What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 615 - Diving Into Memory Lane


Right now, I have a sneaking suspicion that these scenes are catered towards what Tsuki mostly wants to see, since she was the one who made the liquid Origin and all.

"So I was wondering," I started, turning to my little sister. "What actually made you start calling me \'Aniue\'?"

Tsuki glanced at me, blushed, then looked away while poking her fingers, "Umm… Ummm… I\'ll let the memory show instead…"

"And… How long would that take?"

"My… Umm… I… I think it should be soon… I think… Maybe..."

I raised an eyebrow at her but decided not to pursue the matter.

The memory progressed and nothing much was happening, it was just simply the other Tsuki and I walking home together arm in arm.

The real Tsuki was holding my arm close to her as well when she watched the scene, as though also reminiscing about the memory that we were watching. That kind of convinced me that she was also influencing this memory somehow.

At least I haven\'t started calling her \'daddy\' or \'mommy\' yet so that\'s good, right?

We soon reached a street of semi-detached houses and entered one of them, a big upgrade from the worn down apartment building we had been living in for the past few years.

Tsuki looked at the building fondly, "This was our home for a long time…"

"Hmm… Were we not able to afford better?"

"Ehehehe~ Not at all. Even now, Aniue was rich enough to get us a better place if we wanted to. But to me who only knew Aniue\'s business was starting to boom, this house was already considered a luxury. What\'s more, I actually like this place since it\'s not too big or too small, allowing me to be together with Aniue all the time~ I don\'t really need those luxuries as long as Aniue is with me, after all!"

"Huh… I guess I can understand that sentiment."

"Although… After Aniue\'s \'legitimate\' took off, you would always insist on giving me the best things whenever possible. So our holidays are always flown in first class and the hotels we stay in are always the best. If it wasn\'t for me telling Aniue not to, I would have gone to school and back home in a limo everyday."

I chuckled, "I sound quite overprotective don\'t I?"

"Guhihihi~ But I love Aniue all the more for it~"

We focused our attention back on the sweet scene of the other Tsuki and myself making curry for dinner. The other me had taken off the suit jacket to wear this cute fluffy apron that had a chick motif at the front.

The other Tsuki was wearing a similar one but her design had a chick popping out of an egg instead. Maybe I should make one for Eris too?

I relaxed while watching it, this was the kind of life I had kind of envisioned when I came back to this life. There was no need to worry about anything serious happening and the days are just spent with people I care about.

Disregarding the memory me\'s work and background, it was just a day where I went to pick up my cute little sister from school, grab some dessert from the store, then go back home to make curry with her.

Absolutely normal.

I wonder what it was like in that life? Just not even caring much, simply worrying about making the curry a little too hot for dinner… Mmm… But there\'s also the business that I need to take care of, I think Hiroto should be taking over the club\'s business which is supposed to be Kashima Family\'s specialty so I need to prepare for that fallout.

And with the new logistics business, I\'ll also need to assign some people away from the yakuza side of business over to this one. I guess I can get Yumi to manage the shift in manpower.

Then there\'s the…


I was shaken out of my thoughts to see younger Tsuki in front of me, looking worried.

"Nii-chan? What\'s wrong, you were spacing out over there?"

I looked down at myself to realise I was in the memory me\'s body now, evident from the fact that I was wearing the apron.

Still a little confused by what was happening I reached out and patted Tsuki on her head, "Sorry, I was just thinking about some things. How\'s the rice?"

Tsuki gave me a cute smile, "It\'s looking good, Nii-chan! Should I set the table?"

"If you don\'t mind?"

She skipped out to the dining room to do as I asked and I went back to my own work of making the curry, all the while my mind was trying to process what happened.

I reached out my hand and concentrated, materialising a ball of light on my palm without any problems.

Seems like I still have my cultivation and I definitely don\'t think the other me could have done this which brings up a lot of questions.

Did I travel into the past again? Or did I somehow throw myself into the memory I was watching? Was this part of the memory restoration process? Or was there some other reason why I\'m here? Is the other Tsuki still sitting outside and watching all this? I don\'t even know.

Most importantly, how the hell do I get out of here?

I think I can rule out that this is part of the memory restoration process since I should not be able to use these abilities within the memory. Unless I could? I still don\'t remember enough to know if the other me actually possessed these abilities.

What should I do?

Hmmm… Let\'s see… I\'ll connect to my soul anchor which would return me back to the Plane I placed it… Huh… It\'s not working… That means I\'m still in my own reality so this should still be my memory space within said Plane. Or at least it should be. Does this mean I have completely personified my memory self and somehow gained consciousness within the memory? Does this count as travelling through time?

It\'s definitely not an accurate memory anymore since I definitely did not space out in the original timeline and Tsuki was not the one who set up the table, I did.

Should I treat this as an alternate universe in that case?

I tried telepathically calling Tsuki but the only Tsuki I could connect to was the one that was in the dining room.

Similarly, trying to connect to my disciples yielded no results either.

I think it would be good to assume that I had inexplicably travelled through time again while watching my memories.

It definitely had something to do with my thoughts from just before the change, probably my desire to live this life sent me here?

Hmm… I really want to go back to that memory space where Tsuki was sitting in my lap and watching this scene with me. It would be great if that happened.

Oh, it would be great if I was back in the dining room with my disciples and eating breakfast like it was the beginning of a new day without a care in the world. Then I just need to get ready for Tsuki to come and give me that potion.

No good huh? Guess I\'m stuck here for now.


Gee, I wonder what will happen if I change things using my powers around here? Will the world collapse or adapt to my changes?

Well there\'s only one way to find out~

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