Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 263 - The Spring

Outside, she was already beyond the building and into the clearing, heading towards her own home.

"Kyelle!" he called, "wait!"

She turned, surprised, but smiled when she saw him trotting up to fall in step with her. "What\'s going on, Lhars?" she asked easily.

She\'d always been easy with him—even at the worst of his conflicts with Zev, Kyelle had always remained a friend. Though she had an uncomfortable habit of trying to get them both to see each other differently.

And he\'d had to avoid her whenever her scent began to drench in her desire for his brother. It was just too painful.

But there was none of that now. Kyelle\'s eyes were on the forest at the other side of the clearing.

"Can I talk to you? It might take a few minutes," he said, his voice too tight. She was going to notice. But he hoped he could play it off as tension for Sasha and Zev.

Kyelle\'s brows popped up and she glanced over her shoulder, back towards the building where Zev lay, making it very clear she understood that whatever he wanted to say wasn\'t to be overheard by the others.

"I\'ll make time for whatever\'s needed, Lhars. If it\'s urgent… I\'m about to go bathe. I have a meeting with my Clan Council in an hour and I\'d like to preen before then, but if you need—"

"No, no. I need to bathe as well. But why don\'t we visit the spring? There\'s less likely to be others around."

Kyelle shrugged. "Sure. I don\'t mind."

Lhars\' heart beat faster. They\'d bathed together countless times—he\'d bathed with every Chimera in Thana at some point, except Sasha. But in recent years, seeing Kyelle naked had become a tantalizing pleasure—and torment. He hated himself for not being able to separate his feelings from this simple function. But every day his body ached for her more. He feared she might never accept the bond. Seeing her might be the only pleasure he ever enjoyed.

They gathered towels and soap from Kyelle\'s house, then walked quickly through the forest, beyond the usual bathing pools that would be so busy at this time of day, and further towards the Spring that was left for Alphas and officers, though few used it at this time of year because it was much cooler than the mineral pools.

Chimera lived in Thana sharing bathing and sleeping quarters as family groups and clans. There was no shame associated with nakedness in their culture—and it was the job of any Chimera who felt sexual attraction to another to keep themselves in check when the object of their interest was vulnerable. The Chimera sought the bond instinctively, but would not join their bodies until an agreement had been reached.

As they reached the bank of the Spring and Kyelle began to remove her clothing—quickly, efficiently, with no guile—Lhars knew she thought nothing of him seeing her naked. He knew it hadn\'t crossed her mind that his body might burn for her. But if he allowed himself to think about her skin revealed, his desire would spike and she would smell it on him.

It wasn\'t uncommon for males to become aroused during bathing, but among their people it was viewed as simple function of their bodies. As long as the male made no unwanted advances—or if he displayed first, if he was requesting the female—no one would think twice about it. Including Kyelle, even though she was the only female present for him.

Perhaps because she was on the only female present.

Unable to resist looking just a little, he turned in time to find her folding her leggings. His eyes followed the line from her shoulder—the skin paler there where it had been covered by her furs all winter, than on her face which still saw the sun. As always, she stole his breath with her simple elegance—her movements soft and feminine in a way that he couldn\'t describe or identify, only… feel the difference.

Watching her folding her clothing, put him in mind of his own den, and if she were there. He tried to imagine the simple, stylish touch she would add to his home. To him. His heart ached again.

Then Kyelle turned to place her clothing on a tree stump and he noticed her holding them carefully over the scars on her lower abdomen. Saw her hesitate before she put them down. It was a moment for her, every time. To reveal those scars to the light.

His stomach clenched in grief and compassion.

Kyelle knew she was a beautiful female. But she also knew most males would choose a fertile female as their mate. It hurt her every time she thought of it.

But she was also strong. So it was only a moment before she placed the clothing on the stump and turned for the water, her skin already pebbling with goosebumps in the cool air. Lhars rushed to get his own leggings off and tossed them onto a bush along with his jacket, following her quickly as his body began to twitch and reveal itself, praying he\'d get under the water before she noticed.

The water was much colder here. The spring fed on one end by a small waterfall, and on the other by mineral springs boiling up from under the earth. The mix of fresh and mineral water was a touch too cold for winter, and a touch too warm for summer. But Lhars didn\'t care. As Kyelle waded into the deeper water and her body responded to the warm-but-not-hot water, her nipples prickling to fierce peaks, he knew he needed a moment, so dived into the water completely, hearing Kyelle shriek at the splash. But he stayed under, stroking along under the surface several times before popping up almost on the opposite bank.

Kyelle had sunk down to her shoulders in the water, but there was drops of water sparkling in her hair where he\'d splashed her. She smiled, her cheeks pink with the cold.

"What are you up to?" she laughed. But when Lhars didn\'t smile, just stared, her face suddenly became very serious. "Lhars? What\'s wrong?"

Lhars swallowed.. Hard.

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