What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 317 - Silence Atop A Hill


This time, the blast of Quarks was right behind me and deeper into the island so there was no mistaking that I felt it.

The sun had already set so the forest had been engulfed in darkness, the place dark enough that I could only see as far as I could stretch my hands.

I let the boar I just killed drop to the ground with a soft thump, my senses alert.

All of us had decided to split up since it would be counterproductive to stick together in a hunt, but now I wished we had chosen to move as a group instead.

At least Cai Hong should still be with Manami but I worry more for Master\'s sisters.

Facing such an unexpected event, Manami should have tried to connect all of us telepathically but since she did not, it most likely means she could not do so for some reason.

Letting a spark of lightning flash across my fingers, I confirmed that Quark usage is possible, so most likely something else is preventing our communication. Maybe I\'m the only one that was sent here?

I tried to fly above the trees, only to encounter an invisible barrier the moment I reached the space slightly above the forest canopy, preventing me from going any further.

A little irked at it, I charged my fist with Divine Lightning and punched at the invisible barrier.

My lightning exploded against the empty space without leaving a mark, the barrier seemingly still in perfect condition.

Seems like brute force is out of the question.

I floated down to the forest ground, intending to take some time and consider my options when I noticed the boar carcass I had dropped moments ago was missing.

Damn it, I knew I should have just stored it in my storage ring straight away...

My first thought was that there was another predator nearby that stole my kill, but I doubt any natural beast would have come close after hearing the thunder from me.

Coupled with the fact that it disappeared literally right under my nose, it probably means that there\'s something abnormal around.

With that thought in mind, staying here would be the worst choice since it might still be nearby and dealing with unknowns would be disadvantageous to me.

I floated up to just below the tree branches and blasted off in the direction of the beach, using a ball of light to illuminate my path, my main goal being getting out of the forest.

It took me flying continuously for a minute to realise that I was going in circles.

I stopped in midair, looking down at the indentation on the ground that I had made earlier when I leapt into the air a minute ago.

Charging a bolt of lightning, I struck the ground to create a charred patch of dirt before flying forward again.

Less than half a minute passed before I encountered a charred patch of dirt in the ground in front of me.

I frowned, choosing to fly past it but this time counting the seconds before I saw it again.

The number went up to twenty-five before I returned and this time I flew in the other direction, repeating my earlier action.

I reached to twenty-five again but this time I saw no more charred ground on my flight path.

At least I\'m not trapped in a perpetual cycle, but that also means whatever is causing this does not want me to leave and I do not know how to break out of this...

Without any other choice, I followed a small animal trail deeper into the forest, paying close attention to the trees around me.

The path twisted and turned, eventually leading me to a small hill where a large mansion complete with a garden was standing.

The building itself was quite opulent and looked very well cared for, a clear contrast to the gardens in front of it that looked overgrown and neglected.

Light shone from most of the windows but there was no sound coming from the building, making the entire hilltop silent.

Master did not teach me to be stupid, I knew this place was definitely suspicious from a single glance.

I flew around it, trying to look through the glass windows but they were either covered with a thick curtain or had frosted glass on them, preventing me from taking a peek through them.

Landing back on the mansion\'s front porch, I considered blowing up the entire building but decided not to, just in case the people inside were innocent and I ended up bringing trouble for Master.

Without anything else to go on, I decided to at least make contact with the denizens of the mansion, maybe at least find out if they are aware of the phenomenon.

Fully aware that I was still in my swimsuit, I walked up to the door and knocked on it politely.

The door creaked open from the force of my knock, it seems like whoever last opened the door did not close it properly and left the door unlatched.

The corridor behind it was completely empty, its length brightly lit with several chandeliers hanging above the ceiling while various expensive paintings decorated the walls. It was quite obvious that the place belonged to someone with an exceedingly large amount of money.

Maybe this was another villa for the Royal Family that Guiying did not tell us about?

I stepped through the doorway, realising that there was the sound of laughter and clinking of glasses coming from within, as though there was some sort of ball happening in the building.

I followed the sounds of music and voices towards a set of grand double doors near the back of the corridor. After confirming that the sounds were indeed coming from right behind the door, my hands reached down to grasp the handle.

The door was surprisingly heavy and took me a bit of strength to pull it open.

Peering around the corner, I was surprised by what I saw.

The sounds of music and laughter had disappeared into thin air and the entire room was dark and foreboding. Every single piece of furniture within the room looked rotted and broken, as though it has been there for several decades.

I stuck my head back out, only to realise that the corridor I was in was bathed in darkness as well, the previously opulent room now one of rotted wood and broken doors.

The door at the main entrance was also closed shut, which was worrying since I neither remembered hearing it close nor closed it myself when I entered.


Ever so slowly, one of the doors to the right of the entrance swung inwards on its own, the door itself hanging by a single hinge.

I turned back to look into the hall that I had initially thought the party was being held in, only to come face to face with a brick wall.

Reaching up my free hand, I rapped my knuckles against it to check that it was indeed not an illusion.

As though on cue, the sound of a young girl\'s laughter came from the recently opened door behind me.

How interesting.

So this thing wants to play hmmm? First stealing the kill I made specifically for Master… Then doing this stupid little trick to separate Master and I from our enjoyable vacation…

Hahaha! How amusing! Ahahahahaha!!

When I get my hands on the little piece of shit that dared to set this up… I\'LL RIP THEIR DAMN HEAD OFF!!


We\'ll see who is laughing then?!!

You want me to go in that room? HAHAHAHA!!

Fine! I\'m going to come kill you!!

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