Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 52 - Home

He was home.

Behind him the males were gathering, trembling with anticipation and nerves, calling for him to come—some challenging, but most offering simple greetings, the yearning to reunite. He turned to face them and his eyes stung.

So many faces he knew… and so many faces missing. Ignoring the grief, Zev focused on the thrill of returning to his true family, and threw back his head and howled. His pack called in return—some of the other Chimera calling their greetings, as well. Then he dove into the fray.

It had been so long since he\'d been free with his people—over three years—and for a moment, it was sheer bliss to simple wallow in his pack, to smell and be smelled, to rub bodies and faces, to take each other\'s breath.

Zev laughed as someone rolled him, and suddenly it was a pile, males leaping in, rolling and twisting in their excitement to get close. He was bruised and winded, excited and happy.

He heard his name bouncing around in the air, but didn\'t really register it until a specific voice, resonant, but cracked with strain, called for him.


Shaking with joy, Zev pushed the males off that were trying to pin him and stood to find his oldest, dearest friend and packmate, Jhon, beaming at him.

Jhon was the sun\'s light to Zev\'s midnight dark. The older females in the pack had always claimed the two grew up so close because they were so polar opposite in every way that they never challenged each other\'s territory.

Zev didn\'t know if that was true—Jhon was almost as dominant as he was—but the golden wolf was, without doubt, his favorite person in the world aside from Sasha. He had missed his friend terribly.

"Jhon!" he cried and rushed forward, clasping the male\'s neck with his hand and pulling him in, as Jhon returned the gesture and they touched, rubbing faces and feeling each other\'s strength, inhaling each other\'s breath and scent.

It was sheer joy to reach out with his mind and find his friend there. I have missed you, brother!

You left a hole in our hearts, Zev. I\'m so glad you\'re back.

They embraced and Zev swallowed the pinch of tears in his throat. But there was no time for emotion, because there were still so many to greet, to scent, and to be measured by.

Much as his heart sang to be back in this world and among his pack, Zev knew this was only the calm before the storm. Even as the males scented him and affirmed him to themselves, even as they sent their conviction to the pack mind, bouncing back and forth with his name and the confirmation of his scent, wolf-by-wolf, still the tension rose with every question answered.

His pack wanted him back, but weren\'t supposed to. And his reappearance created a conflict of loyalties for them that they did not want to face. So their joy was marred by their fear.

And their fear set Zev\'s teeth on edge. Why would his people fear their leader? The Alpha should be their protector. A disciplinarian when needed, sure. But an object of fear? Never! It was the Alpha\'s strength that kept them safe...

A moment later, as the packs finally began to settle, and the other Chimera had their chances to touch and scent him, the tingle of nerves began in Zev\'s belly.

No matter the tensions, they were glad he was back. They had missed him. But now he would have to pay for the wounds he had left with his absence.

Slowly, slowly the last of the Chimera—and they were almost entirely male, Zev saw with growing despair. He had hoped the impressions his friends gave were exaggerated. A negative view of a real problem. But he saw that in fact, they hadn\'t fully described the depth of the problem.

He counted five females. Likely there were a handful more out in the fields or hunting. But even so…

What had happened? What were the humans doing, killing his people like this?

Everything he\'d seen, everything he\'d been told had always pointed to the humans desire to increase the Chimera. For fuck\'s sake, they\'d turned him into a stud for that purpose! So why were they allowing these people to be ripped apart?

What was the purpose?

Zev resolved to find out. After he figured out how to get through this without dying. And without losing Sasha. That had to be his priority right now. But he would figure this out, and return his people to the place where they could thrive. He was certain of it. It was why he\'d been made.

Then he turned from an embrace from an old goat, and found that there were no more Chimera waiting to greet him.

He beamed to all of them standing around him. "It is so wonderful to see you again!" he cried, and they called back their joy.

But their cries cut off when a deep, ragged voice, hoarse with an old injury, pierced the bubble of joy and excitement.

"What a momentous day… Zev is returned."

Zev stomach trilled and every muscle in his body tensed.

The babble of voices and animal calls cut off like it had been snipped with scissors. Zev turned, careful to keep his face blank while around him, as if they were on strings, every Chimera—even Jhon—took a knee.. To a male, they dropped their heads and saluted, shuffling out of the way to leave a clear path to Zev for Xar, the scarred and embattled Tiger who had just prowled into the clearing.

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