The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 567

There are many of the ancient Aura users here who have fought against master level mages. Some win and some lose. And they still think that I’m not strong enough to defeat a master level mage.

I haven’t finished Mona’s training to improve my Divine Vision. But I can train it while doing other training with other ancient Aura users. It’s better this way.

“, you want me to teach you while you’re blindfolded?”

The one who asked me was the ancient Aura user I asked to be my partner. He’s someone who is specialized in assassination.

The others said that he was weak during the test. But they also said that it was because he is not specialized in what was tested at that time. I asked him to train me because the Aura users who came from the same generation as he did all said that this guy is the most famous assassin of his time.

He was famous enough to be given nickname of Shadow Blade by everyone at that time. Either they are Aura users, mages, or just normal civilians. And I just called him Shadow.


As for why he asked me that question, it’s because I am fighting while being blindfolded. It’s the training that Mona told me to do to improve my Divine Vision.

“You’re weak, but your fighting skill combined with your Divine Vision is much better than me. I have nothing to teach you about it. But I can teach you to improve your Divine Vision. And to do that, you need to be blind.”

That’s what Mona told me. And that’s why I covered my eyes with bandages. Though the real reason is actually because Mona sliced my eyelids and the blood is annoying me. That’s the punishment I got every time I tried to use Divine Vision.

It wasn’t deep enough that I don’t have to worry about being really blind. But I wish that she won’t do something this insane. If she can ask an Aura user to blind me with his Aura ability, she should have just done that!

Though I wonder why he want to blind people? Just what kind of experience has he went through for him to truly desire people’s blindness. That’s just crazy.

Anyway, here I am. Fighting one of the greatest assassin of his time, blindfolded. But thanks to this training, my other senses have improved. Though this is still insane.

“Since you’re an awesome assassin, you should be able to hide your killing intent. I want you to hit me while hiding your killing intent. That way, I can improve my sense of danger. Hopefully,” I said.

“Well, if that’s what you want. And after your vision training is over, you want me to teach you about assassination?” Shadow asked.

“That’s right. Please teach me well,” I said.

“I can only teach by doing. Don’t die,” Shadow said before he suddenly disappear.

He didn’t just disappear. He’s hiding his presence from me. I can sense that Jewel who is watching my training curiously is looking at an empty space, which should be where Shadow is.

As he disappeared, I quickly pierced Reizpear toward the location Jewel is looking at. But I didn’t feel anything as my attack only pierced empty air.

“I’ll teach you about assassination skills as well. First is hiding skill. It doesn’t mean you’re just hiding your position. Distracting your opponent from where you really are is one way to hide your presence,” Shadow said as he slashed my neck lightly.

Good thing I reacted quickly. When his dagger touched my neck, I quickly pulled back my head so the blade only slashed me lightly. But if I reacted too late, I would have died.

“I can tell that you have improved. Even without your Divine Vision and your sight is blocked, you can still see the surrounding clearly, right?” Shadow asked me.

He’s right. Although it was just one week, I have managed to learn what’s Mona and many ancient Aura users here called as Mind’s Eye. Using Aura and all my senses, I gathered all information into my brain so I can start seeing everything without my eyes.

I can tell how big this room is, and everything in this place. Though I couldn’t sense Shadow’s presence at all. And how did Jewel looked at an empty air like that?

“For your information, I’m also good in magic. I only have one element, which is shadow element. And I had improved it to expert level before I died. If I could reach master level, I would have succeeded the test. As for my Aura ability, I will tell you about it later,” Shadow said.

No wonder he’s called Shadow Blade. He was a shadow mage back when he was alive. Although I don’t know everything that shadow mage can do, I have Graham who showed it to me.

“You’re using clone like graham. And I think you added something like Illusion to make your clone can only be seen by Jewel and not by me, right?” I said.

“I see that you’re smart. I guess as fellow doctors, we need to be smart to save lives. And your angel familiar also has shadow element although he can only create a clone. Since he said he can use shadow clone, I have practiced with him, you know?” Shadow said.

“Oh, I don’t know that you were also a doctor. A doctor and an assassin. That’s a dangerous combination. Also, thanks for training my familiar. How is Graham?” I asked even though we’re in the middle of a battle.

“He’s good. His shadow element is much weaker than his light element. It’s because he’s closer to an angel. But he managed to create two more shadow clones. So, he has three clones now. And if you think you can tell where I am just by talking, you’re dead wrong.”

I swung Reizpear to the source of the voice, but even though the voice was still there, I didn’t hit anything at all. His Aura ability must be related to illusion.

If I can sense him, my Mind’s Eye will improve even more. And Mona said that if I combined Mind’s Eye with Divine Vision, I can see more things. That’s why I trained this way.

Though I still couldn’t see him now. I can only react when I sensed something moving close to me. Like when his dagger touched me.

The exchanges between us keep going as Jewel has moved somewhere to get her training partner. Only me, Shadow, and Mona is in this room.

Suddenly, I feel something is changing. The room suddenly get bigger. And when I think I chased after Shadow, it turns out I was running to a wall and crashed.

“Ow, what the hell!?”

I think the damage from crashing to a wall is much bigger than being poked by Shadow’s dagger.

“We’ll change the training method. We won’t just fight in this small room, but we will also chase each other in this maze-like place. Thanks to your girlfriend, this place turned into an amazing labyrinth where my power can be shown to the fullest. Let’s start now!” Shadow said and I no longer feel his presence.


“It means this will be a game of tag. Though as long as your Mind’s Eye is incomplete, you are forbidden to take of the blindfold. Oh, you’re also allowed to pick another partner. But Shadow Blade will still sneak attack you from time to time, so be careful,” Mona said.

What the hell? Training while also being wary of Shadow’s ambush? He’s the greatest assassin of his time! Does she want me to die!?

“You might feel safe with your Divine Vision and your portal. And you think that this is just a training. But even so, you still need to think of this as a life-threatening situation as well. Aura users can grow faster when they are in the face of danger. That’s the true fact about Aura users. Don’t die,” Mona said before she leaves the room. She also has been picked by someone to be their practice partner. And she can watch me with her Divine Vision.

Still, risking my life for a training. I guess I should have expected that this training won’t be easy.

Although I have been in several life-threatening situations, I can still rest easy since no one I fought has any experience fighting Aura users.

My first time fighting Aura user was also just last week. I think I have gotten stronger now. But I’m still not strong enough.

In this place, there are five ancient Aura users who were not only much stronger than me in fighting back when they were still alive. For that, most of the ancient Aura users here are stronger than me. But those five, they were also mages. Master level mages in their time. And they can use their magic again now that they have material form.

I will need to be strong enough to defeat those five master level mages so I have the confidence to destroy the cult and survive.

Not just me. Angela, Kayla, and the others as well, are all asked those five master level mages for a spar and to receive some instructions.

I don’t know when the cult will start fighting back, but I need to get stronger faster first before I could fight them. Good thing this place has the facilities to do that. The zombies of the ancient Aura users.

And for the test, I will be sure that I can pass the test and become an Aura Master. Though I don’t know what the content of the test is since it’s random. But I will be sure that I pass the test no matter how long it will take.

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