Unsealing Emptiness

Chapter 254

Not because they would have to move their base, but because of the flood of requests that asked about the events that recently took place. Including the identity of the old man who had told everyone to relocate and if the Tournament of Egon somehow had any connection with it.

Due to their recent popularity, many large organizations and groups had also come to put their trust in them.

Only a few hours after Ozul and the team had come back to the headquarters, all the members started to get busy because of the huge number of requests they received. Irvin, Haley, and Oliver had it the worst because they didn’t know what information to reveal and what to not.

Fortunately for them, Ozul didn’t plan to leave all of this on their heads.

While Blaze and Raven needed a little rest, Ozul arrived on the 7th floor where all the high-ranking officials of the Three-Eyed Strangers were gathered together and arranging everything.

When they noticed him entering, everyone left whatever they were doing and gave their respects simultaneously. Irvin and Haley followed suit before Haley asked him if he needed anything.


“No. Give me the detailed report. What is everyone asking for?” Hearing his question didn’t surprise the elite members as much as it delighted them.

Things would be much easier if the leader had personally decided to handle them.

Without wasting a second, everyone began to summarize their recent data as Haley began to explain things to Ozul.

In short, everyone wanted to know as much as possible about this event. And since the leader of the Three-Eyed Strangers was seen together with the old man who had made that announcement, they wondered what more he knew about the situation.

Ozul nodded his head in understanding. It was to be expected that people would think that he had more information on the matter since he had appeared together with that old man in the tournament.

After the news got out that even the Rank-10 Mages were forced to appear by the old man, this event spread like a wildfire, and even places thousands of miles away from the Neutral City caught the wind of it in a matter of hardly an hour!

Ozul calmly heard everything and once Haley had finished the most crucial points, he stood up, gaining everyone’s attention in the room.

“For a single Silver Coin, sell everything that I will state now,” Ozul said with a pause, making sure that Haley would carefully listen to his next words.

All the elite members, together with Irvin, and Oliver were surprised as to why Ozul wanted them to sell a piece of reliable information for just a single Silver Coin, but Haley didn’t question his orders. By now she had learned not to question his words before hearing all he had to say.

After he had her attention, Ozul started, “It is true. Evacuating the Neutral Lands was not a joke, and whoever remains here will also face the consequences. After those five years, there will be a competition that will probably be held in the Neutral Lands between some chosen people.”

Hearing his words caused variants of surprise and shocked expressions to appear on everyone’s faces. But then again, it was to be expected that their leader knew more inside information than any other.

Although the old man hadn’t said that there would be a competition directly, his words made it evident that it would be the case. He had said that a selected few would have the chance. Which meant that they would probably compete in something.

Then again, Old Gu’s words later had been really ambiguous. But Ozul dismissed them as him messing around with people to have his fun.

Old Gu had told everyone to evacuate the Neutral Lands, and even mentioned that they needed to go even past the Desolate Borders. Combining with the fact of how unnatural that barren field surrounding the Neutral Lands was and how there would be a competition, Ozul guessed that it could be held in the Neutral Lands.

Of course, there were chances that he was wrong and that is why he made sure to be vague about that part.

“Whoever would be chosen, and whoever isn’t, depends on that old man. As for if all these things had anything to do with the Tournament of Egon? The answer is no.”

These few sentences were all Ozul had to say. And just as he ended, Haley was the first one to ask why they were only going to sell it for a single Silver Coin.

“It doesn’t matter. If you sell it for Gold Coins, ordinary people in the Neutral Lands would never buy it, and they will instead just choose to believe what all the big factions would be telling them. If it is affordable by almost everyone in the Neutral Lands, the loss of lowering the price would be filled easily,” Ozul tried to explain in simple terms.

This method was only applicable because of how important it was to everyone at this time. But even then, he had another motive for doing this.

“Since we are already being so generous with this, add another note to whoever buys this information,” Ozul spoke as he smiled inside his mind.


The people in the room tilted their heads in confusion. For some reason, it felt to them as if their leader was amused, but his face was as vacant as ever, so it was rather difficult for them to determine if it was true.

“What type of note?” Haley asked with confusion written on her face. This was the first time that they would be adding a note with their information.

“Don’t just announce it forcefully to everyone. But first, inform them that you also have a piece of free information with the previous one about what had transpired in the tournament. They can hear it if they want to,” Ozul specified how he wanted them to spread this.

Of course, whoever bought the information about the old man’s incident wouldn’t just refuse and leave without getting something that was completely free.

Haley nodded her head, so he continued, “That last participant from the Church of Light; he is in an almost-dead state right now because of the continuous use of the medicines provided by the Church. Although it gave him a great boost in strength, the negative side effects are now in front of everyone’s eyes.”

The moment he ended his sentence, a few members’ faces turned ashen.

Adding this note was simply yelling that they were making enemies with the Church of Light!

Even if before they could have thought about this, now that they knew they had a Rank-10 ancestor, it would only be suicidal of them if they followed along!

And they didn’t even know what they would get out of spreading these words either.

Even Haley stuttered, “B-but... young master, why-”

Before she could ask her question, Ozul interrupted her, “The Church will not take any actions against the organization, don’t worry.”

His words caused most of them to sigh a relief. They would previously hold doubts, but after so many unexpected events, they had no choice but to put their trust in him.

Just when they had thought that they would be dismissed now, Ozul spoke, “Also, the Emperor of the Silverbird Kingdom, Luthien is dead. If people ask why I killed him even after proclaiming that we are a neutral faction, tell them that Silverbird Kingdom’s Emperor ambushed me when I was only passing. He wouldn’t listen to any reason, so I had no other choice.”

These words, although half untrue, caused everyone’s face to turn blank which was followed by visible astonishment.

‘What?! You killed the Emperor of Silverbird Kingdom after only disappearing for a single day!?’

Such were the thoughts running through all of their heads as they gulped a mouthful of saliva. Even Haley and Oliver only now understood why Ozul wanted to know more about the formations of the Silverbird Kingdom’s Royal Palace.

While everyone was worrying over how this would negatively affect the organization in the future, Oliver was tittering to himself in the corner of the room.

‘Heh... Who would have thought the kid I met that day would one day become so strong,’ Oliver mused to himself.

Others ignored his weird behavior and before Haley could point out her worries, Ozul left the room without going deep into explanations.

After he went out, Haley sighed heavily and felt a whole different kind of headache coming not so far in the future.

Irvin noticed how everyone was worrying over Ozul’s words.

“What are all of you doing? Get back to work. Do you think young master, who so casually killed Emperor Luthien, would have no reason to do so?” Irvin used a strict tone which caused all of them to straighten their slumped backs and start working.

After that, Irvin neared his wife and held her hand, “Why are you worrying so much when even young master isn’t? He has his reasons for doing things that he does. Even then, has he ever made a stupid decision?”

Haley shook his head, but she wasn’t worried about that. It was just that she didn’t know how things would turn out from here on out, and not having a complete grasp over their situation bothered her to no end.

“Everything will be fine. And didn’t you notice that young master has gotten one of his arms back?”

Irvin hugged Haley and diverted her attention from the worries of the chaotic future.

‘Hm... young master’s other arm is probably in the hands of the Church of Light,’ Irvin contemplated with Haley still in his embrace as both of them enjoyed this short moment of peace, momentarily forgetting that they were not alone in the room.

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