What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 284 - Nobody Likes Busybodies


"Duneasia? They think they can send me, ME, HERE?!" Lilith screeched.

Well… No need to be so hysterical about it, I did get sent here once after all. Speaking of which, I had almost forgotten about those busybodies after they tried to take Elaria away, wonder what made them come back?

Ah, must be because of Lilith of course, there\'s no other reason why they wouldn\'t pop in if a demon like her showed up.

But why the hell did they choose such a time to show up though? It\'s like they just decide to appear at the most inopportune of times. If they were so great, why couldn\'t they have stopped the Dark Sect from summoning her in the first place huh?

This is precisely why I really can\'t take those idiots seriously.

Still, I\'m surprised that those busybodies could even affect both Lilith and I when we\'re in this form. Of course, I can just rip open a portal to send myself back so I\'m not sure if they actually thought this through.

Unless they didn\'t actually think which wouldn\'t surprise me.

I guess they have the benefit of being immune to harm which makes them more--

There was a loud ripping sound as Lilith tore open the space in front of her, her arm reaching in to grab something before pulling out.

In her hand was the busybody who I assume to be the one who sent us here.

She was clutching at his throat, the busybody staring back at her with obvious fear in her eyes.

Wait… She can touch him?

Now that I got a better look at him… Isn\'t he the exact same one who tried to send Elaria away?

"Who do you think you are?! A mere Celestial thinks he can mess with ME?!"

She slammed him in the sand before delivering a punch to his nose.

Woah… I didn\'t know their blood was gold in colour, you learn something new everyday.

"Wait! I didn\'t mean to!" The busybody shrieked, his hands raised defensively. "We just felt another anomaly and I thought you two were the ones who--"

She punched him again, his nose caving in with a loud crack.

I watched silently as she extended two fingers and shoved them right into his eye sockets, popping the balls with a loud squelch.

She hooked her fingers and pulled, tearing half of his face off in the process.

I could tell the poor sod wanted to scream but Lilith\'s hand around his throat prevented that.

A final punch caused his entire head to explode in a gory mess of golden blood, soaking the sand beneath it.

Holy… I actually never saw one of them dead before. Even that psycho Practitioner never actually killed them, just gave the ones that came after us a good spanking or two before kicking them out.

I gave her a slow clap.

Lilith tossed the corpse away, her body\'s glow getting a little brighter as she glared at me.

"I\'m still not done with you yet," She growled.

Since we\'re no longer back in my world, no more reason for me to hold back either. Good place and time for me to test how far I can actually push myself.

I gestured to her while giving a mocking bow, "Please."

Dark miasma gathered around her like a veil, covering her from head to toe.

The ground beneath her also became tainted with the darkness, turning a solid black before tendrils started popping up from the ground.

I mirrored her action, except I used Divine Flames to cloak myself instead. If I had been on the ground, the sand beneath me would have been burned into glass.

Since I can\'t hold this form forever, it would be a good idea for me to get this done and over with as soon as I can.

I conjured a white ball the size of a marble before teleporting it to the ground below.

Lilith summoned a dome-shaped barrier around her just as the ball ignited, filling the entire space in a flash of brilliant light.

When the light subsided, there was a giant gaping hole a kilometer in both diameter and depth inside the sand dune. Right in the centre of it was an ominous black sphere suspended in the air, its surface pulsating slightly.

I expected the barrier to drop after the attack was over but instead, it remained where it was.

Not liking the fact that it was continuously pulsating, I created a giant spear made of pure Divine Energy and tossed it at the sphere.

The spear only managed to pierce about an inch through the surface before it stopped, although the pulsating of the sphere quickened.

A split second later, the sphere collapsed into itself before exploding outwards in a flash of darkness.

I was protected thanks to the Divine Flames but the same could not be said of the environment.

The resulting shockwave was so huge that all the surrounding sand dunes collapsed and the worm monsters that had been hiding nearby instantly vaporized. The entire area as far as the eye could see had turned into a flat plain of sand instead with all the sand dunes flattening themselves out.

Lilith floated in the centre of the carnage, a bolt of blood red Lightning hovering between her palms.

She thrusted her palms out, sending the bolt streaking towards me.

Focusing the Divine Flames to coat my right hand, I slapped the attack away from me, letting it detonate in the far distance and causing an explosion even bigger than my previous attack.

Even with the Divine Flames armour, blocking that attack actually stung quite a bit.

I stretched out my arms, forming seven golden orbs above me.

Concentrating on her position, I sent each of the balls shooting towards her from a different direction, making sure there was no way for her to escape.

The demoness summoned seven small needles from her hand, shooting them out to pierce each of the balls flying towards her with absolute precision.

I completed my barrier just as the seven balls expanded to a thousand times their original size, turning into miniature suns that scorched the entire area into a burning crisp.

Lilith probably wasn\'t expecting that, judging by the scream of pain that I heard coming from her direction.

As suddenly as they had appeared, the miniature suns were abruptly snuffed out.

Lilith was crouching on the ground, her body steaming with obvious burns on her exposed limbs.

The entire desert as far as the eye could see had turned to glass.

Summoning forth a gravity well, I pressed her down with the weight of an entire planet. Even with that, she still managed to stay on her knee, slowly but surely pushing herself up.

Deciding that it was now or never, I prepared the banishing Technique that I used on the giant tentacle monster back then.

This should send her back to where she had originally came from and keep her there, preventing her from returning to the Earthen Plane for a good amount of time.

But just because the entire universe was against me, several pillars of light came crashing down around us to reveal a whole horde of the busybodies.

Godamnit, couldn\'t you guys just wait like five more seconds before showing up?!

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