The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 670

They really suit each other. Though it will be a while until Randy can live happily with her.

From what I can tell about him, he is similar with me. He’s afraid of the danger and can only be fully relaxed when al of the danger disappear. That’s why he would probably live happily with his fiancee, Sheryl, later after we destroy the cult. Just like how I only want to have children after the cult is destroyed.

Well, that is exactly what he’s talking about with his fiancee. As for me, I’m talking with Marie if she can upgrade the gun that Albert has.

The gun is strong enough to pierce through Randy’s arm. But I feel like it’s still weak. If Randy is just a bit further, his hand won’t get pierced. Though the bullet will still probably stuck in his hand, it won’t get pierced through. Which mean the power is not strong enough.

“As expected. Well, I’m still developing it further. It’s a technology that doesn’t need to exist here since we have magic. So it’s totally new. But it’s interesting,” Marie said.

I’m glad that the Marie in this timeline is saved and doesn’t have mental illness. It was such a big loss that she couldn’t do anything to help Albert fighting the cult in my past life.


“Randy, if you have anything that will help you in the future espionage mission, tell us right away. We might have some ideas,” I said.

“If possible, we need some sort of communication device. Just letting one ghost do everything is not possible. There will be some delay since she’s working alone,” Randy said.

“That’s also work in progress. After the creation of the Television and the camera, I think we can have two-way communication in the near future. I even made a one-way communication device small enough to be put in Roy’s ear. If we can upgrade that to a two-way communication, and increase the range, that would be perfect,” Marie said.

“In my world, it was the communication device that was first made. Then television was later. It’s the reverse in this world,” Victoria suddenly spoke.

“What?! Who’s there?!” Randy got spooked when he heard someone he doesn’t know suddenly speak. And none of us were opening our mouth, So he must be thinking that there’s an extra person.

“Oh, it’s me. I’m Victoria. You should have heard about the Black Slime, right? That’s me,” Victoria then transformed into her human form and talk to Randy.

“So you’re the one they said to be from another world. I see. So it’s because of you that Marie created many innovative invention,” Randy said.

“You call that innovative, but to me, they are just common device that we use everyday. I don’t know much about history of my world, but I think at the time of invention, they were indeed innovative. And the gun is actually not common. But maybe in some part of my world it’s common,” Victoria said.

I will introduce my other familiars to Randy. Maybe during his training. I think I will let him roam around in Monsters World so he can gain experience as well. He can fight the monsters there. And I think Jack and the other werewolves will be happy to have another sparring partner.

After asking Marie for some more order, I got everyone returned back to Randy’s mansion. This will be the last time Randy meet his fiancee before the cult is destroyed. That’s what he said. Though I don’t care. If I need both Randy and Marie to meet, Randy will meet Sheryl again.

Let’s tease him to meet his fiancee whenever he’s disobeying my order. Just because I’m not a king doesn’t mean he doesn’t need to follow my order, right? Though I don’t know if I will meet him while he’s on duty next time.

After that, Randy continue pretending to be prisoner who will be taken to the capital. And Albert will stay until the royal carriage pick him up. I have transported his carriage nearby so they will arrive tomorrow.

And now, for the next two days, Randy and I are getting rid of the nobles and other criminals in nearby cities and settlements. With Randy wearing a mask to cover his face.

There are no scars yet on his face and his body. I will do it later. So for now, he can just put on a mask.

...Though I think Kayla can heal scars. And maybe Randy himself can do it in the future. So it doesn’t matter if he has scars or not.

It’s good to see how capable he is in a fight. I think he can be the strongest expert level mage if our group is not included.

We got rid of the nobles except for some that Randy will pretend to ask for help in the future after his ‘Prison Escape’. And those nobles will be arrested soon after Randy left their territory.

But that will be in a few months. After Randy learned everything he need to know to get stronger.

And then, Albert returns back to the capital with empty carriage following his carriage. Though that will only be until the people here can’t see them anymore. After that, I will use portal. Quick travel is done.

As for Randy, he has been in my mansion in the capital before Albert depart. Seems like Ian knows him as well.

“Oh, Kayla, have you found anything else under the ground here?” I asked Kayla if there are anything remaining from the testing ground that Timmy made.

“No. But we made a basement there for training. And if you’re looking for earth spirit, I didn’t feel one at all. Maybe they are hiding deeper under the ground. If air spirit can hide in the air and wind spirit can hide in the wind, the earth spirit can hide in the earth. It won’t be easy to find one. But we might find some if we go deeper. And so we dug deeper from the basement to see if we can find it. But don’t get your hope up,” Kayla explained.

I have told to Albert that Spirits might be considered as monsters. And tamer can tame them. Or maybe summoner can make a contract with them if spirits also exist in other world. That’s why I want to find more spirits if possible. But that seems to be difficult.

Albert said that we will assume that the enemy has spirits in their possession already. That might be the reason why there are many master level mages from their side. And Albert will interrogate that female master level mage that I captured before to find out about it. Though it’s also possible that she and most master level mage didn’t notice about the existence of the spirits. That’s troublesome.

After chatting for a while, I took Randy to the garden so I can slash him and give him scars.

“Where do you want me to give you scars? You don’t need to worry since I can slash you without killing you. And if it’s you, maybe you can remove the scars with healing magic in the future,” I said.

I also get Victoria to copy Randy’s appearance so Randy can show me where he wants the scars at.

“Here, here, and here. At least those places. If possible, I want some burn marks as well. Maybe I should get a tattoo? What do you think?” Randy asked.

“That’s fine. With healing magic, we can remove tattoo as well. It’s basically removing unneeded objects in one’s body. And that object is ink. I have tried it and it’s possible,” Kayla replied.

“That’s good. Then just scars on my face. And I will go to a tattoo artist to cover my scars with tattoo. Even if they can’t be removed, I already got permission so it’s fine,” Randy said.

I guess he asked his fiancee if he can get a tattoo and scars. Though when I asked him if he wants his fiancee to watch him bleed, he refused it. I guess that’s something he doesn’t want the people he cares about to see.

“Alright then. Here’s a towel for you to bite. And if you can’t endure the pain to heal yourself with low-level healing magic, Kayla will heal you. Are you ready?” I asked.

Randy nodded. And I transformed Victoria into a sword.

The scars might not be necessary at all if he’s going to have tattoo. But Randy said that it’s more convincing that way. So I just let him get what he wants.

I slashed Victosword on the places where Randy wants the scars to be at. And he’s screaming in pain. Though the scream was muffled by the towel he’s biting.

Even after that much pain, he can still be calm and use healing magic on himself. The bleeding stopped. And after I gave him another towel for him to wipe the blood off, the scars are there.

“Good. Now, you can go get yourself some tattoo. Do you want me to look for one for you?” I asked.

“No. I know someone I can trust. And he won’t reveal who I am,” Randy said.

“We’ll go there later then. You lost a lot of blood so you need some rest. If you need blood transfusion, Ian can give you some. He has the same blood type as you,” I said.

“Thanks, but no need. I’ll just rest. We’ll meet the tattoo artist tonight,” Randy said before entering the mansion.

I only said that I will go with him to meet the tattoo artist. But he knows that I’m going there to see if the tattoo artist can be trusted or not. That’s just show how smart he is.

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