What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 535 - Conduit


When I told her that this "Complete Harmonious Avatar Origin State" was the first thing I managed to do after being aware of the Star Power, she needed a few minutes to recover her mental state.

"Hah… I can\'t even be surprised anymore… I guess such things are normal for people like Senpai… Newbies like me just can\'t compare… What am I even doing… So this is what despair feels like..."

I patted her back to console her.

Xun Guan also morphed a hand from my clothes to do the same, "It\'s ok… Master is considered an oddity even back on the Earthen Plane. You don\'t need to think about it too much."

Hey, hey, I\'m not that bad am I?

Muon sniffed before standing back up from her crouching position, "Let\'s just move on from Senpai\'s abnormal capabilities… We have to deal with that massive leakage of Origin energy coming from you right now. It\'s so overpowering that I might have mistaken Senpai for an anomaly in this world if I didn\'t know about Senpai…"

I nodded my head, "Right, so how should I do it?"

"Ummm… First of all, how does Senpai feel right now?"

"Er… Powerful I guess?"

"I… Don\'t even know why I asked that question… Let me think… Do you think you can… Er… Make yourself feel… Less powerful?"

I raised an eyebrow at her.

She scratched her cheek, "I don\'t know Senpai… I really don\'t… I was never taught how to do any of this..."

I sighed, "No need to beat yourself up over this, I\'m the one that asked you for help after all. Alright, let me try…"

I focused my senses back on the stars, since all this time I\'ve been trying to gather more energy from the stars, maybe I could try restricting the energy I\'m getting from them?

Let\'s see… Just need to focus on the energy stream that is being sent from the stars to me… Identify all the similar energies that are being sent to my body… Then stem the flow of it.

Hmm… That didn\'t work. Or rather, I can\'t stem the flow at all.

It feels like this only has an \'on\' and \'off\' switch without a knob to change the amount being sent.

There has got to be another way…

I analysed the flow of energies that kept streaming towards me, trying to see if there\'s a way to make the stream smaller or do something similar.

Hmmm? Hold on a moment… Now that I\'m inspecting it more carefully, I realised that most of the streams are flowing through me instead of just stopping once they reached me. Is this what is causing the energy leak?

In that case, all I need to do is make sure these streams of energy don\'t leak out right?

Well, saying that is easier than done though, how do I even make sure that this energy doesn\'t leak out? It\'s not like I can just ask it to stop leaking out and it will just…

It stopped leaking.


No way.

Can it really be that simple? What if I want it to leak again?


The energy is going through me now.

What the hell? I was expecting this to be like a really long training montage of me getting a hold of some kind of new power or something. Isn\'t that usually the case when people go to a different world?

I mean… Technically I already had my fill of it in my previous life but that was under a lot of pain and torture you know? And now when I get to learn under more relaxed conditions, the answer is just given to me so easily…

Words cannot describe how disappointed I am right now.

Oh well, guess I shouldn\'t look a gift horse in the mouth.

I made sure to maintain the state of keeping the Star Power energy within myself before opening my eyes again.

Muon was looking at me with a complicated face, "Could I ask… What did Senpai do just now?"

I raised my eyebrow at her, "I did what you said, contain the energy within myself so that none of it leaks out."

"Ummm… I… I see…" Her hands went up and clutched her head. "I don\'t… I don\'t know anymore…"

"Woah now, what\'s going on? Isn\'t this what\'s supposed to happen?"

"Yes… But somehow… Now that Senpai doesn\'t have any Origin energy leaking out, it suddenly feels like… My own Origin power was weakened… Just how much of it was Senpai releasing to have such an effect?"

"Sorry, why don\'t you explain to me like I\'m five? I have no idea what the significance of such a thing is."

Muon pursed her lips, "I told you how we have Patron Gods right? And that they are also our conduit between us and Origin itself?"

I nodded my head slowly.

"We ourselves don\'t possess Origin energy, we only can use it because our Patron is \'supplying\' us with it."

"Ok… And what does that have to do with me?"

"Senpai\'s Patron God is supplying you with so much energy that you\'re acting as a conduit to Origin wielders like myself as well… Sort of like a relay if you understand what I mean…"

I blinked at her, "... But why?"

Muon gave me a wry smile, "Senpai… I said this before but… I am considered really young amongst the Origin Wielders, there are still a lot of things that I do not know about including this.

"Ah, sorry for putting such pressure on you."

"Ah! I was not blaming Senpai at all! I am honored that Senpai is depending on me actually, I just feel regretful that I cannot be of more help. In fact, I\'m learning a lot just by watching Senpai already so it feels like I\'m the one that\'s indebted to you."

I shook my head, "No, no. You\'ve helped me much more than you need to and I am grateful for it. So thank you."

"Ehhh… If Senpai says it like that, even I will get embarrassed, you know?"

Guess Muon is also weak to compliments, who knew huh?

"Anyway, should I be restricting the Origin leaking out of me now that I know I\'m a… Well… A relay?"

Muon thought for a moment, "If Senpai really is a relay… I would recommend not restricting it since there might be other Origin Wielders who are depending on Senpai as a conduit for their Origin energy… It is unfortunate but I am not able to help Senpai here…"

"No I get it, for the greater good and all that. I suppose I\'ll just have to find that portal or make it such that my people won\'t come running when I use it."

Xun Guan perked up, "Master is going to confront that Matriarch aren\'t you?"

"If I don\'t find another way, most likely."

"Understood, I\'ll do my best to help Master!"

Muon also gave me a smile, "Do rely on me as well if Senpai needs it again."

How reliable. I am really blessed to have such people around to help me in this life.

Just wait for me my cute disciples, I\'ll come back as fast as I can!

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