What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 898: The More Dependable Brother

Chapter 898: The More Dependable Brother

(Brendan POV)

I watched Cai Hong slowly carved out her sandcastle that she was building, the little dragon not paying attention to anything else that was happening around her.

Naturally, she didn\'t need anyone to supervise her at all, but I\'m only here to ease Master\'s worries.

I let myself be distracted for a moment as I turned to see how the rest of my senior sisters were doing.

Unlike just now where they were pretending to be busy and sneaking looks at the piece of trash, they were now gathered together and watching him unashamedly.

According to what Lian Li, Eris and Lilith had told me, his power to manipulate someone\'s emotional attachments without the person themselves being aware of it was really quite frightening. Although the only thing I\'m worried about is how my senior sisters are going to deal with the fact that they were swooning over someone else when they return to their senses.

Even the empress Guiying wasn\'t spared as she eyed the trash like he was the first love of her life.

I do have to admit though, seeing this actually gave me an idea of a new potion that I can use on our enemies next time. That\'s why I had also taken the chance to go through some new potion ideas I had while I\'m here.

Speaking of which… Senior sisters Lian Li and Eris really are taking advantage of this situation huh? They\'ve been gone for at least two hours already, are they still going at it?

Just when I thought if I should go check on them, the sound of footsteps echoed from behind me.

"Awww, that looks great, Cai Hong!"

"Ehehehe~ Papa! Papa!"

I turned back to see Master picking up the little dragon to nuzzle her face, causing her to giggle while she hugged Him back.

"Thanks for looking after her, Brendan."

I shook my head, "It\'s no trouble Master. Umm… What happened to senior sisters Lian Li and Eris?"

Master gave me a sheepish smile, "Ah… They were very… Passionate… So now they\'re taking a rest."

Right… I suppose they wanted to cleanse themselves of the disgusting feeling of that idiot so that makes sense.

"Anyway, I take it you\'re also aware of what Cain is doing?" Master asked, putting Cai Hong back down so that she could continue working on her sandcastle.

Senior sisters must have told him that they knew so I saw no reason to hide that fact too.

I nodded, "I am aware, Master… Forgive me, but what is Master\'s plan for this? The girls definitely won\'t enjoy the memory of being manipulated like this… Is it because he is Master\'s son?"

Master sighed, " I know… I\'ll make it up to them later for this. Also no, I don\'t really care that he\'s my son, especially since he doesn\'t respect me as his supposed dad anyway and I don\'t hold much affection for him either."

"But why is Master subjecting senior sisters to this? Wouldn\'t it be better if Master just sent him home?"

"Unn… This might sound really bad, but there\'s a reason why I\'m doing this and I need your help."

I pointed a finger at myself, "Me?"

"Yes. Help protect your senior sisters for me, won\'t you? If that guy or any of the girls try to do anything that they will cause the girls to regret later, step in to stop them."

I chuckled, "Ahahaha, Master really knows how to joke, hahaha."

Come on Master, there\'s no way I can stop either group of them if they wanted to do something I didn\'t want them to. I\'ll just be skinned alive if I even try, you know?

It was then that I realised that Master was not joking.

"Master… You can\'t be serious… I won\'t even last five seconds against any of the girls if they are trying to kill me. How am I supposed to stop any of them? Wouldn\'t Master be a better choice in restraining them?"

Master shook His head, "Consider for a moment that Cain redirects all the hate they have in their hearts towards me. What do you think will happen?"

Knowing how my senior sisters are usually like when they\'re pissed at someone… They will most definitely try to attack Master…

And if that happens… Even if it was under the control of someone else and Master did not mind, I don\'t think they would ever forgive themselves.

Master must have also realised I came to the same conclusion and nodded His head again, "Now you know why I can\'t step in."

"But… Can I really stop them?"

Master raised an eyebrow, "Do you think I would send you to die?"

I shook my head quickly, "Not at all, Master!"

But if Master really were to ask me to die… I would though…

"Here\'s one other question I want to ask, Brendan… You\'ve been with me for so long already, do I inspire so little confidence in you?"

I gasped, "N… No! That\'s not what I meant when I said that!"

Master sighed, "Brendan, you\'re walking on the path to godhood, a path that I\'m guiding you on. Do you think I would make you a weak god?"

"No, Master," I answered immediately.

"I have never taught you to be weaker than anyone else, have I?"

"No, Master."

"Do you think someone who is able to comprehend the very essence of everything that exists and able to materialise it into a liquid is a person that can be considered weak?"

"N… No, Master."

"Are you expecting to follow my teachings and end up as someone who does not excel?"

"No, Master!"

Master chuckled and clasped my shoulder with a firm hand, "Then have some faith in yourself, Brendan. If not for yourself, then for me as your teacher. I did not take you under my wing for you to be a pushover."

I looked into Master\'s eyes, seeing the absolute faith He had in me. Those were not just words that were spoken out of convenience or made up on the spot just to get me to listen.

No, Master had never once trained me thinking I was always going to be the weak one. The only one that was holding me back was myself.

It was precisely what I faced when we were last here and that leprechaun made me face my own fears.

Like Master said, I am treading on the path to Godhood, I should not be cowering in the face of challenge at all.

My resolution must have shown on my face because Master broke into a smile and tightened His grip on my shoulder, "Then I leave them in your hands, Brendan. Make me proud."

I gasped. Now there\'s no way I will fail now. I will do it even if it kills me.

"Yes, Master!!"

Leave it to me, Master, I won\'t let you down!!

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