What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1078 A Difference In Ideals

(Diao Chan POV)

It looks like we\'ll need to rely on those monsters to find Master and I was sent there alongside Brendan to make contact with them.

The reason apparently being the fact that we have yet to ascend and my other sisters might scare or startle them because of their Divinity.

I really doubt that those monsters who could interact with Master would be \'startled\' by some Goddesses appearing in front of them but I believe it was just an excuse for my sisters to avoid going close to them.

Tch... Like as if I wanted to be the one carrying the news...

Thus, Brendan and I teleported to the place they called Sanctuary begrudgingly.

Almost immediately, several orcs surrounded us from all sides with their weapons raised, only to stop when they realised it was us.

"\'igh Priest an\' \'igh Priestess huh," One of them greeted us. "Wot ya doin\' \'ere?"

I decided to give them the simplified version, "Master has gone missing... Again. We were told that you guys are the only ones that can help us with this."

"Huh... Ya\'ll have ta\' talk to me bosses fer\' dat\'."

He gestured down the hall and the two of us stepped off the platform, allowing those orcs to go back to watching over it.

Even though this wasn\'t the first time we\'ve been here, I still wonder how Master managed to gather such a group of monsters under Him even when He was still not revealed to be Origin itself.

As expected of Master to be able to dominate such things! Ahhhh... I already miss those times when Master would dominate me~

We passed by several other monsters on the way to the meeting room, some of whom greeted us amicably while others just ignored us.

Needless to say, though we worship the same Master, we weren\'t on the best of terms right now and for a good reason.

Sure, we would cooperate for Master but our ideals were different.

My sisters and I adore Master and know that everyone in existence should bow to Him and sing His praises.

The monsters, on the other hand, believe in exclusivity, where only a few are allowed to know about Master\'s existence and that we shouldn\'t actively preach about Master\'s greatness.

It was quite contradictory to be honest but at least we respected each other as fellow followers of Master.

Going down the corridor, we arrived at a room which functions as both their war and meeting room. Inside said room, the squid faced guy and the skeleton seemed to be occupied with discussing about something.

Unfortunately, I never bothered to remember their names.

The skeleton was shaking her head, "No, no. I say we just send in some undead and wipe them all out, they are not worth our time nor effort."

"But that\'s precisely why we should take them in and use them for our own experiments. I could also use some fresh bodies too."

"What? Don\'t you already have enough of those? Why do you even need more bodies?"

I nudged Brendan and he cleared his throat to get their attention, causing the two of them to stop their discussions and turn to me.

"I hope we aren\'t intruding?" Brendan greeted with a slight tilt of his head.

The squidface guy nodded back, "Ah, High Priest Brendan and High Priestess Diao Chan. What a surprise to see you here. What can we do for you?"

Brendan gave me a look and I nodded at him.

He sucked in a breath and gestured to the table, "You might want to gather everyone... It\'s a long story and it\'s about Master."


At least an hour passed before our explanations were done.

"So... Divine One is currently being held captive by that... Dragon?" The Behemoth asked.

I nodded, "As much as we hate to admit it, yes."

"But it\'s not like Divine One is in any danger, is He?" The squidface noted.

The both of us hesitated.

Brendan fiddled with his fingers, "That is... True... She would not hurt Master, even if she was trying to keep Him there."

The squidface steepled his fingers on the table, "Then I see no reason why we should get involved. It was never our place to decide how Divine One would act. If He has decided that this would be the life He would rather live, then it is well within His right to do so. Who are we to say otherwise?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Not when Master is being manipulated to think that way."

"Even so, it is still not our place to decide this for Him. Is it not simply just fate that things have led out to this?"

"Master is above things as mundane as fate."

"Then even more reason why we should stay out of this as this is Divine One\'s choice."

I was getting more and more frustrated by this thing by the minute. This was the real reason why my sisters did not want to come here. If they did, I\'m sure a fight would have broken out already.

Brendan leaned forward in his seat, "Are you fine with Master never appearing in front of us ever again in this lifetime?"

"If that is what Divine One has decided to do, then we will stand by His decision."

The rest of the monsters also agreed.

This is why we can\'t get along... Maybe I should just tell my sisters to put these things through our reeducation chambers to fix them up, then we wouldn\'t need to face this problem anymore.

I\'m sure threats wouldn\'t faze them either and they would much rather die than go against their beliefs. I can say that with confidence because we were the same on our side as well.

I stood up from the table, "Would anything change your mind?"

The squidface closed his eyes, "Not unless it is a direct order from Divine One himself, no."

"Very well then. We are done here, Brendan. Let\'s go."

Brendan seemed quite surprised by how easily I gave in but followed me out of the room nevertheless.

"Is that alright, senior sister Diao Chan?"

I let a small smile materialise on my face, "Oh of course not, we\'re simply going to get someone else to come convince them... Let\'s get the stalker bitch to do something for once~"

That\'s right! Get that bitch to fix this crap she got us in!

She made this mess so it\'s right that she come and fix it! It\'s good to see her get down from that high chair of hers!

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