldn’t be afraid of death. Though I don’t know if I can get any satisfying answer or not.

“Hey, let me talk with that one privately. I have something to ask her,” I said to the vampire in charge of guarding the prisoners.

We have built several prison cages thanks to the earth mages. And since we put Magic Restricting Collar on them, we don’t need to worry about anyone escaping.

“Understood. I’ll get someone to let her go,” the vampire replied.


She will get an earth mage to let go of the one I asked and then the earth mage will lock the cage again. The only way for them to escape is if they are at least as strong as I am without using Aura. And since none of them were experimental subjects, none of them had the strength for to escape. And we only feed them the bare minimum to not let them die. They should be hungry and thirsty.

They might not be afraid of death, but dying from hunger or thirst is something that they would never imagine. And we thought that asking them when they are hungry will make them easier to speak.

Though right now, the female expert level mage that I let out to ask, is still not hungry. Though she’s tired and injured since I slashed Reizpear at her legs. She couldn’t stand on her own, so after the earth mage on our side opened the cage, I entered it. Obviously some of them attacked me. But there’s no way any untrained people would be able to hurt me. Of course if they are targeting my nether region, I will block it.

I reached the woman who tried to retreat during the battle, while ignoring, blocking, or dodging the untrained people’s attack. She was sitting down on the ground since she couldn’t stand. I didn’t let her to be healed, so the wounds on her legs are still open. I told her when I captured her that if she stands, she will lose her blood faster. And seeing how she’s sitting down, I can tell that she’s afraid of pain.

As for the other retreating expert level mage that was captured, he seems to not care about the pain. That’s why I picked this woman to be interrogated. I thought that her mouth should be looser since she was afraid of dying slowly.

I grabbed the woman who keeps protesting, while the other prisoners are trying to fight me. Though it was easy for me to leave the prison cell, and get the earth mage to rebuild the prison.

Anyway, during emergency when the vampires needed some blood, they are allowed to destroy the prison cell and drink some blood. As for the prisoners who tried to escape, we have some people who will stay behind to protect our supplies and watch the prisoners. The vampires will only watch the prisoners outside the battle. And if they are doing exceptional during the battle, they are allowed to get one expert level mage’s worth of blood. That’s why letting them watch the prisoners is also a way to motivate the vampires.

I carried the woman deep into the forest. Even though what I’m going to ask her is not so secretive, especially since everyone on our side already know that I’m an Aura user, I still brought her far from where the others are. It’s also to make her think that I don’t want my own allies to hear this. She will most likely answer my questions if I asked her far from the others. Especially if I told her that I will get her legs healed.

“Alright. I have some questions for you. If you answer my questions truthfully, I’m considering of healimg your legs. And if I find your answers to be lies, I will add more injuries instead. Do you understand?” I spoke while also giving her pressure by intimidating her. The level of my intimidation is so much lower than Andro’s intimidation, but if it’s on a one on one situation, it’s pretty useful.

“...Will you really heal my legs?” the woman asked.

“Only if you answer with the truth. From what I saw back then, you know a little about myself. And that’s why you decided to retreat. And I need you to know that I have ways to find out if you’re lying or not,” I said.

Of course it’s not as effective as Albert’s lie detection. But seeing her heartbeat should be enough. At least if she’s not used in lying.

“So... You’re really an Aura user? It’s real? Not just stories for children?” the woman asked.

“Just so you know, I’m the one asking you questions and you will answer. What were you going to do after you retreat? For most expert level mages in the cult, they should not have been afraid of battle. What was the cult planning?” I asked.

Back when I captured her, she was far from where I fought the ten artificial master level mages. That’s why she was late in retreating. Though if she retreated early, she would have been died. Killed by Sunny.

She only saw me fighting late in the battle. And it was when I killed one mohawk close to her. That’s why I can chase after her. As for the other person who tried to retreat as well, the case was similar.

“...Those who tried to retreat, even though we were ready to die, including me as well, was because we remember something that the Archbishop told us. Though I think not all of us remember. We were told about the existence of Aura users. Many of us thought that it’s just a myth and the Archbishop was being too paranoid. Though when I saw you, I suddenly remember what he told us back then. We were told to report it no matter what. Even if it’s in the middle of a battle. We were told to retreat and ignore everything. I never thought that Aura user is much stronger than what’s written in stories,” the woman explained.

So, once they see Aura user, they were ordered to inform the Archbishop. They don’t know why, but they were ordered to do so. I guess I’m still safe since I didn’t see anyone escaping.

“I have answered your question. Can you heal me now?”

“Tell me about the Archbishop and your leader. Are they different person, or are they the same person?”

Since it seems like she didn’t lie, I asked more questions. For her to be told about Aura user, while Celestine and Veronica weren’t told at all even though they were supposed to be leaders of two factions in the cult, means that she is at least have higher position than the two, or the Arcbishop trust her more than the two girls.

“They are different! Arcbishop is just a human like us! While the leader is our God! He’s the True God who is our saviour and will help us rebuild the world to become a better place once we destroy it! Don’t mistake them to be the same person!” the woman shouted as if she was angry.

I guess my question seemed to be something to test her faith. That’s why she doesn’t like it. Well, I don’t care about that. But it seems like she knows about the one she calls the True God better than Celestine and Veronica.

“Then, tell me about them,” I said.

“Nothing. I know nothing about them except that the Archbishop is a human, and the True God is not,” the woman said.

That’s a lie. Her heartbeat was different from before. She must have known something else.

“Argh! Why did you stab my hand!?” the woman screamed after I pierced Reizpear on her hand.

“I said it before that if I find you’re lying, I will add more injuries. Tell me the truth.”

“I spoke the truth! I know nothing!”

I guess I won’t be able to hear more from her. So, I cut off her tongue . I don’t want her to say something to the other prisoners.

The only thing I learned is that the Archbishop knows about Aura user. Maybe I can get some other prisoners to tell me about him. Let’s pick a random person next time and ask them about the Archbishop or their god.

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