What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1278 This Life Looks Pretty Easy?


"So… Care to explain?" I asked after we finally got out of bed while Lian Li started to style her hair.

"Hmm? Explain what, Darling?" She asked, sounding genuinely confused.

Has her memories not come to her yet?

I can understand Cai Hong having inconsistent memories since she probably didn\'t understand what was going on but Lian Li didn\'t seem like she was questioning this World\'s circumstances at all.

Is she just pretending or did something happen during the shift that affected her memories in some way?

I decided to check with omniscience for this and…

A finger pressed itself on my lips before I could.

"Ehehe~ Could I ask that Master just play along?" Lian Li asked, a playful glint in her eyes.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, "So you know… But what about--"

"Ah… That\'s what I want Master to play along for~"

"Are they aware at least?"

"Umm… Do I have to answer that, Master?"

I nodded, "If they did not agree to doing this, I cannot allow it to continue."

"Ugh… Yes, Master. We did discuss this beforehand, but they would be suppressing their memories for this so that they could fit into this World as one of its people."

"And they agreed to this?" I asked, feeling quite confused on why they would agree to something like this.

Lian Li smiled coyly and placed a finger on her lips, signifying that she hoped that she could get away with not telling me the rest.

Obviously I could always just use omniscience to find out the truth but… Oh well.

Lian Li is my first disciple, not counting Iris of course, so I do trust her that she would not intentionally do something that would go against my principles. So I\'ll just trust her with this much.

She giggled, "Now, where were we… Oh yes, we should prepare to open the shop soon, Dar~ ling~"

"You\'re really going to call me that here?"

"Ehehehe~ Why not? I\'m your wife, aren\'t I?"

My golden haired disciple kissed me on the lips before prancing away with a melodious laughter, stopping at the door of our bedroom to peek at me coyly before darting out.

Hmm… Lian Li is pretty cute when she does that, especially when she was desperately hiding her embarrassment from being so forward.

I straightened my own uniform before following her out, preparing to open our shop for the day.

For this World, we had bought a piece of land within the capital city itself where we built a two story pastry shop with our house attached to its side.

The two buildings shared a large kitchen so we could just move between the shop and the house using that shared space.

On the shop\'s side, we had a shop counter on the first floor with several indoor seats which included seats by the coffee counter as well as an outdoor patio seating area. The second floor also had an indoor and balcony seating area that we would open up during lunch hours for those looking to have a meal but would be otherwise closed aside for special occasions.

According to my memories of this World, we are only busy during the lunch time rush while the rest of the day would be relatively slow which suited us just fine.

Lian Li and I started preparing for the shop\'s opening just as the sky was beginning to brighten.

Usually we would need to get up earlier than this to prepare the dough for the pastries and such. But Lian Li and I cheated a little by using some reality manipulation to skip a few of the processes in the pastry making.

The both of us specialised in different kinds of pastries with Lian Li preferring to make the sweet kinds of pastries meant for snacking or desserts while I would make the types of bread that would fill up a worker\'s stomach during their break times.

"Darling~ I need a taste tester for this~" Lian Li giggled, holding up a small danish with strawberry fillings towards me.

I dropped the dough I was kneading to move towards her, opening my mouth wide for her to pop the treat into my mouth.

"Mmm… Delicious as always," I commented.

"Ehehehe~ I made it for Darling after all, so it\'s filled with my love~"

I gave her a wry smile, "Oh? Was that meant to be a challenge?"

"Oh~ If Darling is offering to make me a cream pie, I would definitely not turn that down~"

Since when did Lian Li get replaced with Diao Chan?

As though just realising what she just said, Lian Li blushed up to her ears and covered her face with her hand while waving her other hand at me.

"Awawawa! Forget what I just said! I meant an actual cream pie! Not… Ahhhh! That\'s not it!! Ahhhh! Forget it!"

Oh, she was actually thinking of the bread kind of cream pie and not the sexual one. I guess I\'m the pervert here.

Hey, I just came back from a date with Diao Chan, you can\'t blame me for this.

Right then, Cai Hong came into the kitchen while wearing a really cute light blue one piece dress with a bright yellow hat on her head.

"Papa, Mama! Cai Hong ready for school!" She squealed while running up to hug my waist.

"Awww~ Did Cai Hong dress herself properly?" I cooed.

She did a very cute salute, "Yeshhhh! Cai Hong dress pwoperly!"

I chuckled and did a check on her, finding that she did indeed dress herself properly. My little Cai Hong is such a genius!

I picked up the paper bag I had prepared beforehand that contained her lunch while Lian Li came over with a small backpack that had small dragon wings poking out.

My \'wife\' then placed my lunchbag into Cai Hong\'s backpack before helping the loli dragon wear it on her back.

"Have fun at school ok?" I chuckled while patting her head.

"Okies~ Papa have good work too!"

She\'s so cute~

Lian Li would be taking her to school so I saw them off at the entrance of the shop, "Be careful you two. And I\'ll have a cream pie ready for you when you get back, my dear."

Lian Li blushed at my words and quickly escaped with Cai Hong before I could embarrass her even more.

"Bai bai, Papa~"

I waved them off with a smile.

Truth be told… I\'m quite enjoying this World so far.

Oh… Could this be my ideal easy life that I have been looking for?

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