The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 797 - 797 Thomas’ Love Life

While I played poker with some circus performers, Burnes greeted me. he had just woken up and about to have breakfast when he saw me.

“Morning. Seems like there won’t be any show for a few days. But I’ll just stay here. Everyone is busy getting stronger,” I said.

“What about you? You’re not thinking of getting stronger?” Burnes asked me.

“The thing is that I don’t know how. My air element is progressing extremely slow. I don’t think it will improve anytime soon. As for summoning element, even after getting Shelia and Graham to kill as many master level mages as they could in the previous few missions, my level hasn’t grown yet. So it’s best to just move my body,” I said.

“What about improving your Aura?” Burnes asked.

“I did train everyday. But the improvement is so little. And I think that performing and practicing my performance as a clown increase my physical strength even for a bit. So this could be considered as my training.”

Well, it’s not as hard as my usual training. But this could improve my flexibility. I can learn from the contortionist.

Well, I can’t be as flexible as her. But at least it will lessen the possibilities of getting injured.


“Is that so? I guess it’s hard to get stronger when you’re already that strong. Anyway, it’s good to have you back. For how long will you stay?” Burnes asked me.

“The investigation will take a while. Maybe a few months. I think that I have enough time to stay with you guys until the tour is over. By the way, what will you all do after the tour?”

The tour was for investigating other places. But now that there’s no need for that. There’s only circus shows left. No more investigation unless we found something interesting that needed to be checked.

That’s why I asked what the circus will do after the tour.

Obviously, a break is necessary. But when will they go touring again or just performing in one city, I don’t know.

And Thomas is not in a condition to be asked. Even when I’m looking at him in his tent from here, he’s still blankly staring at an empty space. That’s why I asked Burnes. The clown who somehow become the second-in-command in this circus.

His appearance is now important in this circus. Even more than me, the best clown in the world.

Well, it’s obvious since I keep being absent. But from what I heard in the audience seat, he has gained quite a bit of reputation.

Though for the next show, Clarence will steal the spotlight.

As for Thomas, he’s more of a business man now than a circus leader. He rarely plays on stage. But he’s still dreaming of making his circus big.

“After the tour, huh? I will take a break. We have gotten quite a lot of money not just from the tickets but also from the sponsors we got on our journey. Including from your clothing brand. I have requested to Thomas so that we will take a break for at least six months before we perform again. But he’s been like that ever since we left the capital of Varadis,” Burnes said.

Whoa! I’m not just a member, but also a sponsor? I’m so amazing!

“Now that you mention it, what happened? How did Thomas become like that? He even didn’t notice me when I came,” I asked.

“It’s not a secret, so it’s fine for you to know. But don’t tease him, alright? Back in the capital of Varadis, Thomas had a drink at a pub with a widow. He didn’t mention it, but it seems like he’s... well... you can guess the rest,” Burnes said.

Meeting a widow at a pub and he became like that. Now that I think about it, Thomas is single. I guess he’s interested in her.

Burnes stopped explaining after seeing my expression turned all smiley. And he’s also all smile when he tried to explain it.

“Romance is in the air!”

The one who is excited the most is Victoria. She turned into her human form and asked Burnes to explain more on how the two met.

“Well, it’s not official yet. But I think it’s obvious that he likes her.”

Then Burnes explained to us how they both met. The other performers also joined. They already knew it but they love gossips.

Thomas visited a pub the night after the show in the capital was over. There, he got greeted by a woman who said that she’s a fan of the circus.

They chatted until it’s time to close. The woman left while Thomas was hoping that he will meet her again.

“Obviously, as his subordinates, we’re helping him from the shadow. The next morning, we were supposed to leave for the next city. But some of us faked illnesses and delayed the departure for two whole days. So Thomas can meet that woman again in the night,” Burnes said.

Obviously, the circus members know about Thomas meeting with the widow. After all, they’re all agents. Their main job is to investigate.

And they have traveled with Thomas for a while. So they know when there’s any kind of changes around him. And when they investigated, they learned everything.

“I guess the reason that you didn’t mention it to Thomas was because there’s no need to. You all think that she’s safe and won’t cause any harm to Thomas or the circus. That’s why you never mentioned her and just watched Thomas from the sideline. Am I right?”

If that woman is someone dangerous like being related to the cult, then there’s no way that Burnes and the others will keep quiet. So they must have found out everything about her and concluded that she is safe for Thomas.

There are kings who asked agents to spy on other country. Those agents with deep sense of loyalty to their country.

But those same agents are making their move just because a circus leader is in love with someone. I think we can say that Thomas has the same power as a king.

Well, it’s more like that the agents are interested in Thomas’ love life. That’s why they investigated that woman and her surrounding.

I didn’t ask much about that woman. Because if these people didn’t do anything, then there’s no need for me to know. I’ll just enjoy the fun.

“So, they just meet up and didn’t go any further?” Victoria asked.

“Nope,” Burnes replied.

“What a shame.”

“We’re all also quite disappointed by the result. And that’s how Thomas is like that now. Maybe he regretted how he didn’t confess to her,” Burnes said.

The other party might be a widow. But if they suit each other, I guess it’s fine.

“So, any reason why you let it be? Is it something you learned as you investigated on her?” I asked.

“Yes. It’s fine if we leave Thomas be. You don’t want to know more?” Burnes asked.

“Nope. It’s much more interesting if I know less. And it’s not something that you needed my strength to help, right? Then it’s fine if we just watch from the sideline,” I said.

“Uhh... I’m really interested! But as Roy said, the less we know, the more interesting it is. I’ll be patient and just watch,” Victoria said.

I guess Burnes is calm because he knows that Thomas will meet that woman again in the future.

Who is she? What is her job? And how will the two meet again? Burnes and the other agents must have known about it.

But from how excited they seem to be, I think that the woman also have some sort of interest in Thomas. That’s why Burnes will not do anything to either Thomas or that woman.

“So you will not do anything?” I asked Burnes.

“We will if Thomas asked. But we will not tell him everything. Though it seems like Thomas no longer remember that it’s our original job to investigate people. That’s why he never asked us,” Burnes said.

I guess since the alliance with the smaller countries have been formed, and there’s no real need for more investigation by the circus since the kingdoms can just send their agents directly, Thomas has forgotten all about it. And the agents here are just enjoying being performers.

Now that I returned back to the circus, the atmosphere was much better than when the circus first left for the tour. Everyone is getting along well and even used their spying skills for fun. I really like it here.

“Can someone ask Thomas to go and eat some breakfast? He hasn’t eaten anything since he woke up,” someone suddenly said.

“...Are you sure you won’t help him with his romance?” I asked.

Seeing that even Thomas himself might end up ruining his health because of love, I started to get worried.

“It’s fine. He will still eat. But he eats slower than usual. Though it’s not good if we keep delaying our journey. I’ll go and remind him to eat breakfast,” Burnes said.

I wonder how Thomas’ love life will end? I hope it will be good for him. He’s still my boss after all.

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