The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 809 - 809 Visiting Us After the Show

It’s late at night. The show was just finished for the day. We will perform again tomorrow night.

But those are the things that we keep hearing from the audiences who watched our performances. Including from the other circus group. It’s full of praise.

“Yeah! The previous circus group was nice. I thought that I don’t need to watch another circus soon after the previous one. But this one is already much better!”

“I know, right? I want to come again tomorrow!”

“The previous group was good enough. But this one set the bar too high. I think I can still enjoy the previous group’s performance, but it won’t be as nice as this one.”

“That clown is funny! Mom, I want a red nose as well!”

“Shut up, Kid! You’re too noisy at this time in the night! Shut up or I will punch your nose that they will turn red!”

Oh, wait. That’s not someone who had just left the circus. He’s a thug in this city who is bothered by the noise that the citizens created after they watched our show.


The kid and his mom run away quickly from the thug. Does he need to ruin the mood? What an asshole.

When no one is looking, I knocked the thug out unconscious using sleeping gas, strip him naked, and threw him into a brothel with the ugliest prostitutes there with a note saying ‘Do as you wish,’ and a small bag of money.

Even if they are ugly, they need to be recognized by the people. One must not look down on them just for being ugly.

Well, sleeping with them is a big no for me though. I have lovers, so I don’t need to sleep with prostitutes like I did in my past life. And even then, I have never sleep with an ugly prostitute.

But I still entered some establishment with ugly prostitutes. Because they usually have great sense of humor and a good listener. Even better than the pretty ones who are usually just ignore what we said.

I think that’s how a brothel with ugly prostitutes can still work. The prostitutes are professional listeners and not just for sleeping. So many people with a lot of complain and less income would go there for a chat.

Though for that thug who dares to threatened a small kid, he will wake up being surrounded by those prostitutes. This will be the time of his life. Maybe. If he decided to change his type.

“Yeah. They are usually a better listener so many people would go there. And that’s where we sometimes get our information. They learned a lot about the situation in the city from the people.”

That’s what Burnes said when I told him that I took the thug to that brothel. I guess they can be a place to get information as well.

Enough about brothel. We’re here after cleaning up the tent and set some stuffs for tomorrow’s performance.

Then we decided to go and have some drinks while we let the other performers who will perform tomorrow to clean up the rest. And there’s an expected unexpected guest. Sandra.

For us, she’s an expected guest. Because we guessed that she would come to visit Thomas. But for Thomas,it was unexpected that she would come to visit.

And so, everyone decided to leave Thomas’ table and drink at another table. Leaving a seat for Sandra. But when I was about to leave my seat which is next to Thomas, he grabbed the sleeve of my shirt asking to not leave him alone with her. So I didn’t leave.

...But can he not do that? Grabbing my sleeve and ask for help like a little child?

“That was a great show! Sorry, but can I sit here?” Sandra asked.

Thomas is too shy all of a sudden. Didn’t he talk with her normally yesterday? Why is he so shy now?

“...Sure, you can. We also like to hear about our performance from others. Especially since you’re from the same industry,” I said politely.

“Thank you! I know that you’re enjoying yourself tonight so I’m terribly sorry for bothering you guys,” Sandra said.

“No problem! You are allowed to bother us anytime you want! Isn’t that right, Thomas?” I asked Thomas.

“Y-Yeah! You’re allowed to come anytime you want.”

He’s too nervous. Probably because he knows that he has a chance to ask her out now. Especially since she’s here, and the rest of us here are the people who promised to support him in his... quest for love.

But it’s too soon. She’s here because of the circus. So she’s going to talk about it and not prepared to be confessed by Thomas.

Even Victoria said that tonight is too early. We need to wait for a while before their relationship can progress.

And as expected, Sandra is only talking about the show. Especially me. Since I did the unthinkable.

“Clarence! How did you do that? To think that someone can swallow a sword. Well, not entirely. But wasn’t it painful? The blade should be sharp, right? Is your throat okay?” Sandra asked me.

That’s one of the performance that I did. A sword swallowing trick. Something I learned from Victoria.

She said that it’s a common trick to use for entertainment and often performed in her world. The professional in her world would swallow the entire blade of the sword until the hilt, then take it out. Just a thin double-edged sword. Not the sword I usually use which is thicker. Just about the size of my sword from the sword-cane.

Victoria said that to do that trick, because of the sharp blade, the performers would need to swallow the sheath first and put the sword inside the sheath inside their mouth to be safe from being cut. But what I did was much safer.

...I just used Victosword, and transformed the blade into nothing. Making it seems like I swallowed an entire sword.

That’s right. I just tricked everyone to think that I swallowed a sword. When in fact, it’s all thanks to the prop.

Good thing there are no master level mage in the audience. Or they will know the trick.

“That’s a secret. Though it’s something that only professional can do,” I said.

Though everyone here can do that. Because I told them the trick.

“That was amazing! Is it a trick and the fact is that you didn’t swallow the sword at all? I guess having good props is also a skill. In the end, what we need to do is to entertain people. So even if it’s a trick that anyone can do once they learn the secret, as long as it’s entertaining, then it will be fine,” Sandra said. I guess she knows a lot since we’re from the same industry.

“That’s right. The best thing about it is that even if they know that there’s a trick involved, more people will be interested in the trick. And the more they focused on the trick, the easier it is to trick them. I’m sure you know since you’re in this industry as well,” I said.

“Well, not as much as you. And it’s not just you. The other performers are amazing as well. Though a lot of it probably thanks to the props. Can I ask where you get them from?” Sandra asked.

“That’s a secret. Though most of them were created by ourselves. Of course that’s the case since we’re the one using them,” I said.

Hey... Isn’t it sad that Thomas didn’t get to say anything? Sandra is just talking to me. What about Thomas? Why to Clarence?

I thought that I have removed the chance of her getting interested in me. Well, romantically, the chance is gone. But for business-related, her interest in me is extremely high.

“Like that tightrope walker! He just did a back flip on the rope! Then that other clown! Then—”

She’s just like a child getting excited.

This can’t go on. Especially since now all the other agents are looking at me urging me to change the topic.

“Yeah... Isn’t it amazing that Thomas can gather all of us here? He’s the best. He might have stopped performing himself, but his status in the circus is the highest. I can even say that even if the king himself is here, I would pay more respect to Thomas than to the king,” I said.

Well, this isn’t a lie. Because I treat even the kings normally. I work with them. but for Thomas, I work for him. Though I’m good friend with them all.

The agents just smiled because they know what I meant. Though they’re happy that the subject changed at least.

“Shh! Don’t say that! You don’t know who will hear that!” Sandra said.

I just looked at Thomas so that he will be the one to explain it. He needs to talk. Or I will be the one talking with her more.

“Actually, the King of Tatrama watched our performance a few times. He was moving incognito, but we knew who he was in the audience. But Clarence still treated him normally and even asked him for a help in the show. That’s what he meant. We were never invited by any king officially. Just a king visited us incognito,” Thomas explained.

“Oh! A king showed interest in the circus?!”

Good. With this, Thomas can chat with her. And Sandra herself seems like she’s interested in talking with Thomas more since when I talked to her, it was as if I’m boasting. Just like Thomas’ rival in love who keeps boasting nonsense and ended up unable to sleep.

With this, my help is done. Let’s become a statue that everyone ignores.

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