The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 845 - 845 A Date or Walking the Dog

It has been a day since we returned from building a prison in Monsters World. And today is the day that I’m taking Shelia on a date. A hunting date.

So it’s just the two of us fighting monsters left and right to an unexplored place in Monsters World.

Well, I can’t really go on a normal date with her anywhere on Earth. The thing she enjoy is obvious. And it’s different from other girls.

Even Angela prefer to be treated like a normal girl during a date even when she’s our strongest mage. She likes to go to a fancy restaurant and go shopping.

But Shelia, even if she enjoys them, she prefer to fight. And so, our date will be to explore Monsters World.

“It’s not a hunt. It’s a date. And we will explore the Monsters World for a date,” I said.

“You’re a human. And she’s a werewolf. Doesn’t it feel like you’re just walking a dog?” Victoria asked.

“Don’t say it! Or I will be conscious of it! Because I really can’t deny that thought!”


Going on a date with Shelia is like walking a dog. So I just need her to go freely to wherever she wants.

That’s not the thought that I have to keep in mind during our date. We will just go on a date normally. We’re having fun. Both of us. Walking together. Fighting monsters and if those monsters have good material for blacksmithing, then I will dismantle them.

The last part is not normal. But for us, I think that’s the best.

I myself don’t like fighting. Fighting for survival or fighting for sport. But for this time, as long as there are no exceptionally strong monster on our way, then I can easily kill them and go along with our date. They won’t be enough to bother us in our date.

...I guess I’m fine with killing but not fighting. I’m just a weird guy.

And if Shelia is the only one fighting, then I won’t have to do anything. This might be good for relaxation since I can just leave her be and watch her. While if I go on a date with other girl, then I would be wary of their emotion and make sure that I won’t make a mistake. Not that I hate that. I still enjoy going out with them. But maybe I am more relaxed with Shelia.

“I feel like you’re just going to a dog park and let your dog loose. Well, as long as you two enjoy it, I guess I’m fine with it. I’ll stay behind so I won’t bother with your date,” Victoria said.

Victoria had a plan to go out and play with the girls. Maybe she will ask them to model for her other clothes that she had in her mind. As long as the others are not bothered by it, I guess that’s fine.

And so, I opened a portal to the village to get Shelia from there. Then I will open another portal to Monsters World. To a place closest to where we haven’t explored yet.

And when I opened the portal, in front of us is Shelia in her wolf form. Not a human form or a werewolf form. But a wolf form.

“...Like I said, walking the dog,” Victoria said.

“...I can’t deny that. Well, see you later then. I don’t know how long our date will be. If you need anything, contact me,” I said.

I looked at the wolf Shelia and wonder if I should put a collar on her. But I rejected that idea.

I see Shelia lowered her body. I guess that means she’s letting me ride on her back. Now it’s not a dog-walking date. But a wolf-riding date.

Well, letting her take the lead is not a problem. And I don’t think there will be many monsters that will be a danger to any of us.

I entered the portal while riding on Shelia’s back. We are here in the destroyed base of the cult. So we know where we haven’t been to yet.

“This way, or that way? Shelia, you can choose where you want to go. Today is our date, and you can take the lead,” I said while pointing to where neither of us have been to.

Shelia wagged her tail before she decided to go to the left side. Last time we’re here, I think it was Graham who checked that place. So we haven’t been there. And since it’s Graham, I don’t think he has explored that place far enough.

“You can run as fast as you want. Being slow is fine as well. We can enjoy our date slowly that way,” I said.

Shelia didn’t run so fast after I said that. It’s just a normal speed of a horse. So we can enjoy the scenery slowly.

While passing the destroyed base, I don’t see anyone else here. The agents and monsters staying here have been brought back after enough time. And we thought that there won’t be any other cult members going there. That’s why it’s empty now. Except the evidence of destruction.

“We did a lot of destruction together, huh?” I said.

“And I enjoy every bit of it!” Shelia replied happily.

She’s so easy to please. Like Lina. Though for Lina, I just need to praise her a lot.

We are already far from the base. And the monsters we found are just weaklings. So Shelia alone can defeat them all. Even though she’s in her wolf form and I’m riding on her back.

Well, I don’t need to worry about falling. Victoria might not be here, but I still have Blobbies with me. Though I haven’t used them as a saddle yet.

Why would I use a saddle when Shelia’s fur is so fluffy? This feeling is good.

After getting to know more about us, I heard that Shelia took a bath more often. Swimming on the lake or enter the bath in my place. So she’s very clean. She’s not dirty at all.

I just hugged Shelia from her back and enjoy her fur touching my face.

“This feel nice. I like touching your fur,” I said.

“I took a bath every day! It’s worth the effort if you say that,” Shelia said while hitting a giant boar with her front paw and killing it in one hit.

She only fought with her front paw so far. So that I won’t get blood on my body. Though even if there are blood, I can just get the Blobbies to clean our bodies. Victoria and her clones can suck all the dirt and blood on our body. It’s great that she can do that.

Feeling the wind and Shelia’s fur on my face is great. It’s so relaxing. Maybe I should go on a date more with Shelia.

“I smell the sea!” Shelia said.

“Hmm? You’re right. That’s the sea on the other side from where Andro used to fly when Kron and the others were breaking through. What will you do? Will you run on water or continue run on land?” I asked Shelia.

“I like running on land more. I will change my direction then,” Shelia said.

She stopped and sniffed the surrounding area. Then she moved on the direction where she doesn’t smell the sea water. Through a forest.

“Hmm... there are quite a lot of ape monsters here. They are on top of the trees. Seems like they realized that we’re coming their way,” I said.

“Let’s just fight them all!” Shelia said.

“Do you want me to help?” I asked.

“Then let’s see who kill more!” Shelia said before she threw me off her back and transforming into her werewolf form.

I see. In the end, it became a competition.

Well, to satisfy my lover, this is nothing. And as her master, and also the king of the werewolves, I can’t just let her win.

Let’s fight a bit more seriously now.

Seems like this is where these ape monsters are nesting. There are about thousands of them. Though it’s nothing compared to the people we usually fight. And they don’t seem to be able to use magic. It’s all just physical strength or them throwing things at us. So it’s quite easy to defeat them all.

With my new strength as Aura Master and Master level summoner, it didn’t take much effort for me to kill hundreds of them. And seeing how strong we were, most of the apes started to escape. With the biggest one, the one who might be the boss of the apes, escaped first.

“I guess we’re done here. Shelia, you won’t chase them?” I asked.

It’s not usual for her to not go after the enemies.

“No need. I’m on a date after all!” Shelia said happily.

She prioritizes our date more than her desire to fight? I guess she enjoyed our date, huh? Though it’s just me riding on her while she’s doing whatever she wants.

To think that she will let herself lost against me in how many monsters we killed... I guess going on a date with her is the right choice.

And so, for the next few days, that’s what we do. Exploring Monsters World together and fight any monsters on the way. It seems repetitive, but I actually have fun. It’s a great date.

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