Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 317 - Too Many, Too Much

Dragging his fingers through his hair, he took a deep breath. He needed to be calm. He needed to lead with confidence.

He needed to not bite out the throats of his own people.

On every side, males milled around, some still carrying their travel bags because of the conflicts around housing and positions and…

"…we have all been absent! We should be returning to our clans and positions as they were when we left!"

"Our numbers have changed—and the hierarchy. Tigers don\'t carry the honor of the Alpha anymore!"

"They didn\'t when we left the City, either!"

"Everything was messed up then. We\'d all moved what, three times before the females were taken? We should return to the positions we had when Zev was last Alpha!"

Zev growled. Creator\'s fang, he was going to kill someone, actually kill someone if they didn\'t all grow up.

Turning on the spot because he was hemmed by frustrated males on every side, Zev found Jhon squatting, his back to one of the buildings nearby, watching.

His best friend had always been quiet—unlikely to speak in a group. But clearly the Chimera needed more of his calm wisdom.

Pushing between the two males arguing in front of him, Zev walked to stand in front of Jhon, who saw him coming and stood, sympathy on his face.

"What have they been doing for the past three days?" Zev growled.

"This," Jhon. "But it got worse yesterday. I think before that everyone thought it would only be a matter of time. But yesterday the wolves drew a line and declared their territory, and the Goats got stampy about it. Then the Tigers… well, you can see."

Zev shook his head and turned to face the males who were still arguing, but had started to file after him, waving their hands and pointing as their agitation rose.

"They\'re like children," he muttered.

"I\'ll admit, I fear it\'s worse than that, Zev. This reminds me of the time before Xar\'s dominance was established. What it was like just before the females were taken from this. They become consumed and then… nothing else even registers. You can\'t let them go that route again."

Zev sucked in a long, deep breath. He hadn\'t been thinking it was that serious. He\'d been so focused on getting Sasha back, on healing so that he could, he hadn\'t considered that she might return to a broken hierarchy and…

No. Absolutely not. He wouldn\'t let her down. And he wouldn\'t let the people drag themselves into chaos. If she had any success in bringing the females back, they needed to return to strength and security. Not the males all at each other\'s throats.

"Call an audience," he said abruptly.

Jhon\'s brows popped up. "When, right now?"

"Yes. Right now. Don\'t give them any more time to rile themselves up. They\'re getting lost in petty conflicts when we have much, much bigger fish to fry right now. Spread the word. I\'ll find Lhars and Dunken and tell them to do the same, then join me in the square."

Jhon whistled, but when Zev met his eyes, his handsome friend just raised his hands. "You\'re raising the stakes, that\'s all. Are you sure you\'re up to it if they challenge you?"

"I don\'t have a choice. They\'ve seen my weakness. That\'s why this is happening. Now they need to see my strength. Call an audience, Jhon. Right now."

His friend clasped his arm and leaned in to share scent, then trotted off, presumably to find the largest gatherings and begin there.

Zev turned towards the square and started across the courtyard. The males trailed in his wake, but he turned on them with a snarl. All four stopped hard, blinking or jaw\'s dropping, but quickly submitted when they scented the edge in him.

"This argument is petty and juvenile. And it\'s my fault that it has started in the first place. Gather your packs and herds, gather the flocks. We\'re meeting in the square and I will establish this hierarchy once and for all. You\'ll all have your homes today, and you will not bring this to me again!"

The males, all of them high ranking in their clans, submitted, but looked at each other suspiciously. Zev snarled again.

"You are brothers and allies—our common enemy is the humans and their plans, their interference. If we can\'t find our way through a simple relocation together we\'ll never defeat them. So turn your heads and open your sight-blind eyes, brothers. This is our chance to give to each other for the good of all. Shift your hearts and minds to that and we\'ll succeed."

While they were still chewing on that, he turned on his heel and left them, praying they\'d reconsider their positions with each other.

He darted through the milling clusters and gatherings of males who, despite the much greater size of the City than the village, had been keeping themselves close to the center. Whether out of fear, or because they felt uncertain in their positions, Zev didn\'t know. But he knew he had to fix it, and it had to be today. He wasn\'t leaving Sasha in the human world a moment longer than necessary—and he wasn\'t allowing the hierarchy to collapse in her absence.

Anyone who stopped him or tried to talk to him, he told them sharply that they were gathering for an audience in the square and to bring their questions there. Then he kept walking, weaving between groups and following the scent trails, trying to find his brother.

He finally spied him squatting next to a cook fire with a few of the other high-ranking wolves, obviously discussing the problems they saw in the males around them. He came to a stop in front of them, and all of them went silent and looked to him.

"I\'m calling an audience," he said softly.

Lhars\' eyes sparked—concern, or ambition? Zev still wasn\'t sure. He prayed it was concern.

"The hierarchy is at risk. You all should have told me. Should have warned me. I was needed here earlier."

"We really didn\'t see it happening until yesterday. And you were still weren\'t cleared," Lhars said quietly.

Zev locked eyes with him. "Next time there\'s any threat to the rankings—any at all—you tell me first, if I\'m gasping my last breath. Do you understand me?"

Lhars nodded slowly, and the males around him submitted.

Zev took a breath. "We\'re going to sort this out right now. Tell everyone. Lhars, you and the other Alphas and Dunken join me on the stage."

Then he stalked away looking for Dunken.


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