Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 79 - Speak

When Zev finally released him, both of them were bleeding. He shook his head, carefully not moving his left arm due to the ribs he thought might be cracked from a powerful kick Hedin had landed on his side.

The male hadn\'t shifted to wolf form to fight, which was a good sign that he didn\'t truly want to see Zev defeated. But he\'d fought like a whirlwind with fangs and for the first time Zev was nervous about his ability to get through the wolfpack and challenge Lhars in the few days needed. Especially if he\'d already cracked a rib.

He had thought about Skhal\'s comment, though, and left his shoes deep in the forest. His feet weren\'t as calloused as they used to be, but the tougher his opponent, the less opportunity he could afford to give.

He stood over the male who had slumped, his eyes and chin low. "You got me nervous there," he said quietly. "I don\'t want to bite out your throat, Hedin, but I\'ll do it if I have to."

The male shook his head, his chest still heaving. "There\'s no need," he growled, then spat a mouthful of blood on the ground, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "I can\'t give you a free pass because the wolves above me won\'t see you if I do. But more of them are rooting for you than you might think," he said quietly, his eyes sliding up to make sure Zev was paying attention before he returned them to the ground.

"That\'s reassuring," Zev replied, watching him closely. "The question is… why would the wolf pack root for an Alpha who left, over one who is present?"

"It isn\'t your brother they want to see dethroned, it\'s the Tiger."

Zev rolled his jaw. "I hear that Lhars submits to the Tiger."

Hedin snorted. "Lhars doesn\'t submit to anyone. You know that."

"And yet, he gladly ran off to the tell the King I was here and kick off this shitshow which he apparently anticipated."

"He anticipated it because he wants to see Xar off balance."

Zev huffed. "Now I know you\'re lying."

Hedin shook his head and spat again. "Lhars is raging mad at you, and will kick your ass if he gets the chance. But he\'s never denied that you were a better King than this aging sack of bitter selfishness."

"Then why is he keeping Xar happy, instead of challenging him himself?" Zev folded his arms to give some support to that rib without making it obvious.

Hedin\'s head snapped back and his eyes narrowed. "Haven\'t they told you?"

"Told me what? When? I walked into the village and was greeted, then immediately confronted by Xar and cast out. No one\'s had any time to tell me anything."

"Didn\'t Dunken meet you on the trail?"

"Yes. He told me that Xar was Alpha, and warned me that I\'d be facing discipline. He talked through how the females were taken and that Xar is submitting to the humans. But then we ran into Lhars. And Lhars wasn\'t giving an inch."

Hedin raked a hand through his hair, then winced, grabbing at his own ribs.

Zev had gotten in some kicks of his own.

When the wolf didn\'t immediately respond, Zev continued. "I did hear one theory… that the humans might be using Xar\'s mate and offspring as leverage. But I don\'t see how that could be used against Lhars since he isn\'t mated."

"That might be true about Xar, I don\'t know," Hedin admitted. "What I do know is that Lhars licks the dirt off Xar\'s shoes publicly, but when the wolves are alone, it\'s a very different picture."

Zev raised an eyebrow. "Lhars is a coward?"

Hedin shook his head. "We\'ve been instructed to put away far more clothing, resources, and food for the winter than we ever were in the past—and not to share the locations of our dens around Thana. There\'s discussion of returning to the City, or perhaps even establishing another village somewhere else entirely."

"A mutiny?" Zev breathed.

"No, a defection. Removing the wolves, but keeping them intact and isolated."


"There\'s been no order. No actual instruction for it. Only preparations that clearly point in that direction."

Zev watched the male carefully, inhaling his scent, to measure him for honesty. The problem was, the wolves were so accustomed to strategy and cunning, it was often difficult to discern truth from lies when even the truth could be used as a weapon.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked finally.

Hedin held his gaze for a moment—not a challenge, but measuring him. "I told you, you have more support than you likely expect."

"And you\'ve had time to gather input from enough wolves since this morning to know that?"

"No. I\'ve been present for the past three years when you weren\'t," Hedin shot back. Then he looked down again before he spoke again. "If you hadn\'t left secretly, allowed the hierarchy to implode, you would have been heralded at the gates today. As it is, everyone knows that you have not earned the casting out. Xar may have intended to weaken you, but for those not intimidated by his strength, he risks strengthening his enemies. But it\'s possible he\'s too far gone in the darkness to even realize it," Hedin said regretfully.

"So he truly is mourning?"

"He doesn\'t believe she\'s dead. But she was taken in the first wave—while Hedin fought to defend his dominance. He has seethed with anger ever since. You were an easy scapegoat when you were absent—though apparently while you\'re here, as well. He does not rule by the traditions anymore. He claims the Creator has abandoned us and we have to make our way alone."

Zev\'s eyebrows shot up. "Xar speaks against the Creator?"

"Xar has… things have gotten ugly, Zev. The tiger you knew no longer exists. He doesn\'t even make an appearance after the medicine anymore. He only stops raging for a time—but he\'s become… he enjoys inflicting pain," Hedin said, his voice hushed, as if the forest might have ears.

Zev frowned. Sadists were rare among the Chimera and generally only found among those who had become mentally imbalanced. But Xar had always been very steady. If he\'d become cruel, what had changed?

"And Lhars licks his feet?" Zev growled.

Hedin shook his head. "Your brother makes the Tiger believe he is submitted, but I\'m telling you, Zev, the Chimera a boiling pot of resentments and fear. Your arrival could not be more timely. I fear where this will take us if someone doesn\'t return order and remove the influence of the humans. We have already lost most of our females and offspring. There are not very many steps to be taken before the males turn on each other and we simply cease to exist."

Stunned silent, Zev thought of what he\'d been put through over the past three years and suddenly, things clicked into place.

His own story took on an entirely new color and texture… and sense of dread.

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