What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 957: I Told You It Was A Raid

Chapter 957: I Told You It Was A Raid


Honestly, I wasn\'t really expecting much when I entered the cave. I mean… It\'s a goblin cave for crying out loud.

And well… I was not disappointed in my expectations.

There wasn\'t much inside it, not even in terms of fortifications. Everything was either carved out of stone or mashed together using pieces of wood.

Most of the monsters that I saw were mostly just listless and hanging around on their own or engaging in personal fights with other monsters.

The cave itself was probably only meant to fit goblins but because of the new additions, they simply dug it wider to accommodate everyone else but that was also done with the bare minimum amount of effort. The place honestly looks like it was ready to collapse any minute.

I noticed a few of the goblins running around and yelling out instructions, no doubt following their king\'s orders to gather everyone somewhere. All of the monsters stopped what they were doing and started herding themselves towards one of the caves, though quite a few of them were doing so begrudgingly.

Yep, the power dynamics in this little place is already quite clear to me.

"They look pathetic," Akari remarked, wrinkling her nose at them. "Couldn\'t we have just burned the entire place and be done with it?"

"Quiet sister."

"But it\'s true…"

"You forget that Divine One never asked for us to engage in genocide."

"Bleh, fine…"

I don\'t even know how I should react to that little conversation… The fact that the only reason that they aren\'t killing everyone is because I didn\'t tell them to, or it\'s an option they are ready to resort to…

A few of them saw us but once they spotted Gob leading us, they quickly got out of our way without a word.

Soon enough, we reached a large cavern where all of the monsters had gathered. The only thing worthy of note here was a crude throne at the end of the cavern carved out of stone.

Gob led us towards the throne under the watchful gaze of everyone else inside the cavern. By the looks that they were sending us, I think I can already guess what is going to happen as soon as Gob tells them about the change in management.

As though reading my thoughts, I felt Benjamin talking to the others telepathically so I snuck my own telepathic connection in to eavesdrop on them.

\'Be on your guard everyone, I suspect these people will riot as soon as they know about us.\'

\'Hmph, I expected as such. At least I can get a few more corpses to experiment on. Maybe I can get more abyssal knights…\'

\'Leave Divine One\'ssssss protection to ussssss.\'

\'Hmm… I\'m not sure that this cavern is big enough for my full leviathan form… Guess I\'ll have to stick with my smaller one. Try not to bring the ceiling down on us if you can help it, Theodore.\'

\'You don\'t need to worry about us, we\'ll be careful. Just make sure none of these rabble even touches a strand of Divine One\'s hair.\'

\'Oohhh~ Does that mean I can eat them?\'

\'Sister… If you embarrass us anymore in front of Divine One, I am pulling you out from guard duty.\'

\'Ehhhh?! I\'ll be good, I promise! Please don\'t take me away from Master!\'

\'I\'ve already been saying this for too long… Why do you keep insisting on calling Divine One \'Master\'?! Divine One isn\'t even your Master! Change the way you call him!!\'

\'I don\'t wannaaaaaaa… Master is Master!\'

\'You\'re lucky I can\'t smack you right now…\'

\'Now, now, let\'s remember the task at hand, Shiori, you can argue with her later. I\'m not sure if there\'s anyone else that can listen in on our telepathic link so let\'s keep this as brief as possible.\'

\'Hmph… My sister and I will act as the vanguard then. No doubt the monsters will go for the stupid goblin first so we can toss him in front of us when it starts.\'

\'Oohh~ Very mean, sister. I likey!\'

\'I am going to smack you a lot later…\'

\'Again, please. No arguments now. Are we clear on the plan?\'

A chorus of mental affirmatives rang out.

I pulled my connection away, hiding a small smile that appeared on my lips from their antics. Somehow, knowing that all of my monsters were getting along well with each other fills me with a sort of pride.

Still, I wonder how the monsters on my side managed to unite together so strongly as compared to this group? Evidently, just having a powerful leader does not make the others more willing to work with each other, yet mine did not have this problem at all.

\'Ufufufu~ It is natural since they are all worshipping you, Master~ It is the only reason why I even tolerate their existence~\'

Yes, thank you for your input, Iris.

\'Ara, ara? There is no need to thank me, Master. In fact, if you want everyone else here to be wiped from existence, you only need to let me know~\'

I\'ll keep that in mind.

Eventually, our group reached the throne and Gob turned to face us, gesturing for me to take a seat on it with as much respect as he could possibly show.

I didn\'t need to look back to know that my monsters approved of his actions while the other monsters were completely shocked at the sudden turn of events.

Although… I\'ll have to decline his offer since that piece of rock looks quite uncomfortable to sit on.

\'Ara, ara? Master can sit on my lap instead if that pleases you~\'

Err… No need, thanks.

Gob hesitated over my rejection but decided it was a better idea to just move on.

The goblin turned to face the rest of the monsters in the cavern, ignoring the fact that they were now looking at us with quite hostile eyes.

"Everyone! Gob king no more! Human, new king! Clap!"


That was… Not how I expected this to go…

Then again… I suppose expecting more out of this goblin that basically used up his entire lifetime\'s worth of luck to get the Origin fragment wouldn\'t know anything about ruling in the first place. That\'s why his group of monsters are so different from mine.

The silence was suddenly broken by a robe-wearing skeleton at the back, "Is this a damn joke! He\'s strung us along like fools! I\'ll kill you and rip that power out of your undeserving corpse!!"

That was the cue for the rest to let out a challenging roar and make a rush towards us.

Welp, this was well within our expectations so there\'s no need for us to be surprised. In fact, Akari and Shiori had already positioned themselves in front of me even before the roar happened.

Just like they had planned beforehand, Akari curled her tails around Gob who let out a yelp of surprise before he was tossed straight into the mob, smashing them aside like bowling pins.

Part of the group peeled away to start thrashing the goblin but the rest continued their advance towards us.

Guess it\'s going to be a fight after all.

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