The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 615

When we are already in front of the forest thanks to Ray’s speed, Victoria asked me if I remember anything from the forest.

I started reminiscing about my past life since in this life I left my village quickly.

“During the stampede in my past life, I was in Melk. And my village was destroyed. Though I and some other surviving villagers rebuilt the village back then. But because we were not prepared with the stampede, there were no people coming from other villages. And when I graduate from the introductory school, there were only fifteen people left in the village. There were no rumors about anything in the forest,” I said to Victoria.

Even the weak me who can only summon Blobby back then, can still roam near the forest without being worried about monsters despite the village and the area nearby were destroyed because of the stampede. The monsters passing by this village to go to Melk. And no one stopped to make a nest in the near forest. At least that’s what I thought.

I’m sorry, okay? I was stupid and have terrible memory in my past life. Right now, I’m still the same. But at that time, it was much worse.

“I have checked the guild when you were talking with Oleg. It seems that there is a quest in this forest submitted by the chief of your village. But because of the high number of missing people from those who took the quest, no one have taken it again after a while. We don’t know what kind of monster or maybe even human in this forest,” Victoria said.


“Though I should be able to see them soon before they can see us. My eyes are already much better than All-seeing Eye. Even Elsie can’t see as good as I can,” I said confidently.

Though so far, I haven’t been able to see anything that could endanger us in this forest. Maybe it’s a bit deeper.

“Ray, don’t move too fast. I want to see everything clearly,” I said to Ray.

We continue deeper into the forest and finally, we see several corpses. They must be the people who entered the forest for the quests since all of them have hunter cards. And all of them are women. They are the corpses of women who entered the forest.

“I can see corpses in one area. Let’s go there first,” I said as we move to the location I said.

When we get there, we can see about ten corpses of female hunters. They are all rotten corpses.

“How can their corpses rot this bad in the forest?” Victoria was shocked when she sees the corpses.

“Because whoever did it was too strong. That’s why there are no weaker monsters nearby who dare to fight them. And that means there are no monsters to eat these corpses. And whoever did this are not killing for food,” I said.

If there’s a village nearby, and there are no one strong in that village but the village can still exist for a long time, that means there are no powerful monsters who threaten the village. Which mean this forest should only have at most weak monsters.

But seeing the corpses rotting, I can tell that whoever did it has a bad taste. Not only that the culprit is strong enough to strike fear to weaker monsters, the culprit also gathered the dead women here after they were killed in another place.

“But why only women? There are no male corpses here,” Victoria asked.

“I can’t be sure yet, but at least we have some clues. Victoria, what kind of monster do you think that would kill women and bring the men somewhere?” I asked.

“Monsters that kill women and bring the men for another purpose? The only monster that I know who would do that are succubus. They don’t have any needs for female humans and they would grab the men and suck their lifeforce,” Victoria said.

“That’s probably the case. And if they used this place to throw away the corpses and there are no men, that could mean that they are farming the men’s lifeforce. They kept the men alive and periodically suck lifeforce out of them. But that’s just a guess. Though in the end, we can expect to face a smart opponent,” I said.

Fighting strong enemy is easier than fighting smart enemy. And enemy who is strong and smart is much worse.

The easy way to defeat them is to kill them before they know that I’m stupid. Whatever trick they use, I need to kill them before their tricks worked.

“Are you fine with having a succubus as your enemy? Even when you faced Arin who is half-vampire and half-succubus, you still got yourself charmed. And if the enemy really is succubus, their charm magic should be much more powerful than what Arin or Sonia can do,” Victoria said.

“Then I need to kill them before they can figure out where we are. Seems like this is not the time for the living armor to make a move. It’s time to snipe some succubus. If the men are still alive, we will meet them later as two living armors. Don’t say anything since we’re pretending to be living armors,” I reminded Victoria that we will act as living armors and we won’t say anything when we meet other people.

Leaving the unattended corpses here as they are will leave a bad taste. So, I bury them there before we look for the monster that cause the rumor to spread. If they are really succubus or not.

And after walking for a while, I can finally see their settlement. They are indeed succubus. And they are imprisoning the men. They feed them, and when they are healthy enough, they would suck their lifeforce until near death before stopping.

What should I say? At least they don’t attack human’s village directly?

No. Even if they don’t attack us directly and only grabbed those who come here, they are still dangerous creature.

If they are like the vampires, the lifeforce they sucked will only make them stronger. Even if there are only thirty men there, and some men are being shared by two or more succubus, they would still increase their power little by little.

It may take time, but they will continue growing stronger and could become a threat at the same level as the cult if they are not taken care of quickly.

“Victoria, sniper rifle,” I said to Victoria who then transformed into a sniper.

I’m still riding on Ray and wore my armor. In case I was seen. Also, I won’t just snipe from one location. That’s why I will snipe while moving on Ray’s back. Though I’ll get Ray to stop before I shoot the bullet.

“Victoria, Ray, there are around a hundred succubus. It will take some time until we can kill them all,” I said casually.

A hundred monster is a lot. But I can dismiss it casually because I know that I’m stronger than them now. Though I won’t be careless. They are still succubus. And I don’t know if their charm magic can reach where I am sniping them from.

And so, I started aiming the first bullet. My first target is the biggest succubus over three meters tall. I don’t know if she’s the leader of the group or not, but if she is, once I killed her, there won’t be anyone to command the other succubus.

I filled the sniper rifle with sharp bullet and compressed air. The power my bullet can give is enough to pierce through a boulder. I hope it’s enough to pierce their head and kill them.

The bullet comes out of the rifle in a straight line. Even with the distance, the bullet wasn’t affected much by gravity. And it pierced the big succubus’s head and killed her in an instant.

“That’s one down. Ninety-nine to go. At least it’s good that there are no child succubus here. Their appearance is very much like human after all,” I said.

Unless I had to for some reason, I won’t kill children. That’s who I am.

“Hmm? No one noticed the big succubus is dead. I guess it’s best to kill those who are alone and in isolated location first,” I said.

While still riding on Ray’s back who hasn’t move at all, I shoot ten more times before the succubus finally noticed something is strange. And by the time they noticed many succubus have died, only seventy of them left.

“Seventy more to go. Oh, five of them are lining up together. Aim and shoot. Only sixty-five of them left,” I said while shooting five succubus to death with one bullet.

This is great. If I can defeat the Evil God this way, that would be great. I guess I should try cultivating my air element more. It’s still advanced level. If I reached expert level, I could compress more air and my shot will be stronger.

Once the succubus aware that someone is killing them, some of them tried to grab the men. So, I killed them first before the men can be used as hostage.

“Ray, some of the succubus are flying this way. Let’s start moving from now,” I said to Ray.

After we started moving, the monsters are in state of confusion. They must be thinking that they have many opponents. But it’s actually just one. Me.

There are no powerful succubus here. I guess it won’t be long until we kill them all.

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