What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 959: Go Kill Each Other Somewhere Else

Chapter 959: Go Kill Each Other Somewhere Else




The moment I returned to my courtyard, I was greeted with the girls swarming to hug me.

Hmm? I haven\'t even been gone a day, did they miss me that much?

"Master… Master… I love you, I love you, I love you…" Lian Li whispered, her need for affection was obvious.

I didn\'t even get to ask what\'s wrong before her lips clamped themselves over mine, pulling me into a deep kiss.

This wouldn\'t be the first time she has welcomed me back with a kiss, but this is the first time the welcome back kiss involved so much tongue and even a little bit of groping.

Maybe after her ascension, Lian Li became a little more daring? Nothing wrong with that I suppose.

The moment we broke our kiss however, I was pulled into another one by Manami, my fiery vixen kissing me with just as much passion as Lian Li did.

She even snuck in her tail under my clothes to caress me, only letting me go after she was finally satisfied.

Then it was Eris\'s turn who kissed me enough for four people before I was pulled away by Diao Chan, my Witch being unusually passionate in her kiss as compared to her usual lewd one.

Kiyomi was also more demanding in her kiss than usual, going so far as to grab me by the collar to pull me towards her before her lips clamped over mine.

Another surprising thing was that Elaria and Tsuki were also especially needy in their kisses, both of them not even fighting with each other over who gets to kiss me first.

Once the girls were done, Brendan got a good long pat on his head before Cai Hong hopped onto my chest and cuddled herself into my embrace.

"Ok… Did something happen while I was gone?" I asked, finally.

"Ara? Nothing at all, Master. Why do you ask?" Manami giggled, wrapping a tail around my waist possessively.

"Not that I mind but… You girls aren\'t usually like this when I come back. It hasn\'t even been a day."

Lian Li snuggled my chest, "It\'s nothing, Master… We are just reaffirming our love for you… We love you so much, Master."

"I love you too… Now let me guess, Lilith was a slave driver?"

The girls perked up suddenly, a few of them gasping in surprise.

Yep, guess I was right. I don\'t exactly push my disciples that hard since there wasn\'t any rush for them to gain power, but Lilith must have wanted to prove something to me by having them improve themselves as much as possible in this short time.

Thus, Lilith showed them some tough love and my disciples realised how lenient I had been on them, which resulted in the sudden display of affection.

As though affirming my hypothesis, Lilith appeared and hugged me from behind.

"Daddyyyy!! You\'re too lenient on them! Give me a year and I\'ll have them ascend into full fledged goddesses in no time!"

I chuckled and patted her head, "It\'s fine, there\'s no rush so I\'d rather they take their time to do it properly and safely. The last thing I want is for any one of you to make a mistake and end up crippling yourselves because of that. Yes, I can heal you right back up, but the experience will not be a pleasant one."

"Buuu… But Daddy, if they don\'t experience some form of pain, then they won\'t learn properly!"

"That is true in a way, but for this step in particular, there\'s no need for that. You have all the time in the universe to learn from me, after all."

At those words, my disciples immediately came forward to hug me again.

"We won\'t let you down, Master… Thank you for choosing us…" All of them promised simultaneously.

Wow, was Lilith\'s lesson actually that difficult? Oh well, at least it looks like they improved quite a bit today so there doesn\'t seem to be any problems. Maybe one of them would even be ascending soon?

I\'ll just watch over how Lilith trains them tomorrow and see how she teaches them. Who knows, it might give me some insights as to how to better teach them too.

In the meantime… I think I should go take a bath first.


(Lilith POV)

All of us watched Daddy bring that irritating little dragon to the baths, sighing in relief as they disappeared out of Daddy\'s courtyard.

It\'s a good thing that Daddy trusts us this much, otherwise he would have found out the truth using his Omniscience.

Thankfully, I managed to help them fix the alarm inscriptions Daddy had placed on his disciples in time or else that would have been a big sign that something was wrong too.

Daddy\'s golden girl turned to me once Daddy was out of sight, "Now, can we know where those three bitches are? Or do we have to wait until Master goes to sleep?"

I sighed and gestured to the corner of the courtyard, "You don\'t need to… They\'re already here…"

All of them swivelled around to see where I was pointing, settling themselves into a combat stance immediately which was honestly quite impressive of them.

Except they got quite confused when they found no one standing there.

They looked like they were about to yell at me before the air shimmered at where I had pointed, revealing the three pieces of trash standing there.

"So it\'s true… You harlots really are despicable," That Pimvare bitch growled, showing her fangs.

Daddy\'s witch stepped forward with several magic circles around her hand, "Oh, how nice of you insects to show up right to Master\'s doorsteps! Saves us the trouble of finding you ourselves and crushing you!"

The red wolf bitch sneered, "We\'ll see who is the one crushing who soon enough!"

Both sides prepared their own weapons and Techniques, ready to pounce at each other to slaughter each other when a figure appeared right in the centre, stopping them at the very last second.

"I would very much prefer that you don\'t fight here."

The three pieces of trash flinched back, letting the very rare emotion of fear materialise on their face. I don\'t blame them since this being is the only one in existence that they should genuinely fear.

I blinked, "Mother?"

I was most definitely not expecting Mother to be stopping this fight, what is she trying to play here?

"Ara, ara? What are you doing here, you stalker? I thought you would be busy stalking our Master like usual? It\'s surprising to see that you even have the mental capacity to care about someone else," Daddy\'s red fox sneered.

"Ufufu~ I still most definitely don\'t. I really can\'t care less if you kill each other, but you were about to do it in Master\'s courtyard. I would very much prefer if you don\'t mess up Master\'s home and also ruin his bath time in the process. I\'m getting some really nice eye candy right now and I\'m not above Ending all of you just to keep that going~"

Her words immediately calmed both sides down. The trash\'s side obviously stopped because they were afraid of Mother while Daddy\'s disciples stopped because they realised it would be unacceptable for them to mess up Daddy\'s home.

Mother smiled at them, "Ufufu... Now, as I said, I really couldn\'t care less if you kill each other, neither do I care which side wins, but I\'d very much rather you don\'t get in Master\'s way. Now, feel free to go ahead and set a time and place to kill each other~ Preferably someplace that Master couldn\'t see, yes?"

With that, she disappeared just as suddenly as she came.

The pieces of trash and Daddy\'s disciples went ahead to start doing just that, but I was not thinking about that anymore.

Mother definitely has something planned… But what?

Why did she show up here? She definitely doesn\'t like any of us, so if they had fought, they might have fallen out of grace with Daddy. Isn\'t that what she wanted?

Perhaps… No, Daddy would have seen this as an attack on the trash\'s part and his disciples were merely just defending themselves, so he wouldn\'t have any reason to blame his disciples.

What is Mother trying to do?

Now I\'m a little worried…

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