Unsealing Emptiness

Chapter 70

Due to the dense smoke all around, they could not see anything, and thus, everyone was apprehensive of the situation.

Only a few seconds passed, and the Monster had dissolved completely. The purple smoke also seemed as if made from some toxic acids.

Just when Raven and Blaze were getting ready to check inside the smoke, a slight chuckle resounded out in the surroundings;

“Haha... You really liked to scream a lot, don’t you?”

The voice that sounded they heard seemed to be that of a young man. However, because even the insects were quiet, his words resounded out like a melody to everyone on the field.

Where everyone else was confused as to whom this voice belonged to, Raven and Blaze instantly recognized it.


Just then, the bloody figure of Ozul came out of the smoke. The blood, of course, was not his own.

The Sun slowly rose while illuminating his figure. The sweat trickled down his ripped muscles as he was shirtless. The black pant’s left leg was half ripped while the rest of it was also tattered.

However, the Sun or his appearance did not matter to Ozul as he had a smile plastered on his face. Everyone who looked at his delicate smile was mesmerized.

All of them just thought that this kid was smiling because the Monster was now dead. But Raven and Blaze knew better.

They were enchanted by his smile as well, but their focus did not linger on his smile for long before moving onto his legs-More accurately, his left leg!

Because at that place, there was no prosthetic leg. Nor did Ozul have the leg made from Ball of Purity. Instead, there was an authentic human leg!

Only now did they both understand why Ozul was smiling. Moreover, he even chuckled before! That was the first time Raven had ever seen Ozul laugh; usually, the most he would do was only a small smile.

Why would he not laugh out loud when due to some reasons, there was a standard human leg attached to him! Though for some reason, there were no black markings on it like they had seen before.

No one had seen how the life-like symbols had slowly dissolved into the skin as Ozul was walking out of the smoke. No one, but a certain Rank-8 Mage who was observing the whole scene.


-A little while ago-

When Ozul had jumped inside the Monster’s belly, it was all squishy in it. The insides were not even a bit human-like.

Instead, it was just all gooey material grinding together from time to time. The worst part was that the blood and other remains of Podas were also stuck here, which rubbed all on Ozul’s body.

If there were a regular human inside, he would have already suffocated to death.

When Ozul had jumped inside this ‘Anomaly’, he had no idea how he was going to get out. But he knew that obtaining his leg was his priority now.

The Monster may have been 8 meters tall, but his insides were all just squishy goo, so Ozul did not have to search for long before he saw it.

Even after the Monster had sucked so much energy out of the leg, it still seemed fine. Only the life-like symbols were moving a bit slowly.

However, just when Ozul had laid its eyes on the symbols, the markings suddenly became restless. It was as though all along, they were waiting for him, and now that he was here, they could not wait to be ‘attached’ to him.

Ozul, for some reason, had the same feelings. He hurriedly moved and took the leg in his hand. He could not understand why, but he just knew that once he had the leg, he could reattach it.

When he put the leg in its place, it seemed as though it was a magnet attaching to a metal! And then, he felt it-the euphoria!

There was no pain or any kind of discomfort when the leg was attached. There was just endless fulfillment! Ozul’s eyes were closed due to the pure excitement that his whole being felt when it found one of its missing ‘pieces’.

The feeling of satisfaction was also not the end. What followed after was something that Ozul had never expected.

Many types of jumbled information were somehow in his head. Just like he knew what existence was even before he was born, he just knew all the information.

It was not like some new data just entered his mind or something; it was as if all along, it was just there.

However, Ozul did not linger on those thoughts for now. His mind was on a different perception. He had been feeling this for a long time now.

This sense had multiplied by many folds after he had ‘attached’ the leg. It was actually the connection between him and this Monster!

The connection did not feel as if he could control the Monster or anything. It just felt like the Monster had something that belonged to him, and he could command it to take that thing back.

Since this something belonged to him anyway, Ozul did not think for a second before he commanded it to come back.

This action of his proved detrimental to the Monster as it was made out of two things. First was the sacrifice of hundreds of children, and second was the energy obtained from Ozul’s leg!

Since Ozul called it all back, the Monster began to dissolve into gas. No matter how much they sacrificed, if there were not enough energy to keep it in place, all of that would only crumble down.

The life-like symbols on Ozul’s leg absorbed all that energy. Just as he had finished the process, the markings slowly started to fade into his skin!

Ozul had not expected that, but he would not care either way. He was already feeling a hundred times better than what he felt at night time without any disturbing light.

Unlike any other cripple who could not walk before, Ozul did not run or jump in joy. He wanted his limbs back, not to be able to walk regularly but because he wanted to be complete again.

He had also experienced that scream of the Monster before dying, and since he was inside it, Ozul had it the worse on his ears. However, he did not care about that and walked out of the smoke;

“Haha... You really like to scream a lot, don’t you...”


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