Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 247 - No Good In Goodbye

Then the wolves reached the cave and he\'d watched through their eyes as she farewelled Yhet and Dunken. He\'d found grim pleasure in the fear on Nick\'s face, and his tension when Ernie came close.

But he had eyes only for Sasha. And when she walked—of her own free will—into the dark cave at Nick\'s side, his stomach turned over. He thought he might be sick.

The pain powder he\'d been given began to creep up on him then. The burning in his side eased just a hair, but with that tiny relief came a measure of drowsiness as well. Zev set his teeth and gripped the furs, scratching at Sasha\'s mind again and again, muttering under his breath, pleading for her to give.

And then with no warning, suddenly she was there again, turned to him in her mind, her nerves at a peak.


He didn\'t even wait. He could feel her shaking, her shock.

Sasha! Stop. You don\'t have to do this. You can\'t do this.

I have to, Zev. You know I do. This is exactly what we talked about. I\'m just… I\'m scared. I\'m weak. I\'m afraid of losing you. That\'s all. I know I\'m doing the right thing. Please… stop trying to stop me. Just… be here with me for a second before I step in, okay?

You\'re at the gateway? What\'s Nick doing?

He\'s… he\'s already gone.

Zev blinked in shock. He\'s gone… and he left you there? Alone?


Everything in chest swelled and he sucked in a breath. THEN GET OUT. Leave, Sasha! Run back now, to me! We\'ll send someone—

No, Zev. He\'s going to stop the team. They\'re on their way. And they aren\'t coming to make friends. They need to know that they still have some power here. Even Yhet and Dunken didn\'t think he was lying about that. I have to show up so they won\'t come through. But… I\'m leaving the wolves here—Jhon\'s in the lead—to stop them, just in case. Just in case he\'s tricking us.

Zev snarled, gnashing his teeth. If he\'d been in full health he would have shifted and run, heedless of her warnings.

Nick was fooling them all this time!

I have to go, Zev. Please… hug me for a second. Please.

Her voice was tiny and breathless in his head and he almost broke. Teeth gritted and body a plank of tension, he had enough clarity to realize this was his last chance. He could fight her until the moment she stepped through. Or he could be with her now. Hold her…

With a whine of grief, he sent her an image of himself, and her. She stood as she always had, facing the world boldly. And he placed himself at her back. But he wanted her to know… needed her to see.

As Sasha sighed his name, he showed himself wrapping around her, his head dropping to her hair, his arms around her, curling himself around her until she almost couldn\'t be seen and he stood between her and the world.

You\'re mine, Sash. Only mine, he panted.

Yes. I know. You\'re… you\'ve always wanted to protect me, Zev. I\'m so grateful. I get it now, what you were doing all that time. Now it\'s my turn. If I do this, we can protect the rest of them. Together. We\'re going to do this, Zev. If he lies to me, if I\'m not back in two days, you get healed, then you come get me, okay?

I love you, Sasha. Please be safe. I can\'t do this without you.

You won\'t have to, she sobbed. I love you, too. So much. We\'re going to do this, Zev. We\'re going to free them. And ourselves. Forever.

He reached for her with his heart, preparing to take one more shot at convincing her, but then the image in his mind… shifted.

Sasha took the image he\'d given her and she changed it—turning in his arms, her arms snaking around his waist. She lifted her chin and laid her lips on his neck, kissing him—and she let him feel how she ached for him.

Zev\'s body responded immediately and he cried out, gripping his hair in his fists. Sasha, please! Don\'t… don\'t cut me off again. If you\'re going, take me with you as long as you can.

He felt her try to swallow her nerves. Okay.

There was a pregnant pause, then he felt her stroke his mind as if she cupped his face. I love you Zev. I\'m going now.

Did Nick explain about the gateway? He asked desperately.

Yes. Don\'t worry. I know I have to be focused and determined. That\'s the only part of this I\'m sure about. I know where I need to go, Zev. I\'m certain of that part. I just… pray that I can do what we need to get done when I\'m there.

He shuddered in fear. But knew there was no point trying to talk her out of it. He needed to stay with her as long as he could.

The back of the cave, he whispered. It looks solid, but it\'s the gateway.

I know. I watched Nick go through.

She showed him what she could see then. The dusty, dark back wall of the cave that looked normal and dirty… but that would shimmer into nothing when she stepped through it. He saw her thoughts—the hopes she had that Nick\'s story was completely true and she\'d be back in a couple days. The fears she had that she\'d be met with police and weapons when she got to the other side.

I will come for you, Zev vowed, growling. If he takes you—

Don\'t think about that, Zev. Just think about… think about healing, and about the day we\'re back together. All the ways we\'ll be together.

His breath caught as she sent him an image of herself, in his lap on that snowy afternoon—was that really only two days ago?

Okay, I\'m just stalling now, she admitted before he could say anything. I\'m going to step in. I\'m going to convince them that I\'m still working with them… and while I\'m there, I have to figure out how we can get the females out. This is the only way.

But they\'re going to keep you!

Then you need to heal fast and come get me. I\'m going now, okay?

Zev shaking, couldn\'t even make words. He sent her a deluge of images—his love, his body, his want for her, his fear—flashes of their lovemaking, of his memories of her sleeping… that bath.

And as she stepped forward, Sasha sent it all back. She took every image he sent and turned it, showed the memory to him from her perspective, full of love and adoration for him, heat, and hope.

As they held each others hearts and yearned, Sasha stepped into the wall and as Zev watched, the rock and vines of the cave gave way to the deep blue, shimmering glass that looked like rippled water, but felt like diamonds, the gateway rolling in a wave over her head and the tunnel lighted as if from within, drawing her forward.

Fear crackled through his veins and he sat up, gasping, sending with a force and desperation he\'d never had before. I love you, Sa—!

But she was gone.

Zev slumped back into the bed and howled.


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