The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 821 - 821 First Day is Over

The Kron whose hair got burned by the cult and had to wear bandana to cover his bald spot. Though I wonder why he’s still growing the hair on the back. He can just shave them all off instead.

He had just started attempting to breakthrough a while ago. And we were greeted by several bird monsters whom got defeated easily by the werewolves and the weretigers.

Apparently, they are competing with each other on how many enemies they can defeat until Kron breakthrough to master level.

After the werewolves were taught basic math, they started to count how many enemies they have defeated. And I heard from Shelia that the werewolves started teaching the newly joined tribes to read, write, and also teaching them basic math as well. Previously, it was the weretigers. But now, after the centaurs joined, they teach the centaurs as well.

From what I heard, the centaurs are smarter than the other tribes in the village. They can learn everything faster than the others. Maybe they can be tasked as the role of a leader in the future. The leader of the monsters. Just during the fight against the cult at least. Or the werewolves and weretigers won’t obey them at all.

Well, it would be great if they can do that. If not, at least the monsters will still obey me.

During the past few days, the centaurs have started getting along with the others. And by getting along means that they have challenged the others to fight.

From what Red told me, the one who became the representative for the werewolves since the strongest, Shelia, is often go out and fight, they have made it a tradition for the newly recruited tribe in the village to challenge the others first.


The vampires skipped the tradition since they live on Earth. But after I brought the vampires here to help, they said that they are willing to do the tradition sooner or later. At least after Kron finished attempting his breakthrough to master level first.

The werewolves, elves, and angels agreed on it when they had a discussion before. To make the newly joined members in the future to do this tradition. It was before the weretigers joined.

And so, the weretigers did it first. Then now, it’s the centaurs turn. They’re all agreed to do it. Though it’s not finished yet since I asked them to protect Kron.

As for the elves, more of them started to fight as well. They are not that good yet, but they are growing quickly.

They might not be as fast as the other races, but in the forest, they are the most agile. So if we have a mission in the forest, I’m thinking of asking them to fight.

And after we got the blacksmith, although it wasn’t that long ago, Victoria told the blacksmith to at least finished making one bow and a set of arrow as soon as possible. And the blacksmith did it.

Victoria then gave the bow to the Elf Queen, Tia. And she showed us great markmanship. And how she can quickly grab an arrow from the quiver on her back and nock it to the bow, it’s as if she’s born for archery.

When the other used it, they are not as good as Tia. But they are still better than other race who tried it. Including me when I was curious about it and wanted to try. And as expected, a gun is better for me.

And so, the elves can start joining the fight. But that’s only when they want to. They are using this tradition of the new tribes to fight the older tribes in the village as a training.

I heard that the result was horrible. They lost a lot since they are not experienced. They are just good at moving around and shooting from distance. And in the Colosseum, it’s impossible for them to use their Plant magic and there’s nowhere to hide. So except for the few individuals, most of the elves lost.

Though I think just being an archer is not good enough. I mean we already have mages who can shoot magic from long distance.

But when I consulted with Sunglasses, he said that there are things that only the elves can do. But we won’t ask them to help now. We’re on top of a moving dragon after all. Not a forest.

“If you’re thinking about what the elves can do, don’t forget about the treasures we got from looting Timmy’s treasure vaults. We have a lot of magic bow and magic arrows. Though I think we need to ask the blacksmith to see if they can still be used or not,” I said.

Oh, right! I forgot that I got a lot of treasures that I haven’t used or given to anyone yet. Now that I think about it, there are several magic armor and some normal armors. Maybe some will suit for someone.

“Victoria, remind me again later to bring the master level mages to see the treasures. I think I have something they can use,” I said.

Most of the armors are too heavy for ordinary mages to wear. That’s why I couldn’t give them to Albert. As for expert level mages, they will have to adapt in using them and will probably change their fighting method if they wear them. That’s what Candy told me when I consulted it with her. So those armors will probably end up with the master level mages.

I think I’ll show all the treasures I got from Timmy’s treasure vault to the blacksmith later. They have all been appraised, but we don’t know if they can still be used or not since the durability might have been decreased after so many years being stored.

More monsters are coming. But they still got defeated by the weretigers and the werewolves. The others still don’t have a chance to fight yet.

Especially the centaurs. They can only fight those who have landed on Andro’s back. They can’t do anything about enemy who can fly.

At least we can be assured knowing that even if some monsters passed through the others, the centaurs will be there waiting and protecting Kron.

Oh, I can see more monsters coming now. The number is higher than before. I think everyone will have a chance to fight now.

I won’t tell Sunglasses about what I see yet. He said that unless it’s an emergency, he won’t depend on my vision too much.

“They are here. The numbers is about five hundreds. They’re all wyverns.”

I heard Sonia is reporting to Sunglasses about the incoming enemies. That’s what Sunglasses will depend on in this battle. Sonia’s scouting report.

Five hundreds. Though we have a lot of monsters here. So I don’t think we need to worry. Even if some of us get injured, the angels are ready to heal them.

Sunglasses then give the order to Kayla’s and Candy’s group to move. They will bring some mages and monsters to fight the wyverns. After that, Randy’s group will be behind them taking care of those who passed Kayla’s group and Candy’s group. Then the summoner is at ready with the centaurs.

The wyverns are not that strong. And since Angela is in Kayla’s group, she used her magic to defeat many wyverns at once. So the number of wyverns decreased significantly.

“Don’t go all out right away! It might take days, weeks, months, or even years for Kron to breakthrough! Save your mana as much as possible. Use a bit of mana to cast magic to injure the enemies, then focus on another enemies as the injured ones will be taken care of by those behind you! And even if they managed to survive and continue moving forward, the centaurs will be there to finish them!”

Sunglasses’ orders are on point. We don’t know if in the next day, or even in the next week, there could even be a monster as big and as strong as Andro coming here. Wasting our stamina on the first day is a bad idea.

Though if Kron can finish breaking through in just one day, then it will be fine. But I doubt it.

The sight of humans riding flying horses is great. The mages can also focus more on attacking. As for dodging, the horses will take care of that.

Though the horse and the rider still need to be in sync. They need to work together more. And the rider also need to get along more with the horse. Maybe even take care of the horse in their home. Bringing them home, and caring them. giving them meals and making sure that the horses won’t be uncomfortable with them.

This is the start of horse monsters’ domesticating. As for normal horses, we already done that.

And just like that, the first day is over. Spot and I didn’t do anything. Spot’s children are excellent as well. Because they helped the mage riders who are not yet used to riding a horse who fell.

I guess it will take time for the mages and their horses to get along. But I’m sure that by the time we attack the islands north of Varadis, everyone is already getting along well with their horses.

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