What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1060 Ultra Long Range Support Fire

The fight started and things were already not going so well.

This is a fight between cosmic beings to begin with and what I\'m looking at is already something I was having a hard time comprehending.

I was already prepared for there to be explosions, fire, lightning and all those kinds of magic stuff going on but what I was seeing was something entirely outside of my expectations.

Sure, those were still happening as well but that was not even the main thing… The main thing was the reality and space being altered as well as a few Gods creating literal planets to throw at the two tentacled monsters.

What made it worse was the fact that the camera wasn\'t even able to capture most of what was happening since things were also happening in the metaphysical level and those tentacled freaks were able to manipulate reality as well.

I knew I should have made a camera that could capture reality bending stuff! I can\'t believe I\'m missing so much footage!!

Ugh, now I\'m just stuck with videos of cosmic beings tossing planets and meteors at each other… Just the basic stuff…

Oops, putting that aside, it really does seem like we\'re in a bit of a pickle… Despite our superior numbers, we\'re actually losing ground against them.

Planet sized meteors barely got a reaction from those monsters as they swiped them out of existence with their tentacles, which basically made those fire and lightning attacks pointless too.

I saw a few of those Gods flying around the monsters and flailing their arms around comically though nothing seemed to happen, which I assume must be due to the cameras unable to record what they were probably doing with their divine powers or something.

Or maybe they just went insane, I dunno, it\'s hard to tell when all I have is just these cameras to go on off.

Despite all that, those monsters had already swatted quite a number of Gods away and the only people who were really doing any damage at all were my sisters and also Lilith herself.

With just them alone, they aren\'t able to hold these two back by themselves.

Without much choice, I pressed the communication button and gave the order to the fleet, "All ships, mark your targets and fire!"

I turned to the monitor that had the fleet of ships on display and I watched as all of them fired off their main cannons at once. It\'s such a shame that there weren\'t any sounds of the cannons firing off or it would have been so much more glorious!

I directed my attention back to the screen that showed the monsters and counted off the seconds right before the shells hit the monsters in the face.

Well, I assume that\'s the face considering where it was facing but I can\'t exactly tell for sure since eyes were literally everywhere on its body.

Obviously, not much damage was done to it considering it could wipe out even planets with their tentacles but killing it was never our objective.

You see, even they were subjected to the void of space and being hit by so many kinetic shells travelling at that kind of speed was enough to push them back by quite a distance.

That\'s right! They were locked up in the Abyss before there were things like these invented so they weren\'t familiar with such weapons! That\'s why we can take advantage of that and prevent them from reaching Onii-sama with their dirty tentacles!

Oh, but I\'d definitely like for Onii-sama to take me with the tentacle in his pants~ Ehehehe~

While everyone there seemed surprised by the sudden attack, they quickly recovered and the battle started anew again, the Gods and Goddesses moving forward to meet those tentacled thingies with more determination than before.

Having my ships fire off their cannons constantly was an option but I was not that dumb since those things would definitely realise what was going on and defend themselves against it. That means this strategy will only work for a few times before they learn what they need to do to counter it.

Once again, I went back to watching the battle unfold with those two monsters slowly gaining ground. They\'re moving faster than before since more and more of the Gods and Goddesses on our side kept being taken out one by one, meaning less people are left to slow them down.

When they reached the position they were at before being pushed back, I pushed the communication button again.

"All ships, mark your targets and fire!"

The next round of Kinetic shells were fired from the ships, flying through the vacuum of space towards their targets.

I watched as the monsters reared up their tentacles in preparation to attack my sisters but before they could hit them, another wave of explosions hit them in their faces.

My sisters already knew that this was all due to my help and they quickly pressed on the advantage and charged in.

I took that opportunity to check on the state of my Stars of Death, frowning when I realised that we had another hour to waste before they got into position.

Sure, I wasn\'t expecting them to do much damage to those things either but additional firepower never hurt.

The good thing is that we\'re making good time right now and if we can continue this, we might actually be able to hold these two things here!

My sisters were definitely very enthusiastic about beating these monsters back and sister Lian Li in particular had been constantly using her domain for quite a while now.

The only reason I knew that was everytime she did something like that, the entire recording would start spazzing out intermittently.

Sisters Manami and Kiyomi were no slouches either with how they kept creating those planet sized meteors they were throwing at those things, which kept being destroyed by those tentacles.

As for sister Eris, I didn\'t really understand what was going on at first until I realised she was manipulating the probability of everything that was happening in the fight. No wonder all of the shots from my ships hit the monsters even though I had accounted for a few of them missing their mark.

The other versions of Eris were also trying their best but unfortunately for them, they were not as prepared for this fight as the rest of my sisters were. A few of them seemed to have already perished during the fight.

The monsters reached the previous location and I called for my ships to fire again, fully anticipating the shots to hit.

As I had expected, a third wave of explosions from the Kinetic shells landed on the tentacled freaks\' faces.

I saw my sisters rush forward to try and capitalise on the attack once more, fully intending to push the advantage.

Except… The monsters did not move an inch…

I watched in horror as all of my sisters and the other Gods were smashed away by the monsters, every single one of them being flung off to the far reaches of space in different directions.

The only one who managed to avoid such a fate was sister Lian Li who had incidentally been busy using her domain..

Damn… Looks like they already learned how to counter my bombardment… What else can I do now?

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