The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 637

“It’s best to go slowly. So we can prepare the route of escape in case danger approach and we’re far from you,” Burnes said to me.

“Yeah. If something happen, I’ll try to get all the attention to me first before I make my escape. Once I escaped, I will look for you all. For now, the main thing is to make sure that at least those two master level mages not hostile to us. Don’t make them our enemies. As for the cult, we’ll figure it out later,” I said.

I can just kill that president and the one guarding her. But that will make the two master level mages as my enemies. And I want to bring them to be our allies in the war against the cult. And we need to be careful about it.

Well, there’s also the fact that Rygis enslaved many men. Us men need to be careful so we won’t fall to slavery. I hope no one dare to mess with us.

“It’s here. You can see the city now. Though surprisingly, the gatekeepers are expert level mages since they detect our presence. Well, since there are two master level mages, I guess that’s to be expected that the average level of the people here is higher than in our country,” I said.

There are two gatekeepers protecting the gate. And they are all women. Which mean it’s likely that the men are much weaker because of discrimination. Though I don’t care about them as long as it doesn’t involve me.


And I even care less after seeing that there’s a man that I know in the brothel. Unlike the other slaves who are unhappy about being used and played with by the women there, he is extremely happy. I saw him back before we met the two master level mages.

He is someone I know in my past life. And I forgot about him until today. The nodding guy. The guy who was always nodded in response when we greeted each other without a word in my past life. Back when I was a student in the introductory school.

Although I was somehow unable to meet him after I returned back to the past because I rarely go to school and I never greeted him so I never saw him nodded, that guy is him without a doubt.

He received a customer with a greeting, and when his customer asked her for something, he nodded in a way that I remember. That’s how I remember him.

Maybe because he enjoyed getting with all those women, he seems to be quite popular. I’m glad he’s doing well. And that’s why I won’t care about the slavery in this country. Because maybe, there are some other men who are happy with the life they live in.

“They noticed our presence from here? I guess they are expert level mages. Which mean that Rygis has a way to get magic stones. If we could ask for their cooperation with the magic stones, we can have stronger army,” Burnes said.

Oh, right. I forgot about that. I guess he’s right that magic stones are easy to get in this place. Well, we will learn more about it as we investigate. For now, let’s greet the gatekeepers.

“Excuse me! We’re the circus troupe that will perform in this city. We have received permission from the president, and although we are allowed to enter the city, we can only build our tent outside. So, can you guide us to the place where we can build our tent?” I asked the gatekeeper as I gave them the letter that I received from Emilia.

“Hmm... alright. This is a real letter from the president. We have been instructed to allow you to build your tent around the entrance. You can build your tent anywhere you want as long as you don’t block the road,” one of the gatekeeper said.

Hmm? The other gatekeeper is blushing when she is looking Burnes? I’ll get him to do the talking with her then. He’s an agent. Sleeping with a target to get information is natural.

Burnes seem to sense it as well as he smiled at the girl. Though he needs to be careful because she’s an expert level mage.

Well, he understand what to do. I’ll just trust him.

But I don’t like how Burnes have an admirer right away. I’m more handsome than him!

Anyway, we got the permission to build the tent where our show will be performed at. As an entertainer, it’s best to keep our audience safe. Even if the average level of this city is higher than normal, it’s best that we build the tent not far from the entrance.

And obviously, we build the tent near the gatekeeper so Burnes get some information from the gatekeeper who have a crush on him.

What about the other gatekeeper? Is there anyone whom she took fancy?

...the two strongmen appear to be whom she’s interested in. Is it the muscle? Because the men of Rygis were too thin?

“Apparently, you’re not their taste, Roy,” Victoria said.

“It’s not like I’m desperate to have another girl. I already have you and the others,” I said while hiding my tears.

It’s not like I want to have more lovers. I just don’t like it when other men are more popular than me. It has been like that even before I returned back to the past.

Just wait. Once the show started, Clarence will be the most popular one.

“Roy. The president said that she wants to meet the representative of the circus. You’re allowed to bring someone with you,” Burnes said.

He received that message while he was talking with the gatekeeper. I’ll take that offer then.

“Shirley, I’m going to meet the president. Do you want to come? The others are busy with the tent,” I asked Shirley if she wants to meet the president.

“Sure. I’ll go.”

Of course as a princess, she wants to meet the leader of this country. Someone who might be her ally. Though that president seems to be our enemy though. I don’t know about the others people here, but we’ll just be careful.

I also need to make the listening device that I installed there to be hidden perfectly. It’s a good time to do that.

While avoiding the two master level mages, I used Divine Vision again toward where the Blobby is. And I moved it toward the bookshelves when the president and her guard are not looking.

Good. It should be safe now. As for the Blobby, I will let it stay there without doing anything else. So when I need to, I can kidnap the president.

Shirley and I entered the city, and there’s someone waiting for us there. She will guide us to the president.

“Ooh... nice city. I’m curious what kind of treats this city have. Is there any restriction of the places I must not go or enter?” I asked the guide.

“There shouldn’t be. But in the past, there’s a discrimination toward men. So you might be treated badly because of that and not allowed to enter some establishment just because you are a man. Just be careful and mind your manner,” the guide said.

“...That’s scary. What kind of discrimination was it?” I asked.

“Well... it’s nothing to worry about. Our president has worked hard to erase discrimination. But that doesn’t mean the people’s hatred toward men diminished. Just be careful and only enter a city with a female companion at least,” the guide warned me.

Good thing I chose Shirley to come with me. If I asked Burnes or another man, we might be treated badly.

“Hmm... there are many women here and I don’t see any men. I guess they hide themselves in their home so they won’t be discriminated. Am I right?” I asked the guide.

“...You’re right. Although it’s better now than in the past, there are still many men who are afraid to come out of their house,” the guide replied.

That’s a lie. Many of them can’t leave their house because their wife or female relatives forced them to stay at home. I saw them when I used Divine Vision from before.

“Whoa, that’s a huge building! Is that where we will have attendance with the president?” I asked. While pretending to be surprised.

“Yes. You will meet her in her office. Please follow me,” the guide said.

The entrance of the building is being protected by the two master level mages. I greeted them when I entered. Seems like as long as I’m in this city, they will put surveillance on us at all time. We need to be careful.

If they are not master level mages and are important to the city, I would have kidnapped them and took them to meet Albert right away. But being master level mages, they are too dangerous to meet Albert.

How can I convince them that this country has fallen to the cult? Should I try to provoke the president? Or her guard?

If they make an action that will endanger the people of Rygis, it would be easier for me to convince the master level mages that they are from the cult. Though if too many people died because I provoked the cult, those two will end up hating me. I need to be careful and not kill anyone right away.

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