Unsealing Emptiness

Chapter 190

Ozul figured ‘them’ was probably indicating towards the humans. However, what surprised him was that this Druid could figure out that he was different.

There had been no one as of yet who could figure out that he was not a human, except for his father who had straight-up labeled him a Devil’s spawn.

‘... Does it know something?!’ Ozul could not help but think that this Druid might have some of the answers that he has been finding till now.

In the excitement, he forgot that the Druid did not sound so certain about it either.

“Do you know what is different in me?” he asked the Druid after calming himself down a little. Just because the Druid wasn’t showing any hostility did not mean that it would keep it that way forever.

“That was my question... child...” The Druid replied, crushing Ozul’s built-up hopes that he might have finally found something.


“Listen here, it is getting nowhere like this. Will you just tell me what you are? And why are you curious about me?” Ozul asked in an annoyed tone.

There were very few times that something managed to really annoy him. Maybe it was because of his annoyance or the fact that the Druid seemed so friendly, but Ozul forgot the fact that it was probably many times stronger than him.

The Druid kept staring at him for a few seconds before its image flickered a little.

“It seems that you don’t know it yourself...child” The Druid seemed to understand his situation.

“Yes, I don’t. Now can you tell me what are you?” Ozul did not try to hide the fact that he wasn’t aware of the situation himself.

“...It doesn’t hurt to tell you...” The Dark Druid replied in its usual way.

“They... call me a Druid,” It answered slowly.

“But, you are something else?” Ozul figured that if she hinted that ‘them’ called it a Druid, then the truth might be something else.

“Yes... I am not a Druid...” It replied with another flicker and continued, “I don’t belong in this place... I am just a Spirit in a wrong world...” With her sweet whispers, it sounded really pitiful in the tone she said these words.

‘Spirit? What is a Spirit? What does it mean by in the wrong world?’ Ozul did not understand anything from her words. But if he could guess, then it might be something related to the other worlds out there!

“What do you-” he was about to ask her to elaborate, but the Druid did not let him ask, “It doesn’t matter... child...”

Although he wanted to ask more. Especially, if it was related to the other worlds out there, but it couldn’t be helped if the ‘Spirit’ did not want to answer.

He had secrets himself and knew how he wouldn’t be able to reveal them to anyone either.

“What do you find so different in me then?” Ozul asked. It seemed that the ‘Spirit’ wasn’t sure herself, but maybe he could get some clues from her reasons to be curious?

“You really don’t know...?” The ‘Spirit’ asked, unsure if he was lying or really meant his words.

“Yes, I don’t know,”

“...It’s because there is something... something inside me. Something deep inside... is affecting my thoughts towards you...” her words sounded uncertain.

It was as if the Spirit knew what she was saying and at the same time, had no clue what was going on at all.

Ozul couldn’t sense her presence even when he put his concentration to the max before. However, her completely disoriented emotions helped him determine her original location.

He was really surprised to find out that the distorted image in front of him was really it. There was nothing more!

“What do you mean?” Ozul did not understand anything from her words. Just that the Spirit was uncertain of her own situation.

“If I were to put it in words... I would say... this thing inside me wants to... respect you?... for what though?... Why?” The Spirit started to question herself at the end of her sentence.

‘Her emotions are a mess.’ Ozul could not help but think. Her way of speech and sweet voice made her appear to have a friendly personality, but her current state would make just about anyone think that it was some mad woman.

“Calm down. If you don’t understand it, don’t keep at it. It’s better you look for something else that might help you,” Ozul knew that if she did not calm down, then he would not get anything out of her anytime soon.

“... you are correct... I... shall not lose myself,” The Spirit seemed to be really understanding as it immediately stopped thinking madly.

“Basically, you just have this innate respect for me?” Ozul asked to confirm what he had heard before.

“Yes...” The Spirit answered, trying to keep herself together.

‘Would I really have to search in all those worlds?!’ Ozul could not help but think about another headache coming his way.

If this Spirit was really from some other world as he had assumed, and there was something inside of her that made her want to respect him, then it could only mean that his own existence was related to things outside of this world.

From his fragmented memories, he knew the best how many worlds were out there. If it was really true, then he did not even know where he would begin looking for his answers.

It was like there was a pitch-black abyss in front of him and he was looking for a black dot.

Even if he was somehow able to reach those worlds one day, there were just so many that he wouldn’t be able to keep count of them all.

He would have to find some clue that could narrow down his options.

‘No. I shouldn’t think like that. It isn’t necessary that I would only find out about myself in some other worlds. I was born here. There should be something in this world,’ Ozul shook those negative thoughts away.

This was not the time to start despairing about something in the future. Even if there were a pitifully low chance of him finding anything, giving up would mean that there were no chances at all. And something was better than nothing. At least, in this case.

Coming back to himself, Ozul looked up to notice that the Spirit was in her own thoughts as well, probably still thinking about the matter with her subconscious.

“There is nothing else that you can tell me?” Ozul knew that she was hiding things from him, but he was also aware of his limits to ask personal questions.

If he had been strong enough, then even beating out the answers from the Spirit wouldn’t have been a problem. It would have been a lot better than madly searching in thousands of worlds.

“... I think I know what you might be thinking... child... but I don’t know anything that would give you your answers either...” The Spirit replied, seemingly aware of what Ozul was thinking.

“... So we both only have questions?”

“I am afraid so.”

“... Since I might have disturbed you, I can help you in some other way?” The Spirit offered. Ozul sometimes suspected that she was only being nice to him because of that something inside her.

He had never seen someone strong be friendly to a stranger that is weaker.

‘Since that’s the case, it doesn’t hurt to ask her,’ Ozul decided that since she was offering herself, then it would be alright to ask the general directions around here. He was completely unfamiliar with this forest, a little help would make it a lot easier for him.

“How well do you know about this forest?” he asked.

“I have been here for a long time, but have not really explored every area... though I know enough to be of help...” The Spirit replied.

“Do you know where I can find Rank-9 Beasts?” It might take a lot of time to find a Rank-9 Beast the way he was searching.

“Rank-9 Beasts?... Can I ask, why do you want to know about their location... child?” The Spirit did not immediately tell him the place but asked questions instead.

“Does it matter?” Ozul asked. From her personality, if she was really how she appeared to be, then she wouldn’t tell him their location if he revealed the real reason.

“... In truth, it does not matter...” The Spirit answered after a little while. Her image again flickered a little before she continued, “There is one... a few miles to the south... you will know when you get there.”

“Oh? Very well then.”

‘She isn’t so kind-hearted after all...’ Ozul thought that the reason she was so kind to him was probably because of the thing inside of her, telling her to respect him.

He was going to say something when the Spirit spoke first, “I think I should leave now... I hope you will find me if you find your answers?” The Spirit requested. She seemed really desperate to find the reason for her strange situation. Ozul did not blame her since anyone would be anxious when something was happening inside them without their knowledge.

Ozul was actually relieved that she had not decided to stick together with him. If she really planned to, then he wouldn’t have any choice as she was stronger.

So he nodded his head, and before he could do anything else, the Spirit disappeared. One moment, she was there, the other moment, there were only the lingering dark green particles that slowly dissipated.

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